Lediga jobb som Data/IT i Sandviken

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Logility ETL Development and Support Specialist

At Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, we’re now looking for a dedicated Development and Support Specialist for integrated business planning to join our dynamic team. Welcome to an exciting role with great opportunities to drive improvements in a global environment that allows you to grow and develop! About your job In this position, you’re responsible for developing, maintaining and supporting ETL processes within the Logility platform. In close collaborat... Visa mer
At Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, we’re now looking for a dedicated Development and Support Specialist for integrated business planning to join our dynamic team. Welcome to an exciting role with great opportunities to drive improvements in a global environment that allows you to grow and develop!
About your job
In this position, you’re responsible for developing, maintaining and supporting ETL processes within the Logility platform. In close collaboration with cross-function teams, you ensure data integrity, optimize performance and support business operations. You monitor and troubleshoot ETL processes for data accuracy and reliability, as well as optimize ETL performance for efficient data flow. You determine systems software design requirements, considering scalability, security, accessibility and extendibility. Suggesting solutions and functionality to business partner is part of your job, as is providing technical assistance to the applications developer team.
Responsibilities include:
Collaborate with business analysts and stakeholders to translate data requirements into technical specifications.
Provide support and maintenance for existing ETL processes.
Document ETL processes and maintain comprehensive technical documentation.
Stay updated with the latest Logility features and best practices.

The preferred location for this position is close to our Rock Tools Division in Sandviken and we offer a hybrid work set-up, allowing you to combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology or a related field. You have proven experience in ETL development and support, preferably within Logility. You have knowledge of and database management, along with experience in data integration and data warehousing concepts. Experience with other ETL tools and platforms is beneficial, as is knowledge of IBP processes, supply chain management and related processes. Acting in a global environment calls for excellent skills in Swedish and English, both verbally and in writing.
You’re self-motivated with the ability to work both independently and collaboratively. Your strong communication and interpersonal skills enable you to effectively engage with others and build positive relationships. With problem-solving skills and analytical thinking, you tackle complex challenges and identify innovative solutions to achieve results.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Christian Tölle, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Cecilia Mickelsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 90 89
Erik Kjerf, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 36 72
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Gustaf Sjögren
How to apply
Send your application no later than February 20, 2025. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0075243.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, parts, service, digital solutions and sustainability-driving technologies for the mining and construction industries. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, loading and hauling, tunneling and quarrying. In 2023, sales were approximately 66 billion SEK with about 17,000 employees. Visa mindre

Sommarteknolog Sandvik Coromant i Sandviken

Vill du vara med och ta tillverkningsindustrin till nästa nivå tillsammans med oss? Bakgrund och syfte På Sandvik Coromant har vi engagerat oss i den digitala världen i många år och vi har digitala produkter tillgängliga på marknaden. Vi strävar efter att öka vår utveckling och våra produkter med funktionalitet samt göra dem lättillgängliga genom bland annat integration med andra system. Integration av teknik och teknologi är mycket viktigt för digitala pr... Visa mer
Vill du vara med och ta tillverkningsindustrin till nästa nivå tillsammans med oss?
Bakgrund och syfte
På Sandvik Coromant har vi engagerat oss i den digitala världen i många år och vi har digitala produkter tillgängliga på marknaden. Vi strävar efter att öka vår utveckling och våra produkter med funktionalitet samt göra dem lättillgängliga genom bland annat integration med andra system. Integration av teknik och teknologi är mycket viktigt för digitala produkter idag i en sammankopplad värld, det gäller även i tillverkningsindustrin. Därför arbetar vi aktivt med att förstärka integrationer mellan våra applikationer och andra system, framförallt inom CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing).
Tillsammans med oss bygger och levererar du användarvärde genom våra system som bygger på kundfeedback och vårt tillverkningskunnande. För att uppnå detta använder du dina färdigheter och samarbetar med teamet för att leverera moduler som uppfyller de behov och verksamhetsmål som har satts upp.
Vi integrerar vår domänkunskap i de produkter vi har idag genom att utveckla logik, modeller och algoritmer som implementeras i mjukvarumoduler. Huvudsakliga uppdraget går ut på att testa, utveckla och integrera modulerna i våra applikationer. Andra uppgifter är att testa och utveckla applikationerna som integrerats med CAM-programvara.
Din profil
Vi söker dig som studerar datavetenskap, maskinteknik eller liknande, eller har intressen inom objektorienterad programmering, gärna i C#, API-kunskap om programvara, 3D visualisering och modellering, eller grundläggande kunskaper om CAM. Eftersom vi arbetar i en global organisation så kommunicerar du bra på engelska – både skriftligt och muntligt. Du drivs av att lösa problem och älskar att lära dig nya saker.
Vår kultur
På Sandvik Coromant är vi övertygade om att mångfald leder till en bättre omgivning för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder. Hos oss ska du alltid känna att du kan var dig själv på jobbet. Vi vet att du då har störst möjlighet att nå din fulla potential och bidra till vår framgång. Var unik och behåll din nyfikenhet, det gillar vi! Kika in på vår hemsida, Facebook eller LinkedIn.
Sommarteknologperioden omfattar 8-10 veckor och påbörjas i mitten av juni.
Placeringsort är Sandviken.
För mer information om Sommarteknolog är du välkommen att kontakta:
Marko Stugbäck, [email protected], +46 (0)26 266161
Pontus Westlin, [email protected], +46 (0)26 266546
Heidi Pynnönen, Summer Recruitment, [email protected]
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 14e februari 2025. Job ID: R0074532.
För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HR Services på [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant är en del av Sandvik-koncernen och världsledande leverantör av verktyg, verktygssystem, service och know-how till metallbearbetningsindustrin. Genom nära samarbete med universitet och högskolor, omfattande investeringar i forskning och utveckling och starka partnerskap med våra kunder skapar vi unika innovationer och sätter nya produktivitetsstandarder. Sandvik Coromant äger över 1700 patent världen över, sysselsätter över 7700 anställda och finns representerat i 150 länder. Visa mindre

1st Line Support

Arbetsbeskrivning Brinner du för IT och att ge bra service? Vi söker nu en servicedeskmedarbetare till vår kund i Sandviken. Som first line support kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Du är första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden. I din roll har du kontakt med användare över hela världen. Denna roll är perfekt för dig som vill bygga på din kunskap och erfarenhet inom... Visa mer
Brinner du för IT och att ge bra service? Vi söker nu en servicedeskmedarbetare till vår kund i Sandviken.
Som first line support kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Du är första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden. I din roll har du kontakt med användare över hela världen.
Denna roll är perfekt för dig som vill bygga på din kunskap och erfarenhet inom IT-support. Arbetet kan vara förlagt dagtid, 2-skift eller 5-skift och 365dagar om året.
Som konsult hos Randstad är du anställd hos oss och jobbar ute hos någon av våra kunder. Du har samma fördelar hos Randstad som hos andra arbetsgivare med kollektivavtal och förmåner som friskvårdsbidrag, företagshälsovård, försäkringar och rabatt på träningskort. Utöver det erbjuds du även en mängd karriärmöjligheter, får möta olika företagskulturer och erfarenhet från olika branscher vilket gör att du utvecklar din kompetens och får ett välfyllt CV. Tjänsten kan innebära många kontakter och då är det viktigt att du är en lagspelare med god kommunikationsförmåga. Som person ser vi att du är noggrann, lösningsorienterad och med ett eget driv för att hjälpa företaget att utvecklas framåt. 
Uppdraget hos kund förväntas starta efter överenskommelse, men gärna så snart som möjligt. Uppdraget kan med för rätt person leda till ett långsiktigt jobb hos uppdragsgivaren.
Söker du en arbetsgivare som erbjuder varierande uppdrag och nya kontaktnät kommer du att trivas hos oss. Du ansöker på www.randstad.se, senast 2025-02-02. För mer information om rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta konsultchef Madeleine Scherling på [email protected].

Utreda IT-relaterade ärenden via telefon, mail och fjärrsupport
Logga samtal och mail i ärendehanteringssystemet
Stötta i frågor rörande teknisk utrustning och interna IT-system
Eskalera mer komplexa ärenden till 2nd eller 3rd line support

Erfarenhet av kundbemötande via telefon och mail
Har ett stort tekniskt intresse
Talar och skriver obehindrat på både svenska och engelska
Tillgänglig för arbete med kort varsel

Tidigare arbetat med liknande arbetsuppgifter

Om företaget

På Randstad vet vi att alla människor har en plats på arbetsmarknaden. Med verksamhet över hela landet och inom alla kompetensområden hjälper vi människor att hitta ett jobb som känns bra, och där de får möjlighet att växa, utvecklas och uppnå sin fulla potential.

Med närmare 600 000 anställda i 38 länder är Randstad världsledande inom HR-tjänster, med målsättningen att bli världens främsta och mest uppskattade partner på arbetsmarknaden. Genom att kombinera vår passion för människor med kraften i dagens teknologi hjälper vi människor och företag att uppnå deras fulla potential. Vi kallar det Human Forward. Visa mindre

Fabric Platform Architect

Do you want to be part of a journey where you get to make a true difference and develop our organization? At Sandvik Group IT, we're currently looking for an experienced Fabric Platform Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance to develop yourself – both personally and professionally! About your job In this position, you play a pivotal role in designing, implementing and governing Microsoft... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of a journey where you get to make a true difference and develop our organization? At Sandvik Group IT, we're currently looking for an experienced Fabric Platform Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance to develop yourself – both personally and professionally!
About your job
In this position, you play a pivotal role in designing, implementing and governing Microsoft Fabric platform solutions. You analyze business requirements and translate them into technical specifications, as well as ensure the integration of solutions with existing data systems and infrastructure. Collaborating with teams to align governance strategies with platform scalability and performance requirements is an important part of your job. To create seamless workflows, you also provide guidance on integrating Microsoft Fabric with enterprise tools such as Azure and Databricks. Naturally, you stay informed about advancements in the platform and related technologies to enhance governance and platform strategies.
Included in your job is also to:
Define and enforce policies for data security, privacy and access controls within the Fabric environment.
Collaborate with stakeholders to establish guidelines for data cataloging, lineage and lifecycle management.
Oversee the governance of metadata, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and traceability across the platform.
Provide guidance on the design and architecture of Microsoft Fabric solutions tailored to enterprise needs.
Implement monitoring and auditing solutions to track platform performance and governance adherence.
Conduct periodic reviews to identify and mitigate potential risks related to governance, performance, and security.

The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with experience working with both IT and business users where you’ve translated business requirements into cohesive data solutions. To be successful in this role, we also believe that you understand data security and information governance guidance, as well as a solid understanding of Python programming.
Experience in the following is also a requirement:
Extensive experience in designing, implementing, and governing Microsoft Fabric solutions.
Strong understanding of data governance frameworks, security policies, and compliance standards.
Proven experience working with cloud and hybrid infrastructure, particularly Azure.
Hands-on experience with Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, Power BI, and other Microsoft Fabric components.
Basic understanding of Databricks, including integration with Microsoft Fabric and Azure.
Expertise in developing and implementing governance policies across enterprise platforms.
Deep knowledge of Microsoft Fabric architecture, metadata management, and data lineage.
Strong proficiency in scripting and automation (PowerShell, Python, etc.).
Familiarity with security best practices and identity management within the Microsoft ecosystem.

In this role, you manage lots of details and information, which calls for structured ways of working and excellent problem-solving skills. You’re technically interested, and you can work independently as well as in a team – communicating and cooperating effectively with others. Acting in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in English.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Christian Graseman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70-829 80 65.
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Malena Rackner, Unionen, +46 (0)70 242 33 90
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Therese Rutqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than January 26th, 2025. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073842.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

1st line servicedeskmedarbetare till vår kund i Sandviken

Drivs du av problemlösning och att ge service av bästa kvalitet? Vill du dessutom arbeta på ett internationellt företag där du får dela dina kunskaper och erfarenheter med kollegor över hela världen? Då är detta tjänsten för dig! Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag! OM TJÄNSTEN Som servicedeskmedarbetare är du första ... Visa mer
Drivs du av problemlösning och att ge service av bästa kvalitet? Vill du dessutom arbeta på ett internationellt företag där du får dela dina kunskaper och erfarenheter med kollegor över hela världen? Då är detta tjänsten för dig! Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag!

Som servicedeskmedarbetare är du första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden. Rollen innebär kontakt med användare både i och utanför Sverige och arbetet sker i tvåskift med arbetstider mellan 07.00-23.00.
Arbetet inom 1st-line support följer ofta tydliga rutiner, vilket gör denna roll perfekt för dig som vill bygga på din kunskap och erfarenhet inom IT-support.

Du erbjuds
- En spännande roll på ett globalt företag där du har erfarna kollegor att ta inspiration av
- En utvecklande roll för dig som vill bygga på din erfarenhet inom IT



* Utreda IT-relaterade ärenden via telefon, mail och fjärrsupport
* Logga samtal och mail i ärendehanteringssystemet
* Stötta användare i frågor rörande teknisk utrustning och interna IT-system
* Skicka vidare de mer komplexa ärendena till 2nd eller 3rd line support

- Har erfarenhet av kundbemötande via mail och telefon
- Har ett stort tekniskt intresse och vilja att arbeta med IT
- Är bekväm med att prata i telefon och trivs med att ha många kontaktytor
- Talar och skriver obehindrat på både svenska och engelska då det krävs i dokumentation samt i kontakt med kunder
För den här rollen ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetat med liknande arbetsuppgifter sedan tidigare och/eller har vana av att arbeta med hårdvara.

Kunskap kan erhållas genom utbildning, erfarenhet eller att vara självlärd.

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Målmedveten
- Ordningsam
- Ansvarstagande

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

Platform Architect

At Sandvik Coromant Data Office, we’re looking for a tech-savvy Platform Architect to join our dynamic and multi-cultural team. We offer you the opportunity to grow and develop while working with cutting edge technology and data platforms in an innovative and global environment. Shortly about the team The Data Office democratizes data, analytics, AI, and automation for all Sandvik Coromant teams through self-services, data literacy, and data products. We d... Visa mer
At Sandvik Coromant Data Office, we’re looking for a tech-savvy Platform Architect to join our dynamic and multi-cultural team. We offer you the opportunity to grow and develop while working with cutting edge technology and data platforms in an innovative and global environment.
Shortly about the team
The Data Office democratizes data, analytics, AI, and automation for all Sandvik Coromant teams through self-services, data literacy, and data products. We deliver pragmatic and inclusive digital solutions, organized in a federated way to ensure predictability and transparency. Our team of experts in data, analytics, automation, and AI is driven by a strong engineering spirit and a commitment to teamwork, leading by example in technology and product-driven methodologies. Welcome to us!
Your mission
Your primary responsibility is to evolve, operate and maintain our Data and Analytics (DAA) platforms, where you take responsibility for all architecture-related decisions and questions. You lead the technical maintenance and development of the platform, ensuring that technical decisions are cost-effective and compliant. Naturally, you stay updated with innovative technology developments to keep our platform fit for purpose. You work closely with our product owners, analysts, data architects and developers to successfully develop the DAA platforms.
Included in your responsibilities:
Translating the business requirements into fit-for-purpose architecture.
Ensure compliance, security, availability and responsiveness of the platform.
Taking ownership of the architecture roadmap.
Communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Take accountability to establish platform processes – enabling the diverse engineering team members to deliver within the platform.
Secure the architecture framework and support our Data Architect on the engineering framework.

The location for this position is preferably in Sandviken or Stockholm, other locations in Sweden could also be an option. We offer you a hybrid work solution.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with solid experience from a technology engineering role. You have proven hands-on experience with cloud computing service providers, preferably Microsoft Azure. Your previous assignments have also given you profound knowledge of Lakehouse technology and service providers, where knowledge of Databricks is a plus. We believe that your knowledge is backed by a relevant university degree. Acting in a truly global environment calls for fluency in English. Knowledge of Swedish is a plus.
Your personality makes us better! You’re a structured individual who always has the best interest of the business in mind. Creating trustworthy collaborations is one of your strengths, and you use your strong communication skills to share information and knowledge to increase our common expertise and reach our shared goals.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Jenny Lindroth, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)70-293 41 26, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use and decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union Contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Hanna Thomas
At Sandvik, we value work-life balance and due to the holidays, it may take a little bit longer until we reply in this process.
How to apply
Send your application no later than January 9th, 2025. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073145.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Projektledare produktion

Ansök    Dec 20    Syntronic AB    Projektledare, IT
Längs natursköna Högbovägen i Sandviken hittar du Syntronics växande produktionsbolag. För att möta framtiden med samma energi söker vi nu en projektledare som vill bli en viktig del av vår tillväxt och produktion. Som projektledare hos Syntronic får du möjligheten att ta ansvar för spännande kunduppdrag som sträcker sig över både utveckling och produktion. Du blir en nyckelperson i att driva projekten framåt och leda teamet mot gemensamma mål – hela väge... Visa mer
Längs natursköna Högbovägen i Sandviken hittar du Syntronics växande produktionsbolag. För att möta framtiden med samma energi söker vi nu en projektledare som vill bli en viktig del av vår tillväxt och produktion.
Som projektledare hos Syntronic får du möjligheten att ta ansvar för spännande kunduppdrag som sträcker sig över både utveckling och produktion. Du blir en nyckelperson i att driva projekten framåt och leda teamet mot gemensamma mål – hela vägen till en färdig produkt eller tjänst som vi kan vara stolta över. I nära samarbete med våra skickliga montörer och andra kollegor kommer du att skapa avancerade produkter av rätt kvalitet, med precision och i tid till kund.
I rollen som projektledare är dina förmågor avgörande för framgång: vi söker dig med ett starkt målfokus, en kommunikativ förmåga som engagerar såväl teamet som våra kunder, och en naturlig struktur i ditt arbetssätt.
Som projektledare kommer du att:
Driva projekt mot uppsatta mål samt säkerställa rätt kvalitet
Skapa och följa upp projektplaner samt projektbudgetar
På ett strukturerat sätt hålla leveransplaner och deadlines
Avrapportera till projektbeställaren
Medverka vid införsäljning och kalkylering av nya kundprojekt
Samordna projektdeltagare samt planering med parallella uppdrag.

Du kommer att arbeta och utvecklas i en internationell miljö tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor inom elektronik- och hårdvaruproduktion. Du kommer att vara anställd på Syntronics kontor i Sandviken.
Vi söker dig som:
Har en civil- eller högskoleutbildning inom relevant område eller har erfarenhet av projektledning inom teknikbranschen
Har minst 1 års erfarenhet av projektledning, produktion eller annat vi anser likvärdigt
Kan kommunicera på svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Personliga egenskaper
För att lyckas i rollen som projektledare hos oss på Syntronic behöver du ha förmågan att främja problemlösning och effektivitet tillsammans med ditt team. Ditt fokus är att möta våra kunders behov och frågor på ett professionellt sätt och säkerställer vår leverans. Som en del av vår ledningsfunktion krävs att du är positiv och affärsmässig, strukturerad, målmedveten och förtroendeingivande. Det är naturligt för dig att samarbeta och kommunicera både med projektmedlemmar och kunder. Syntronic erbjuder en trygg anställning i en dynamisk och framåtriktad miljö. Att vi är ett team är vår styrka, därför ser vi att du arbetar tillsammans på plats med oss på kontoret – när du inte behövs hos någon av våra kunder förstås!
Vi erbjuder
På Syntronic blir du en del av en härlig gemenskap där din röst hörs och dina idéer välkomnas. Vi erbjuder flexibla arbetstider, balans mellan arbete och fritid samt regelbundna karriärutvecklingssamtal och interna workshops för din utveckling. Utöver detta får du förmånliga förmåner och försäkringar. Hos oss får du inte bara ett jobb - du får en plats att växa och trivas både personligt och professionellt. Välkommen till Syntronic!
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan, som ska vara oss tillhanda senast 18 Januari. Vi arbetar med löpande urval och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag.
Av kommunikation- och kvalitetssäkringsskäl ber vi dig att skicka in din ansökan digitalt via vårt system och inte via e-post. Visa mindre

Product Owner - Data & Analytics

Ansök    Dec 19    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Systemförvaltare
Do you have a strong background of product ownership in the field of Data and Analytics? Are you a true team player who’s flexible and dedicated? Then you could be the right person to join our exciting journey! To strengthen Sandvik Coromant’s Data Office team and our agile, product-centric way of working, we’re looking for a Product Owner for our Data and Analytics offering to our business domain. Joining us in this exciting position, you’re one of the ke... Visa mer
Do you have a strong background of product ownership in the field of Data and Analytics? Are you a true team player who’s flexible and dedicated? Then you could be the right person to join our exciting journey!
To strengthen Sandvik Coromant’s Data Office team and our agile, product-centric way of working, we’re looking for a Product Owner for our Data and Analytics offering to our business domain. Joining us in this exciting position, you’re one of the key players in shaping and securing our offering to our whole organization!
Your future team
The Data Office drives democratization of data, analytics, AI and automation for all Sandvik Coromant teams through self-services, data literacy and data products. We deliver fit-for-purpose solutions, organized in a federated way to ensure predictability and transparency. Our team of experts in data, analytics, AI and automation is driven by a strong engineering spirit and a commitment to teamwork, leading by example in technology and product-driven methodologies.
Your mission
You take responsibility and ownership for the roadmap and backlog of defined domains – covering data products, features and enablers. To achieve this, you collaborate closely with stakeholders from the business lines, IT and the data office. You’re also responsible for the intake process of requirements, translation into epics, features and stories and together with our Scrum Master, you work to execute the outlined product roadmap for your domains.
In this exciting and challenging position, you have the following responsibilities:
Perform functional leadership of one or two product teams.
Management of the domain stakeholders and alignment of priorities and expectations.
Creation and maintenance of the product roadmaps.
Being accountable for the backlog.
Collaborate closely with the data analysts within your product team to secure fit-for-purpose requirements.
Accountable for a committed timeline within the Now-Next-Later-framework.
Act as our go-to-person for all stakeholders of the owned domain.
Accountable for the fulfillment of the definition of done for all epics within owned domains.
Accountable for the adoption of delivered data, analytics and AI products and all related aspects, such as training, improved prioritization and lifecycle management.

The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm. We offer you a hybrid work solution.
Your experience and skills
A minimum of three years’ experience in engineering and technology roles.
Proven experience in digital and data product lifecycle management (build, adapt, improve and sunset).
Proven expertise with cloud computing service providers – preferably Microsoft Azure.
Proven expertise with Lakehouse service providers – preferably Databricks.
Proven expertise with Scrum and supporting tools like Jira or DevOps.

Your personality makes all the difference! Embedded in a strong global team, you bring in your experience to shape and develop our offering and products and secure prioritization to balance short-term deliverables with long-term needs. You have a structured way of working and a humble approach. To interact with others energizes you, both internally and externally, and you use your excellent communication skills to create strong relationships.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Hanna Thomas, recruitment specialist, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Hiring Manager: Philipp Hess
At Sandvik Coromant, we value work-life balance and due to the holidays, it may take a little bit longer until we reply in this process.
How to apply
Send your application no later than January 22nd, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073957.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Scrum Master - Data & Analytics

Ansök    Dec 17    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Systemarkitekt
Are you a dedicated team player with a passion for data and analytics and excellent communication skills? Then you’re the right person to join our exciting journey! To strengthen Sandvik Coromant’s Data Office team and help them mature towards an agile product-centric way of working, we’re looking for an experienced Scrum Master. Joining us in this exciting position, you’re one of our key players to shape and secure our offering to the whole organization! ... Visa mer
Are you a dedicated team player with a passion for data and analytics and excellent communication skills? Then you’re the right person to join our exciting journey!
To strengthen Sandvik Coromant’s Data Office team and help them mature towards an agile product-centric way of working, we’re looking for an experienced Scrum Master. Joining us in this exciting position, you’re one of our key players to shape and secure our offering to the whole organization!
Your future team
The Data Office drives democratization of data, analytics, AI and automation for all Sandvik Coromant teams through self-services, data literacy and data products. We deliver fit-for-purpose solutions, organized in a federated way to ensure predictability and transparency. Our team of experts in data, analytics, AI and automation is driven by a strong engineering spirit and a commitment to teamwork, leading by example in technology and product-driven methodologies.
Your mission
You’re a key player to apply the agile methodology in practice and work closely with product owners to create a positive and rewarding collaboration for all members of the product teams. By taking ownership of all ceremonies and enforcing strict adherence to the agreed priorities to secure the committed sprint backlogs, you foster a common way of working based on your expertise in scrum methodology. You teach, advise and help us continuously improve agile practices in the teams and create a non-hierarchical and open culture of collaboration, transparency and trust!
In this exciting and challenging position, you have the following responsibilities:
Accountable and responsible for all ceremonies (stand-ups, sprint reviews, retrospectives, etc.).
Secure as high as possible utilization rate of the team's time/story points.
Foster the “health state” of the team, verifying that commitments, pace and quality are on track. I
Secure transparency to the organization on development and convey confidence.
Guide and support the Scrum team in agile practices; remove impediments to ensure smooth execution.
Teach, advise and continuously improve agile practices in the teams.
Participate in the Scrum Master community to drive consistent practices across the organization.

The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm. We offer you a hybrid work solution.
Your experience and skills

Two to five years of experience as a Scrum Master in a technology environment.
A Scrum Master certification.
In-depth knowledge of agile principles and flexibility to adapt your experience to evolving new environments.
Experience with large-scale software or data delivery for large organizations.
Experience with Azure DevOps and Azure technology development is an advantage.
Fluent in English, verbally and in writing.

Your personality makes all the difference! Embedded on a strong global team, you bring in your experience to shape and develop the team – creating a positive and non-hierarchal culture of collaboration based on transparency and trust. You have a structured way of working and a humble approach. To interact with others energizes you, both internally and externally, and you use good communication skills to create strong relationships.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Hanna Thomas, recruitment specialist, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Hiring Manager: Philipp Hess
At Sandvik Coromant, we value work-life balance and due to the holidays, it may take a little bit longer until we reply in this process.
How to apply
Send your application no later than January 12nd, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073709.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Devops-utvecklare till storföretag i närregionen

Vi söker systemutvecklare med passion för front-end utveckling som vill jobba på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen. Vill du jobba agilt i en dynamisk miljö som deployar kod varje vecka? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! OM TJÄNSTEN Som Devops-utvecklare är du en del av ett produktteam som hela tiden strävar efter att utvecklas. Ni kommer arbeta agilt vilket leder till många forum av diskussion, reflektion och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Många av dina ... Visa mer
Vi söker systemutvecklare med passion för front-end utveckling som vill jobba på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen. Vill du jobba agilt i en dynamisk miljö som deployar kod varje vecka? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Som Devops-utvecklare är du en del av ett produktteam som hela tiden strävar efter att utvecklas. Ni kommer arbeta agilt vilket leder till många forum av diskussion, reflektion och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Många av dina kollegor är seniora systemutvecklare som sitter på väldigt mycket kompetens du kan dra nytta och lärdomar av.

Du erbjuds
- En spännande, långsiktig och utvecklande roll på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen
- En dedikterad konsultchef från Academic Work som supportar och coachar dig i din karriär



Ditt arbete kommer utöver att koda bestå mycket av dagliga ceremonier såsom check-ins, synk med produktteam och synk med samtliga systemutvecklare inom avdelningen.

- Har en eftergymnasial examen inom IT/systemutveckling eller motsvarande vi bedömer likvärdig
- Har arbetslivserfarenhet av Angular
- Har goda kunskaper i HTML 5, CSS, Visual Studio samt Visual Studio code
- Är riktigt intresserad av front-end utveckling
- Goda kunskaper i Svenska och Engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har
- Arbetslivserfarenhet som systemutvecklare

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Prestigelös
- Nyfiken
- Orädd
- Anpassningsbar

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

Solution Engineer - Directory Services

At Sandvik Group IT, we’re on a journey towards a more secure and innovative future – implementing advanced identity management solutions to support our company's cybersecurity and digital transformation goals. We foster a collaborative environment where every team member’s input is valued, ensuring that all voices are heard. We’re now looking for a Solution Engineer for Directory Services to join our inclusive, continuously improving and supportive team. ... Visa mer
At Sandvik Group IT, we’re on a journey towards a more secure and innovative future – implementing advanced identity management solutions to support our company's cybersecurity and digital transformation goals. We foster a collaborative environment where every team member’s input is valued, ensuring that all voices are heard.
We’re now looking for a Solution Engineer for Directory Services to join our inclusive, continuously improving and supportive team. We look forward to achieving great success in this exciting new chapter – and we want you to join us!
Your new team
The Directory Services team, operating within the Identity Fabric product area, plays a crucial role in managing the foundational identity infrastructure at Sandvik. Our team consists of professionals who are committed to creating a secure and smooth digital experience, ensuring that user interactions are both easy and safe. Our mission is to continuously expand our capabilities through learning, innovation and collaboration, ensuring the highest levels of performance, security and compliance of digital identity data at Sandvik.
About your job
In this position, you’re responsible for supporting and continuously developing the services offered by the Directory Services team, with a primary focus on Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities.
Key responsibilities include:
Ensure smooth operation and assist in the development, deployment and maintenance of Directory Services and IAM components.
Handle services requests and incidents, ensuring timely resolution and efficient communication.
Identify and implement improvements for service efficiency, functionality and security.
Work closely with development teams and stakeholders to enhance IAM integration.
Maintain and enforce IAM policies to meet security and contribute to security assessments and vulnerability management.

The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up, allowing you to combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with expertise in managing and optimizing Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services, Entra ID, and Public Key Infrastructure. You understand cloud and on-premises interactions in hybrid environments and excel in designing, operating and maintaining secure identity solutions. By independently resolving authentication and directory services issues, you provide updates and root cause analysis. You have experience integrating applications with modern authentication protocols, including Azure AD App Proxy, MFA and conditional access policies. Your knowledge should be backed by a relevant education, or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. Relevant certifications in identity management and Microsoft technologies are beneficial. Acting in a global environment calls for excellent skills in English, verbally and in writing.
You’re a communicative and collaborative professional with an open-minded and team-oriented approach. You have analytical and problem-solving skills with a keen eagerness to learn and adopt new technologies. By staying up to date with advancements in the IAM space, you ensure continuous growth and improvement.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Petra Englund, recruiting manager, [email protected].
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Malena Rackner, Unionen, +46 (0)70 242 33 90
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Therese Rutqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than January 19th, 2025. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073210.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Solution Architect Integration

At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Solution Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance for development, both personally and professionally. About your job In this position, you’re responsible for mapping business requirements into technology solutions through active engagement with business, IT solution stakeholders, vendors and industry experts to create comprehensive solution des... Visa mer
At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Solution Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance for development, both personally and professionally.
About your job
In this position, you’re responsible for mapping business requirements into technology solutions through active engagement with business, IT solution stakeholders, vendors and industry experts to create comprehensive solution designs. You ensure the implementation of these solutions by supporting project teams, confirming systems have evolved and delivered as maintainable finished solutions. Additionally, you review the current technology architecture landscape, seeking opportunities to leverage, improve and extend corporate technology investments. Your role also involves conducting research on new and emerging technologies, applying these insights to address business challenges and support strategic initiatives.
The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a degree in IT or equivalent knowledge gained from work experience. You’re technically interested, have effective stakeholder management skills and experience in cloud development, preferably using Azure Integration Services. Acting in a global environment calls for good skills in English, verbally and in writing.
We place great value on your personality, characterized by an open mind, problem solving skills and a doer’s attitude, always striving to learn new things and grow. With effective communication skills, you manage stakeholders and build lasting relationships. You’re skilled in explaining technical information in ways that make sense for everyone and as a team player, you bring innovation, inspiration and curiosity to the equation.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Nils Kanevad, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than December 4, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0072758.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Business IT Service Manager

Ansök    Nov 22    SANDVIK AB    IT-samordnare
Are you ready for global challenges, eager to contribute, and want to grow within a dynamic team? At Rock Tools, part of the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions business area, we're now looking for a Business IT Service Manager. This is an excellent opportunity for an inclusive transformation leader to build attractive skills and experience while guiding our global operations further into the future! A few words about us Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions (SM... Visa mer
Are you ready for global challenges, eager to contribute, and want to grow within a dynamic team? At Rock Tools, part of the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions business area, we're now looking for a Business IT Service Manager.
This is an excellent opportunity for an inclusive transformation leader to build attractive skills and experience while guiding our global operations further into the future!
A few words about us
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions (SMR) are a leading provider of cutting-edge equipment, tools, and tech solutions for industries like mining, quarrying, tunneling, and demolition. Want to know more? Go to rocktechnology.sandvik.
Your mission
In this role, you coordinate and support a team of experienced process owners, specialists and super users, to ensure that our strategic business systems are governed to meet our business requirements – working in close cooperation with our business stakeholders in a global context. You have an end-to-end responsibility, from driving efficient ITIL incident and problem processes and coordinating the definition and prioritization of IT-demands, to ensuring implementation of functionality that enables process optimization and automation.
You cooperate with SMR IT and other suppliers to ensure delivery by agreements, with a high service level and continuous improvements. You contribute to the overall IT strategy and work according to the ITIL Service Lifecycle.

Main responsibilities:
Manage tactical and operational meetings together with internal stakeholders and suppliers.
Ensure divisional coordination of all ITIL processes, incident, problem and service requests.
Ensure that business IT demands are clearly defined, coordinated, prioritized and executed together with the team and suppliers.
As divisional representative, support the divisional input for service- strategy, design, transition and operation stages of Service delivery.
Run global meetings, workshops, presentations and create appropriate documentation.
Act as an escalation point with strong business-focus, troubleshooting end-user issues in cooperation with selected suppliers and the team.
Ensure that relevant IT standards, policies and security requirements are followed, taking actions when needed.

Location: Sandviken (Sweden). Expect some travel as you connect with colleagues and stakeholders worldwide.
Your profile
You have a degree in IT, Engineering, or a related field, and several years’ experience in relevant positions – where hands on experience with service ownership, delivery and incident management is key. You also have a good understanding of IT best practices, ITIL and IT change management processes. It’s advantageous with experience from an industry related to ours. Experience working with business requirements and release management in a global corporate environment is also necessary – as well as fluency in English.
We highly value your personal qualities – you're a true team player who strives for continuous improvement and development of both yourself and your team. With good collaboration and communication skills, you have the ability to easily interact with colleagues and stakeholders all across our global organization. As a good leader, you have an ability to drive projects and coordinate activities, and a strong focus on change management. An open and positive mindset is also something that characterizes you, and you pair it with being an innovative and solution-oriented thinker with a structured and analytical ability.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Johan Hagström, recruiting manager, at [email protected].
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Cecilia Mickelsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 90 89
Rickard Andreasson, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)76 763 66 26
Linda Adamsson, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 616 03 10
Recruitment Specialist: Tanja Benavides
How to apply
Send your application no later than December 8, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0073445.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, parts, service, digital solutions and sustainability-driving technologies for the mining and construction industries. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, loading and hauling, tunneling and quarrying. In 2023, sales were approximately 66 billion SEK with about 17,000 employees. Visa mindre

Solution Architect Cybersecurity

Do you want to be part of a team that is shaping digital security at Alleima? If yes, then this is the opportunity for you! Come and join our Global team About the Job As an architectural leader for the enablement and development of a modern and future-proof digital security architecture, you will have a key role in creating and maintaining a cyberdefense landscape that supports both the existing and the emerging business processes of Alleima. You will wo... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of a team that is shaping digital security at Alleima? If yes, then this is the opportunity for you! Come and join our Global team
About the Job
As an architectural leader for the enablement and development of a modern and future-proof digital security architecture, you will have a key role in creating and maintaining a cyberdefense landscape that supports both the existing and the emerging business processes of Alleima. You will work with cutting-edge technologies, both on-prem and in the cloud, and ensure compliance with the internal and external regulatory requirements that our business faces. You will also collaborate with the business stakeholders to drive the digital transformation of Alleima. International travel can be required.
About You
To be successful in this role you need to have a Bachelor of Science in IT or equivalent experience, including cybersecurity architecture. Additionally, a background in architectural and operational work in the digital security or cybersecurity area is essential. Deep understanding and experience in the security stack of Azure, AWS and its adjacent areas are crucial, as we are running a cloud-first environment.
To further enhance effectiveness in this position, it would be advantageous to possess prior experience in architectural and operational work in the OT or Scada security area. Similarly, experience in architectural and operational work within the network security area would be beneficial. Relevant certifications (e.g., CISSP, GIAC, CISM, CISA) are strongly advantageous.
We put great emphasis on your personal attributes. You are a responsible and result-oriented person who strives for excellence in everything you do. You are motivated by creating valuable solutions and building strong relationships with different parts of our business. You are a team player who values the team performance as much as your personal achievements.
You are fluent in English, as it is our corporate language and essential for communicating with global business stakeholders. Fluent Swedish and other languages are a plus.
What you can expect from us
A chance to grow and develop in a team with solid experience and competence in cybersecurity.
A supportive and collaborative environment where you will be expected to contribute to the personal development of your team members and receive the same in return.

At Alleima we are convinced that diversity and inclusion lead to a better workplace for our employees, our company, and our customers.
We care: We take pride in what we do. We care about our customers, our people, the environment, the communities in which we operate and the future we share.
We deliver: We deliver on our commitments, with a solution-oriented mindset, we enable our customers to be their very best: more efficient, profitable and sustainable.
We evolve: We constantly evolve. Together we take the lead to advance materials, ambitions, industries, ourselves – and societies for the better.

Additional Information
For further information about this position and the recruitment process, please contact
André Söderholm, Alleima HR, +46 (0) 76 529 65 77
Union Contacts:
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70-307 30 48?
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-314 24 43?
Given the field of this position a background check on the final candidate will be part of the process.
Send your application no later than 2024-12-06
At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.
With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry. Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Senior Agile Coach

Ansök    Okt 23    SANDVIK AB    Projektledare, IT
At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Senior Agile Coach to be part of driving our agile transformation and our ambition to create empowered, consumer focused and innovative teams. This transformation is part of Group IT’s strategy to become a catalyst for Sandvik’s digital shift. We welcome you to a key role with great opportunities for both personal and professional development! Your mission In this role, you belong to our Strategy department and... Visa mer
At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Senior Agile Coach to be part of driving our agile transformation and our ambition to create empowered, consumer focused and innovative teams. This transformation is part of Group IT’s strategy to become a catalyst for Sandvik’s digital shift. We welcome you to a key role with great opportunities for both personal and professional development!
Your mission
In this role, you belong to our Strategy department and work closely together with Group IT’s Agile Transformation Lead. You participate in both designing and implementing our agile strategy, methods, practices and trainings. As Senior Agile Coach, you play a crucial part in guiding and coaching our product area coaches and team coaches on agile best practices. You also have a special responsibility to facilitate and improve our big room planning events. We also expect you to embrace and promote a culture of continuous improvement with frequent value delivery.
Key Responsibilities:
Support the Agile Transformation Lead in developing our agile strategy and ways of working
Facilitate and improve our big room planning events
Coach team coaches and product area coaches
Develop and deliver training on agile practices
Foster a mindset of experimentation, reflection, and constant learning.
Perform strategic analyses and write reports on topics related to the agile transformation

The location for this position is Stockholm or Sandviken and we apply a hybrid set-up where you can combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a relevant degree in IT, or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. Certifications in agile frameworks such as Scrum and Scaled Agile Framework are naturally beneficial. Experience from driving change in large organizations is beneficial. Working in a global environment also calls for excellent skills in English, both verbally and in writing. Swedish language skills are a plus.
To thrive in this role, you need competence within:
Agile methodology and frameworks
Coaching and facilitation
Change management
Strategic portfolio management
Objectives and key results (OKRs)

We highly value your personal qualities – you're enthusiastic, team oriented and result driven. With excellent communication and analytical skills, you’re orderly and enjoy creating structure and clarity that will help the organization mature. You have strong inner motivation that make you adept at driving initiatives in a dynamic work environment.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Linnea Bonér, Agile Transformation Lead, [email protected], +46 (0) 707 624 65 15. Recruiting manager is Andreas Pierre, Head of Strategy.
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55
Recruitment Specialist: Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than November 8, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0071808.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Devops-utvecklare till storföretag i närregionen

Vi söker systemutvecklare med passion för front-end utveckling som vill jobba på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen. Vill du jobba agilt i en dynamisk miljö som deployar kod varje vecka? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! OM TJÄNSTEN Som Devops-utvecklare är du en del av ett produktteam som hela tiden strävar efter att utvecklas. Ni kommer arbeta agilt vilket leder till många forum av diskussion, reflektion och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Många av dina ... Visa mer
Vi söker systemutvecklare med passion för front-end utveckling som vill jobba på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen. Vill du jobba agilt i en dynamisk miljö som deployar kod varje vecka? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Som Devops-utvecklare är du en del av ett produktteam som hela tiden strävar efter att utvecklas. Ni kommer arbeta agilt vilket leder till många forum av diskussion, reflektion och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Många av dina kollegor är seniora systemutvecklare som sitter på väldigt mycket kompetens du kan dra nytta och lärdomar av.

Du erbjuds
- En spännande, långsiktig och utvecklande roll på ett stort verkstadsföretag i närregionen
- En dedikterad konsultchef från Academic Work som supportar och coachar dig i din karriär



Ditt arbete kommer utöver att koda bestå mycket av dagliga ceremonier såsom check-ins, synk med produktteam och synk med samtliga systemutvecklare inom avdelningen.

- Har en eftergymnasial examen inom IT/systemutveckling eller motsvarande vi bedömer likvärdig
- Har kunskaper inom Angular, HTML 5, CSS, Visual Studio samt Visual Studio code
- Är riktigt intresserad av front-end utveckling
- Goda kunskaper i Svenska och Engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har
- Arbetslivserfarenhet som systemutvecklare

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Prestigelös
- Nyfiken
- Orädd
- Anpassningsbar

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

Campus Energy Marshall

Winthrop Technologies is a dedicated data centre delivery partner providing turnkey solutions to our clients, headquartered in Dublin and delivering throughout Europe. Winthrop specialises in providing turnkey data centre solutions, providing services from design, through to construction across the full range of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical services as well as commissioning. Winthrop has grown to become the leading and most t... Visa mer
Winthrop Technologies is a dedicated data centre delivery partner providing turnkey solutions to our clients, headquartered in Dublin and delivering throughout Europe.
Winthrop specialises in providing turnkey data centre solutions, providing services from design, through to construction across the full range of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical services as well as commissioning.
Winthrop has grown to become the leading and most trusted company in our sector and is the only dedicated Data Centre delivery partner in Europe.
We are currently constructing multiple turnkey data centre projects in 7 different European countries, equating to over 430 MW of IT load in flight.
Responsibilities including but not limited to
Being responsible for the overall energy isolation program
Management at the site for MEP energy.
Accountability to ensure all activities related to the energy
ISolation process is coordinated and executed across the assigned location(s) according to established
Policies and procedures

• Ensure safe working conditions have been established by reviewing documentation (including
procedures, job hazard analysis, and permits) and auditing the energy program for
construction, commissioning, maintenance, and operations activities.
• Work with construction and commissioning teams to ensure safe working conditions to
properly test and validate installation, operation, and performance of MEP systems.
• Support the management of the electrical infrastructures throughout the datacenter campus
ranging from a single large capacity facility to several smaller ones.
• Partner closely with Environmental, Health, and Safety teams to drive Operational Excellence
in all aspects of the Control of Hazardous Energy
• Training new and existing employees in defined Energy Isolation process and procedure
• Management of permits/LOTOS and chairing weekly meetings with vendors and the client.
• Management of 20KvA system through to final LV circuits
• Any other reasonable duties as requested by the management team. Visa mindre

Service Delivery Manager

Ansök    Okt 15    Alleima Tube AB    IT-samordnare
Alleima Tube IT söker nu dig som vill hjälpa oss driva IT utvecklingen framåt. Hos oss får du ta del av spännande utmaningar i en växande verksamhet med stora möjligheter till egen utveckling.?Inom IT området har vi ett uppdrag som sträcker sig längre än att bara hantera produkter, teknik och processer – vi arbetar tillsammans för att utveckla lösningar baserade på våra kunders behov för att därigenom nå våra affärsmål. Till vår IT-organisation söker vi nu... Visa mer
Alleima Tube IT söker nu dig som vill hjälpa oss driva IT utvecklingen framåt. Hos oss får du ta del av spännande utmaningar i en växande verksamhet med stora möjligheter till egen utveckling.?Inom IT området har vi ett uppdrag som sträcker sig längre än att bara hantera produkter, teknik och processer – vi arbetar tillsammans för att utveckla lösningar baserade på våra kunders behov för att därigenom nå våra affärsmål. Till vår IT-organisation söker vi nu Service Delivery Manager som, tillsammans med teamet, vill vara en stor del av att effektivisera Alleimas produktionsprocesser med hjälp av IT.

Placeringsort: Sandviken.

Din roll
Som Service Delivery Manager inom Tube IT är du ansvarig för leveransen av IT-tjänster som idag består av 8 applikationer. Din uppgift blir att säkerställa att alla våra tjänster – från underhåll av system till operativ drift – fungerar smidigt och effektivt. Samt att de uppfyller våra högt ställda krav på kvalitet och säkerhet. Till din hjälp så kommer du att ha ett mindre team av arkitekt och utvecklare som du arbetsleder.

Arbetsuppgifter innefattar:
Ett nära samrabete med verksamheten för att säkerställa en kvalitativ, kostnadseffektiv och stabil IT-leverans som uppfyller verksamhetens krav.
Hantera och agera efter KPI för kundnöjdhet, servicenivåer, ekonomiskt utfall.
Samarbeta med nyckelintressenter tillsammans och andra affärsrepresentanter för att förstå verksamhetens krav och slutanvändarnas behov och önskemål.
Justera tjänsteleveransen i enlighet med ITSM-standarder och andra relevanta processer, policyer och procedurer.
Koordinera aktiviteter relaterade till leveransen av IT-tjänster inom området, när det gäller infrastruktur, applikationshantering och drift.
Planera och hantera resurser (intern personal och externa leverantörer) i den dagliga verksamheten, i överenskommelse med ansvarig chef.
Hantera IT-leverantörer (interna och externa) för leveranserna inom det tilldelade området.

Utöver detta kan du också tilldelas andra uppgifter, uppdrag och ansvarsområden som ligger inom ditt kompetensområde.

Din Profil
Vi söker dig som har för tjänsten en relevant universitets- eller högskoleexamen, alternativt motsvarade arbetslivserfarenhet som kan anses likvärdig. Du har en även dokumenterad erfarenhet av tidigare arbete med it förvaltning eller systemutveckling. I dina tidigare roller har du fått en förståelse och ett intresse för systemutveckling, IT-förvaltning och IT Service Management. Du som person har en förmåga att planera och prioritera, samt leda dig själv och andra i riktning mot utsatta mål är nyckelkompetenser, där du drivs av att bygga relationer och skapa engagemang i interna och externa arbetsteam

Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper och för att vara framgångsrik i rollen som Service Delivery Manager tror vi att du har högt eget driv och motiveras av att arbeta mot uppsatta mål. Genom din servicekänsla, ärlighet och inställning att problem är till för att lösas, skapar du trovärdighet och värde för dina kunder. Du är lyhörd för kundens behov samtidigt som du är pedagogisk, vilket gör att du skapar goda och lösningsinriktade samarbeten med människor i olika roller och med olika personligheter. Då vi är en global organisation och verkar i en internationell miljö krävs det att du kommunicerar obehindrat på svenska och engelska, i tal såväl som skrift.

Övrig information
För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Stefan Björk, rekryterande chef, +46 70 603 38 51

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Sara Kühner, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 76 495 02 40

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 70 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 70 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 70 307 30 48

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-11-10
På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov som gör att vi uppnår våra affärsmässiga mål genom vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Business IT Service Manager

Ansök    Okt 11    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Are you ready for global challenges, eager to contribute, and grow within a dynamic team? At Rock Tools, part of the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions business area, we're now looking for a Business IT Service Manager. This is an excellent opportunity for an inclusive and visionary transformation leader to build attractive skills and experience while guiding our global operations further into the future! A few words about us Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutio... Visa mer
Are you ready for global challenges, eager to contribute, and grow within a dynamic team? At Rock Tools, part of the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions business area, we're now looking for a Business IT Service Manager.
This is an excellent opportunity for an inclusive and visionary transformation leader to build attractive skills and experience while guiding our global operations further into the future!
A few words about us
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions (SMR) are a leading provider of cutting-edge equipment, tools, and tech solutions for industries like mining, quarrying, tunneling, and demolition. Want to know more? Go to rocktechnology.sandvik.
Your mission
In this role, you coordinate and support a team of experienced process owners, specialists and super users, to ensure that our strategic business systems are governed to meet our business requirements – working in close cooperation with our business stakeholders in a global context. You have an end-to-end responsibility, from driving efficient ITIL incident and problem processes and coordinating the definition and prioritization of IT-demands, to ensuring implementation of functionality that enables process optimization and automation.
You cooperate with SMR IT and other suppliers to ensure delivery by agreements, with a high service level and continuous improvements. You contribute to the overall IT strategy and work according to the ITIL Service Lifecycle.

Main responsibilities:
Manage tactical and operational meetings together with internal stakeholders and suppliers.
Ensure divisional coordination of all ITIL processes, incident, problem and service requests.
Ensure that business IT demands are clearly defined, coordinated, prioritized and executed together with the team and suppliers.
As divisional representative, support the divisional input for service- strategy, design, transition and operation stages of Service delivery.
Work with continuous improvements related to the support-/incident process.
Independently run global meetings, workshops, presentations and create appropriate documentation.
Act as an escalation point with strong business-focus, troubleshooting end-user issues in cooperation with selected suppliers and the team.
Ensure that relevant IT standards, policies and security requirements are followed, taking actions when needed.

Location: Sandviken (Sweden). Expect some travel as you connect with colleagues and stakeholders worldwide.
Your profile
You have a degree in IT, Engineering, or a related field, and at least five years’ experience in relevant positions – where hands on experience with service ownership, delivery and incident management is key. It’s advantageous with experience from our, or a similar, industry. Experience working with business requirements and release management in a global corporate environment is also necessary – as well as fluency in English.
What makes you stand out?
Excellent understanding of IT best practices, ITIL and IT change management processes.
A true team player who strives for continuous improvement and development of yourself and your team.
Good collaboration and communication skills, with strong focus on change management.
Ability to easily interact with colleagues and stakeholders on all levels in a global environment.
Good leadership skills and ability to drive projects and coordinate activities.
Being an innovative and solution-oriented thinker, with a structured and analytical ability.
Having an open mindset and being service minded and positive.

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Johan Hagström, recruiting manager, at [email protected].
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Cecilia Mickelsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 90 89
Erik Kjerf, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 36 72
Linda Adamsson, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 616 03 10
Recruitment Specialist: Tanja Benavides
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 31, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0071571.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, parts, service, digital solutions and sustainability-driving technologies for the mining and construction industries. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, loading and hauling, tunneling and quarrying. In 2023, sales were approximately 66 billion SEK with about 17,000 employees. Visa mindre

Business Process Specialist - M3

Ansök    Okt 15    Alleima Tube AB    Projektledare, IT
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Centre are responsible for the ERP system M3 that provides vital system functionality for the company's business processes. The team is in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for several driven people with different areas of expertise who want to join our journey. With us, you will take part in an exciting challenge with great... Visa mer
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Centre are responsible for the ERP system M3 that provides vital system functionality for the company's business processes.

The team is in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for several driven people with different areas of expertise who want to join our journey. With us, you will take part in an exciting challenge with great opportunities and personal development.

Your role

As a Global Business Process Specialist for either production execution, production planning, product configuration, quality, logistics, sales and finance, you will act as process- and system expert. Together with the business stakeholders and system professionals you will have a lead role in the company's ongoing implementation of a new IT business system, often called ERP (Enterprise and resource planning).

We are now looking to strengthen the organization across all business processes, either your background is within IT with detailed system knowledge or has a role in the line organization as a process owner/super user within any of the mentioned area/´s.

You will:
Act as sub project lead and coordinate and communicate with different stakeholder.
Participate in project implementation in your area of expertise.
Run global forums for continuous dialogue with the business to collect needs, prioritize, and execute on demands together with internal stakeholders and external experts.
Drive process and system improvements and developments based on outcome of business needs.
Secure a good application management.

The overall aim of the role is to bridge the gap between business processes, functionality, and possibilities of the ERP system. You are the business helping hand when it comes to utilizing the best of a modern ERP system. This is truly a chance to take ownership of an area and be a part of building something new.

Your Profile

We put great importance in your personal qualities, which are characterized by a solution-oriented attitude and willingness to learn. You are ambitious and gain your knowledge improvements by a curious mind and close cooperation with system users as well as system experts.

With the help of your good communication skills, you easily interact both with colleagues and other stakeholders. You show basic leadership skills and can drive projects, while being responsive and inspiring to those around you.
You have knowledge of the supply chain and the manufacturing process to be able to connect the business way of working with the system designed way of working. Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment. You need to have knowledge in English, both spoken and written.

Preferable you also have a university degree in a relevant field OR acquired equivalent knowledge through work experience or other education.

What you can expect from us

At Alleima we are convinced that diversity and inclusion lead to a better workplace for our employees, our company, and our customers.

We care: We take pride in what we do. We care about our customers, our people, the environment, the communities in which we operate and the future we share.

We deliver: We deliver on our commitments, with a solution-oriented mindset, we enable our customers to be their very best: more efficient, profitable and sustainable.

We evolve: We constantly evolve. Together we take the lead to advanced materials, ambitions, industries, ourselves – and societies for the better.

Additional Information

For more information about the position contact:
Viktoria Norwald, Recruiting Manager, +46 (0) 70-693 44 00
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact:
Per Hammas, Recruitment Specialist, +46 (0) 79-098 49 50

You are welcome with your application no later than 2024-11-15

Union contacts – Sweden
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.

With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.

Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

IT Service Portfolio Manager

Ansök    Okt 9    AB SANDVIK Coromant    IT-strateg
Are you collaborative and eager to drive improvements within IT service management? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! At Sandvik Coromant, we’re now looking for an IT Service Portfolio Manager to join our small and dedicated team focused on supporting our IT teams, ensuring they’re productive and equipped with efficient tools and effective work methods. We welcome you to an international environment that provides great opportunities for both ... Visa mer
Are you collaborative and eager to drive improvements within IT service management? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!
At Sandvik Coromant, we’re now looking for an IT Service Portfolio Manager to join our small and dedicated team focused on supporting our IT teams, ensuring they’re productive and equipped with efficient tools and effective work methods. We welcome you to an international environment that provides great opportunities for both personal and professional development!
Your mission
In this position, you manage our IT service portfolio by working closely with the IT System owners and Application Management teams across our organization – supporting them to efficiently manage our IT services throughout their lifecycle. You focus both on the operational and the financial perspectives of our IT services to ensure they meet business needs. With support from the IT Service Management team at Sandvik Group, you promote effective use of ITIL processes, and you develop and maintain our IT Service portfolio, including measurement of critical KPI’s. You organize the IT System owner community to spread news and knowledge about our IT Service Management platform and to enable cross-functional collaboration and learning.
The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up, allowing you to combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a relevant education or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. You have a background in managing or coordinating development and support of IT applications. Experience from ServiceNow or a similar IT Service Management platform is considered a plus. Acting in a global environment calls for excellent skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
You’re self-driven and collaborative, with the ability to build networks effectively. You enjoy communicating with others, both painting the broad picture and going into necessary details to inspire motivation and commitment.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Stig Jeppsson, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)70-542 95 36
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Hanna Thomas
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 24, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0071521.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

IT Functional Manager

Do you have a strategic vision and the passion to inspire and motivate teams? Then this might be the job for you! At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for an IT Functional Manager for our Technical Platform to join us on an exciting journey where you get to collaborate with people across our business. This is a great opportunity for you who are passionate in your work and possess the drive to excel forward, together with us! Shortly about us We’re commit... Visa mer
Do you have a strategic vision and the passion to inspire and motivate teams? Then this might be the job for you!
At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for an IT Functional Manager for our Technical Platform to join us on an exciting journey where you get to collaborate with people across our business. This is a great opportunity for you who are passionate in your work and possess the drive to excel forward, together with us!
Shortly about us
We’re committed to teamwork and believe in the power of developing ideas and solutions together. We leverage our shared passion, diversity, open-mindedness, and cooperative spirit to shape the future of our industry and, with it, the path of your own career.
Your mission
In this role, you’re responsible for our technical platform including infrastructure, SAP Basis and cloud services from external partners. You create and maintain a technical roadmap and ensure data security and integrity within the platform. To ensure strategy execution, you monitor the platform performance and identify areas for improvement. You set the groundwork for the team’s skills development – working closely with the platforms and applications teams. Additionally, you ensure the fulfillment of goals and objectives to the overall strategy, and that we as an organization secure relevant competence for the future. As part of the management team, you contribute to develop ERP Platforms & Integration organization.
This position is based in Sandviken.
Your profile
We’re looking for an inclusive and engaged leader with proven leadership experience, always striving to create an open environment where people are committed and motivated. You have experience in change management in a complex and demanding area and knowledge of how to drive change. We value your competence and technical understanding, with experience in ERP systems, such as SAP, considered a plus. You have a background of working across multiple departments and with various stakeholders to balance different aspects. Acting in a truly global company calls for excellent communication skills in English, verbally and in writing. Knowledge of Swedish is a plus.
You have a drive for development, both on a personal and professional level – motivating and inspiring others while also being a true team player. You embrace challenges with a positive attitude and confidently set clear directions, guiding teams effectively. As your work includes interaction with a variety of stakeholders, you effectively communicate and build trusting networks and relationships across cultural borders. You happily share your experience and knowledge with others and you’re able to explain technical concepts in a way that makes sense to all.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Fredrik Mäkinen, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)70-508 94 20
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Anna Pettersen
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 27, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0071263.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

Software License Manager

Are you an analytical problem solver with a passion for optimizing software usage? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for a Software License Manger to join us and ensure that our organization has the appropriate licenses for our software packages and that they're used in compliance with vendor agreements. We welcome you to an international environment that provides great opportunities for both personal and... Visa mer
Are you an analytical problem solver with a passion for optimizing software usage? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!
At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for a Software License Manger to join us and ensure that our organization has the appropriate licenses for our software packages and that they're used in compliance with vendor agreements. We welcome you to an international environment that provides great opportunities for both personal and professional development!
Your mission
In this position, you oversee and manage our software licenses – and as you build and maintain a comprehensive understanding of the license portfolio, you ensure compliance and identify opportunities to optimize usage and reduce costs. By analyzing and reviewing software agreements and fully understanding the terms and conditions, you provide expertise and guidance in sourcing of new software licenses. You advise on license utilization to ensure maximum efficiency and compliance, and offer support and guidance in the effective use of existing software licenses. With Sandvik’s confidentiality and business interest in mind, you manage relationships with external software vendors and participate in license agreements negotiations. You work closely with our Purchasing department and the Software Asset Management team at Sandvik Group IT.
The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up, allowing you to combine office and remote work.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a relevant education or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. You’re highly experienced in managing software licenses, with a deep understanding of license agreements, contract terms and compliance issues. A background in IT and experience with SAP is considered a plus. Your proficiency with numbers and Excel enables you to analyze data effectively. Acting in a global environment calls for excellent skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
You have analytical and problem-solving skills with a proven ability to work independently. As an excellent communicator, you collaborate effectively with stakeholders at all levels, delivering clear, concise and actionable insights to support operational efficiency and strategic goals. With a keen attention to detail and a results-oriented approach, you focus on identifying and implementing improvements that align with organizational objectives, ensuring sustainable growth and enhanced performance.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Stig Jeppsson, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)70-542 95 36
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Hanna Thomas
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 24, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0071523.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

Systems Developer

Are you passionate about programming and want to play a key role in contributing to the success of our global company? Then we want to hear from you! At Sandvik Coromant, we’re looking for an experienced Systems Developer to develop and maintain our Automation Platform. This is a truly exciting opportunity for you to use your programming skills, drive innovation and reduce lead times through innovative solutions. Your mission In this position, you’re part ... Visa mer
Are you passionate about programming and want to play a key role in contributing to the success of our global company? Then we want to hear from you!
At Sandvik Coromant, we’re looking for an experienced Systems Developer to develop and maintain our Automation Platform. This is a truly exciting opportunity for you to use your programming skills, drive innovation and reduce lead times through innovative solutions.
Your mission
In this position, you’re part of a global, collaborative and agile team responsible for developing and maintaining our Automation Platform. The platform is a critical component of our company as it enables the high level of automated manufacturing that we’re famous for. With a focus on backend solutions, you contribute to the overall system architecture – bringing your valuable knowledge and expertise by supporting our engineers in the areas of design, drawings/3D models and production (CAD, CAM and CMM) with creative solutions. Your work directly impacts how effective we are in product design and production preparation – creating world-class solutions!
The location for this position is preferably Sandviken in Sweden. However, for internal applicants with knowledge of Sandvik Coromant’s way of working, Pune, India or Mebane, the US is also an option. We understand the importance of work-life balance and offer flexible work arrangements, including remote work a couple of days a week.
Your profile
We’re looking for an experienced Java developer, combined with a passion for programming. It's beneficial if you’re a full stack developer – comfortable with cloud infrastructure and optimization, DevOps, Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes, Docker containers, GitHub, Eclipse, web application development and agile ways of working. Your knowledge is backed by a degree in a relevant field. As we work on a global stage, you must have excellent skills in English, verbally and in writing.
You have a natural curiosity for solving complex problems and a desire to continuously improve through automation. Using your analytical mindset and structured working methods, you set ambitious goals, deliver on promises and act on business priorities. You thrive in a fast paced, dynamic environment and you collaborate with many different people in our organization, which calls for great communication skills, excellent teamwork and the will to share knowledge.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Johanna Berg, recruiting manager, at [email protected].
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Hanna Thomas
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 9, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0070546.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

Process and System Specialist - Supply Chain Planning

Ansök    Sep 26    SANDVIK AB    Systemadministratör
Are you eager to grow and build a strong international network? We welcome you to join a dynamic team within a global frontrunner – aiming to be the best of the best! At Rock Tools, part of the business area Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, we’re now looking for a Process and System Specialist within Supply Chain Planning systems, and specifically Logility, to take part in our transformative journey ahead. This role offers a great mix of independent task... Visa mer
Are you eager to grow and build a strong international network? We welcome you to join a dynamic team within a global frontrunner – aiming to be the best of the best!
At Rock Tools, part of the business area Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, we’re now looking for a Process and System Specialist within Supply Chain Planning systems, and specifically Logility, to take part in our transformative journey ahead. This role offers a great mix of independent tasks and collaboration with colleagues within production, sourcing, logistics, and supply.
Your mission
In this position, you support our global operations in daily tasks and guide them in the right direction in matters related to the Logility system. To improve both customer and user experience, you develop processes, provide user and system support, as well as develop internal processes and documentation.
As we're shifting towards a more digital and process-oriented organization with the ambition to improve our customer experience, you act as the interpreter between the business and the technology world – explaining and raising awareness within the organization on how to best utilize Voyager and its processes.
On a tactical level, you support the realization of our global strategy by ensuring the establishment of relevant business reports, KPI's and analytics based on data. Also, you proactively develop processes and deal with knowledge management where you create, maintain and store appropriate documentation to hand over to the end-users.
You’re preferably located at one of our sites in Stockholm or Sandviken, Sweden, while other locations within similar time zones could be considered for the right candidate. You report to the Head of Operations Development, seated in Sandviken. Some travel is expected, and we offer you a hybrid work schedule.
Your profile
We’re looking for a professional with a background in a relevant role within supply chain, demand planning, or supply planning. You come with a profound understanding of how IT can enable supply chain and what drives its overall performance. Experience with Voyager, SAP or similar platforms and ERP systems is a plus. When it comes to education, you have a degree in Industrial Economics or similar, or equivalent experience gained from a working career. As we work in a global environment, you need proficiency in English, while knowledge of Swedish is a plus.

Your personality matters to us, characterized by your analytical approach, high curiosity, and openness to change. You’re eager to develop and learn, and not just maintain the status quo. With your natural talent to build strong relationships with various stakeholders, you’re good at both listening and providing information to users and colleagues. Although you enjoy working independently when scouting for innovative solutions, you truly believe that teamwork is the major key to success – crucial in creating an environment of diversity and inclusion!
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Johan Rissler, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70 391 39 00.
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Cecilia Mickelsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 90 89
Erik Kjerf, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 36 72
Linda Adamsson, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 616 03 10
Recruitment Specialist: Anna Pettersen
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 13, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0070362.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, parts, service, digital solutions and sustainability-driving technologies for the mining and construction industries. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, loading and hauling, tunneling and quarrying. In 2023, sales were approximately 66 billion SEK with about 17,000 employees. Visa mindre

Global Process Owner

Ansök    Sep 24    SANDVIK AB    Processansvarig, ITIL
Are you passionate about driving change and fostering operational excellence? Then this might be the next step in your career! At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Process Owner to join our team where we explore new ways of working, focus on customers and embrace our strong values. With a focus on continuous improvement, you play a key role in ensuring our processes deliver value to our organization. Shortly about us We release the power of people ... Visa mer
Are you passionate about driving change and fostering operational excellence? Then this might be the next step in your career!
At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a Process Owner to join our team where we explore new ways of working, focus on customers and embrace our strong values. With a focus on continuous improvement, you play a key role in ensuring our processes deliver value to our organization.
Shortly about us
We release the power of people to innovate and develop relevant products that set the stage for modern experience in all parts of our global company. Our team develops and manages processes and tool capabilities that support Sandvik business units in reducing risk and driving efficiency. Welcome to be part of our team.
About your job
In this position, you’re responsible for the design and implementation of the processes in all applicable functions and business areas within our organization. You develop and implement process improvement strategies across multiple departments, identify opportunities for process optimization and work collaboratively with stakeholders to implement changes. To track performance and measure success, you design and implement metrics and KPIs. By collaborating with cross-functional teams, you ensure alignment and consistency of processes and procedures and maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry best practices, emerging trends, and new technologies related to process improvement.
Also included in your job is to:
Follow-up and report process adherence.
Own and facilitate aligning process forum.
Provide training material.
Establish and maintain process documentation, including standard operation procedures and process maps.
Communicate process changes.

The location for this position is Sandviken or Stockholm.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with experience of working in a similar role, combined with a relevant degree within IT. You have experience in IT processes, process documentation and ITIL frameworks. You’re skilled in disaster recovery and business continuity management, and it’s beneficial to have knowledge of agile methodologies. Working in a global environment calls for excellent skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
Your excellent communication skills help you connect with stakeholders all over our organization. You show a mindset of getting things done – working both independently and in teams to execute projects from idea to action. As a dynamic leader and a true team player, you motivate, support and guide others to achieve shared goals.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Mikael Maad, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70 616 28 44
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than October 16, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0070509.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Granitor Systems - Systemspecialist

. Helhetslösningar för projekt med automation, process- & produktionsutrustning samt kraftförsörjning. För industri, infrastruktur och energi. Vi på Granitor Systems söker en ny kollega som skall vara en del av vår spännande vardag och ingå i våra projekt där du får bidra med ditt engagemang. Du har en del/någon erfarenhet av t.ex. 800xa eller 450 men även andra system är meriterande. Vår grupp arbetar till större del inom stålindustrin, men Granitor ... Visa mer
Helhetslösningar för projekt med automation, process- & produktionsutrustning samt kraftförsörjning. För industri, infrastruktur och energi.

Vi på Granitor Systems söker en ny kollega som skall vara en del av vår spännande vardag och ingå i våra projekt där du får bidra med ditt engagemang. Du har en del/någon erfarenhet av t.ex. 800xa eller 450 men även andra system är meriterande.

Vår grupp arbetar till större del inom stålindustrin, men Granitor Systems bedriver projekt inom de flesta segment.

Din profil
Vi tror att du har viss process- eller maskinkännedom men framförallt nyfikenhet och stort intresse för det. Vi kommer stötta dig i din utveckling och säkerställa att du får växa i din egen takt. Bl. a. kommer du initialt att få en mentor som vägleder dig.

Vi sätter högt värde på människor som är öppna, nyfikna och som har öga för förbättringar i produktionsprocessen, samt tycker om och är duktig på att skapa relationer med människor inom och utanför vår organisation.

Om du tycker att det här känns intressant och rätt för dig så är chansen stor att nyfikenheten är ömsesidig.

Granitor Systems samarbetar med Infinity Industry Solutions i denna rekryteringsprocess. För frågor kring processen eller rollen, vänligen kontakta Peter Roswall på e-post; [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan som du skickar in via formuläret nedan! Visa mindre

Business Warehouse Developer

Sandvik Coromant is looking for a BW Developer – someone who wants to play a crucial role in managing and utilizing data to support our business operations and decision-making. We welcome you to a global organization with brilliant minds spread all over the world! Your mission You’re responsible for designing, developing and maintaining data warehouse solutions using SAP technologies. You create data models that define the structure of the data warehouse, ... Visa mer
Sandvik Coromant is looking for a BW Developer – someone who wants to play a crucial role in managing and utilizing data to support our business operations and decision-making. We welcome you to a global organization with brilliant minds spread all over the world!
Your mission
You’re responsible for designing, developing and maintaining data warehouse solutions using SAP technologies. You create data models that define the structure of the data warehouse, ensuring that it’s organized and stored efficiently.
Your main responsibility include:
Develop ETL processes to extract data from various sources, transform it into a suitable format and load it into the data warehouse.
Integrate data from different sources, ensuring that it’s consistent and accurate.
Optimize the performance of the data warehouse by tuning queries, indexing and managing data storage.
Create reports and dashboards to provide insight and support decision-making processes.

The location for this position is flexible within Sweden, but preferably at Mossvägen in Sandviken or Gasverket in Stockholm. We offer you a hybrid work solution.
What you need and know – this is important
Proficient on BW modelling components such as Info Object, DataStore Objects, Multi providers, Virtual providers and Open hubs.
Knowledge in SAP Analytics Cloud is highly beneficial.
Experience in BW on HANA modelling components such as Composite providers, calculation views, open ODS and ADSO’s using BW modelling tools in Eclipse.
Knowledge of LSA++ architecture and development experience in BW and HANA 7.5 environment.
Basic knowledge about CDS views – you must be able to debug and aware of object-oriented concepts.
Awareness around transformations, customer exit codes, BADI and extraction function modules.
Hands-on experience in ABAP is very good to have.

Nice to have:
Experience in -scripting procedures (SCRIPT in HANA) and ABAP proxies.
Knowledge in BW workspaces, integrated planning, and planning capabilities of a DSO’s and SAP Analytics cloud.
Knowledge of S4 HANA and HANA administration like alert tracking and reading index server logs.

Who you are as a person – this is even more important
A true team player who’s open and unpretentious – you naturally contribute to an easygoing work environment where best practices are shared.
Good communication skills enabling you to clearly articulate ideas and technical information to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Attention to details to ensure accuracy and precision in your work and deliver high-quality results.
Customer focused, you understand and address the needs and concerns of clients or end-users to provide satisfactory solutions.

Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Anders Persson, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)70-616 14 62
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Hanna Thomas
How to apply
Send your application no later than September 17, 2024. We have ongoing interviews in this recruitment. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0068446.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Business Engineering Manager

Alleima och Sandviken Cold söker en Business Engineering Manager som vill vara med och ta vår organisation mot nya höjder! Här får du chansen att spela en nyckelroll i att utveckla processer och arbetssätt för hur vi på effektivast möjliga sätt översätter våra kunders högt ställda krav till offertunderlag och skarpa ordar på våra enheter runt om i världen. Med ett särskilt fokus på CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) kommer du att vara med och forma hur vi ar... Visa mer
Alleima och Sandviken Cold söker en Business Engineering Manager som vill vara med och ta vår organisation mot nya höjder!

Här får du chansen att spela en nyckelroll i att utveckla processer och arbetssätt för hur vi på effektivast möjliga sätt översätter våra kunders högt ställda krav till offertunderlag och skarpa ordar på våra enheter runt om i världen. Med ett särskilt fokus på CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) kommer du att vara med och forma hur vi arbetar och hur vi lyckas på marknaden. Du kommer dessutom arbeta nära vår IT-avdelning i en beställarroll för att säkerställa att våra system verkligen möter affärsbehoven.

Din roll
Som chef kommer du att leda och driva utvecklingsprojekt som stärker Sandviken Colds organisations förmåga att möta framtida utmaningar, med fokus på strategiska investeringar och affärsutveckling.

Leda våra Tekniska Beredare och CPQ-personal samt utveckla dina medarbetare och organisationen som helhet.
Implementera och förbättra CPQ-system för både nya och befintliga produktionsenheter, samt ersätta vårt CAPP-system.
Driva förbättringsprocesser med fokus på på Sandviken Cold’s kapabilitet
Vara gatekeeper för många av Tube Sandviken Tillverkningsbestämmelser
Samarbeta med Tube IT för framtida systemförbättringar och arbeta som strategisk beställare mot IT.
Driva projektledning, internationellt samarbete och kontinuerlig förbättring.
Du kommer utöver detta inneha rollen som IT-chef för PU Sandviken Cold.

Din Profil
Vi söker dig med en utbildning inom ekonomi, IT eller logistik, samt dokumenterad erfarenhet av projektledning och affärsutveckling. Du har ett starkt fokus på CPQ-system och deras implementering och kommunicerar obehindrat på både svenska och engelska.

Dina personliga egenskaper är avgörande för denna roll. Vi söker en empatisk ledare med ett genuint intresse för dina medarbetares välmående och utveckling. Du är driven, målmedveten och har en naturlig förmåga att lösa komplexa problem. Din passion för att skapa framgångsrika och långsiktiga förändringar gör dig till en viktig och uppskattad del av vår organisation. Detta är en möjlighet för dig som vill göra skillnad och samtidigt utvecklas i en stöttande och inkluderande arbetsmiljö.

Övrig information
För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Per Kaunitz, rekryterande chef, +46 70 313 90 16

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Sara Kühner, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 76 495 02 40

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 70 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 70 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 70 307 30 48

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-09-22
På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov som gör att vi uppnår våra affärsmässiga mål genom vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Security Operations Analyst

At Sandvik Coromant, we’re looking for a Security Operations Analyst – a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of our cyber defense, where you will play a pivotal role in fortifying our security environment. What sets this role apart is its adaptability, this isn’t just a job; it’s an opportunity to craft your own path within the realm of cybersecurity. Some words about your new team We work in an environment that encourages continuous learning, values... Visa mer
At Sandvik Coromant, we’re looking for a Security Operations Analyst – a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of our cyber defense, where you will play a pivotal role in fortifying our security environment. What sets this role apart is its adaptability, this isn’t just a job; it’s an opportunity to craft your own path within the realm of cybersecurity.
Some words about your new team
We work in an environment that encourages continuous learning, values innovation, and fosters professional growth. Joining us means being part of a dedicated team where your expertise directly impacts our digital resilience, and your contributions shape the security landscape of Sandvik. If you’re passionate about cybersecurity, driven by challenges, and ready to make a significant impact, we invite you to apply. Together, let’s build a secure digital future!
Your mission
As Security Operations Analyst, you work at the heart of our cyber defense, as you take part in the identification and remediation of security vulnerabilities. This includes conducting post-incident analysis and risk mitigation and collaborating with our Global Security Operations Center and Cybersecurity Incident Management team to enhance our security posture. Using various tools and technologies, such as ServiceNow Vulnerability Remediation module, you prioritize and resolve security issues effectively and efficiently. You also contribute to the development and implementation of our security policies and best practices, as well as support our Security Champions in fostering a culture of security awareness within our agile processes and operations.
Your main responsibilities include:
Operating and maintaining our security and identity products.
Monitoring and responding to security events and incidents in a timely manner.
Conducting vulnerability assessments and managing the vulnerability remediation process.
Performing thorough analysis of cybersecurity incidents, extracting key insights and implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
Proactively identifying potential risks and developing robust risk mitigation strategies in collaboration with cross-functional teams.
Acting as a liaison between Sandvik Coromant and Sandvik’s broader security community, fostering collaborations, sharing knowledge, and staying abreast of industry best practices.

Your profile
We’re looking for someone with a background within cybersecurity and incident management. A relevant university education is valuable, but experience and deep knowledge in the area is considered more important. Acting in locally in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in both Swedish and English, verbally and in writing.
When it comes to personality, we’re looking for someone who can build trust and rapport with various stakeholders, communicate clearly and effectively, and deliver results in a fast-paced environment. You have a keen eye for detail and a knack for solving complex problems with creative solutions. You’re also adaptable, open-minded, and resilient in the face of challenges and changes. Most importantly, you share our passion for innovation and security, and our commitment to diversity and collaboration.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact Tommy Påhls, recruiting manager, at +46 (0)72 215 21 40.
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts:
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Anna Pettersen
How to apply
Send your application no later than August 30, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0067094.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

Lead Solution Architect

Ansök    Aug 12    Alleima Tube AB    IT-strateg
Are you passionate about creating and maintaining cutting-edge infrastructure solutions? Do you want to work in a dynamic and collaborative environment where your ideas and skills are valued? If so, you might be the perfect fit for our infrastructure team. Here are some of the responsibilities and skills you will need to succeed in this role. Your Role As the Lead Solution Architect, you'll be at the forefront of designing and implementing a secure, cos... Visa mer
Are you passionate about creating and maintaining cutting-edge infrastructure solutions? Do you want to work in a dynamic and collaborative environment where your ideas and skills are valued? If so, you might be the perfect fit for our infrastructure team. Here are some of the responsibilities and skills you will need to succeed in this role.

Your Role
As the Lead Solution Architect, you'll be at the forefront of designing and implementing a secure, cost-effective, and stable IT infrastructure that adheres to industry best practices and standards. Your role is vital in aligning our technical environment with Alleima's business goals and requirements, ensuring support for both current operations and future expansions. In this role you'll have the opportunity to leverage your expertise in a dynamic environment that includes technologies like VMware, Veeam, HPE Aruba, and , as well as on-premises and cloud compute and storage solutions.

Your main responsibilities:
Strategic Vision: Participate in strategic planning sessions to shape the vision and roadmap for our infrastructure, aligning it with business goals and priorities.
Industry Expertise: Stay updated on industry trends, standards, and best practices to enhance infrastructure performance, security, and scalability.
Optimized Design: Review, evaluate, and develop infrastructure designs that balance benefits and costs, meeting both functional and non-functional requirements.
Technical Assessment: Assess the technical feasibility of solutions proposed by partners, team members, and vendors, ensuring adherence to our standards and best practices

About You
We are looking for you who possess a degree in a relevant field or have equivalent work-life experience. You should bring a deep understanding and expertise in large corporate IT infrastructure, likely supported by a solid background from similar roles in previous employments. Fluent communication in Swedish and English is a key strength of yours.

Your personal qualities play a significant role in this position. You are naturally inquisitive and committed to lifelong learning. As a strategist, you continuously scan for ideas to prepare for any possible situation. With an 'anything is possible' mindset, you don't wait for opportunities; you create them. You are proactive, always striving towards your goals and dreams, and adept at finding new ways to navigate or outmaneuver obstacles that many would find challenging.

What you can expect from us
At Alleima we are convinced that diversity and inclusion lead to a better workplace for our employees, our company, and our customers.

We care: We take pride in what we do. We care about our customers, our people, the environment, the communities in which we operate and the future we share.

We deliver: We deliver on our commitments, with a solution-oriented mindset, we enable our customers to be their very best: more efficient, profitable and sustainable.

We evolve: We constantly evolve. Together we take the lead to advance materials, ambitions, industries, ourselves – and societies for the better.

Additional Information
For more information about the position contact:
Hans Edström, Recruiting Manager, +46 (0) 70 634 47 05
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact:
Sara Kühner, Recruitment Specialist, +46 (0) 76 495 02 40
Union contacts:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0) 70-651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 (0) 70-314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0) 70-307 30 48

You are welcome with your application no later than 2024-08-28. In this process, we are continuously going through the applications.

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.

Follow our journey at www.alleima.com Visa mindre

IT-tekniker till Ovako

Om Bravura: Välkommen till Brillante! Vi är en specialiserad del av Bravura som jobbar med rekrytering inom IT/tech. Letar du efter personer med IT-kompetens? Vi är ganska säkra på att de du söker finns hos oss. Kontakta oss så ser vi efter tillsammans. Om tjänsten: Den här tjänsten är en direktrekrytering vilket innebär att rekryteringsprocessen sker genom Bravura och du anställs direkt hos Ovako. Om företaget: På Ovako tror vi att arbetet är mer ä... Visa mer
Om Bravura:

Välkommen till Brillante! Vi är en specialiserad del av Bravura som jobbar med rekrytering inom IT/tech. Letar du efter personer med IT-kompetens? Vi är ganska säkra på att de du söker finns hos oss. Kontakta oss så ser vi efter tillsammans.

Om tjänsten:

Den här tjänsten är en direktrekrytering vilket innebär att rekryteringsprocessen sker genom Bravura och du anställs direkt hos Ovako.

Om företaget:

På Ovako tror vi att arbetet är mer än bara ett jobb – det är en möjlighet att vara en del av något meningsfullt. Vi främjar en öppen och vänlig atmosfär där varje individ är värdefull, vi erbjuder även fina möjligheter till personlig och professionell utveckling. Många av oss finner tillfredsställelse i vetskapen om att vårt arbete bidrar till att göra världen till en bättre plats.

På Ovako specialiserar vi oss på rent, högkvalitativt specialstål, skräddarsydda efter behoven hos våra kunder inom lager, transport och tillverkningssektorer. Vårt högkvalitativa stål säkerställer lätta och tåliga produkter samt möjliggör mer hållbara och miljövänliga lösningar. Med ett starkt engagemang för hållbarhet, uppnådde vi i januari 2022 koldioxidneutral produktion baserad på återvunnet stål och fossilfri elektricitet. Vår stålproduktion har hela 80% mindre koldioxidavtryck jämfört med det globala genomsnittet.

Med 2900 dedikerade medarbetare och en global närvaro som sträcker sig över 30 länder samt cirka 1,1 miljarder euro i omsättning står Ovako, ett dotterbolag till Sanyo Special Steel och en stolt medlem av Nippon Steel Corporation, i framkant av stålindustrin.

Är du intresserad av att flytta till Hofors? Vi hjälper dig med boende!


Vårt IT-team är distribuerat över flera orter i Sverige och stödjer inte bara våra svenska fabriksenheter utan även globala säljbolag och små tillverkningsenheter runt om i världen. Vår tekniska miljö omfattar bland annat Windows-servrar, PC-klienter och en mängd Microsoft-produkter. Hos oss har du möjlighet att påverka utformningen av framtidens IT, lära dig en mängd nya färdigheter och ingå i ett team med stort tekniskt intresse och kompetens.

I denna roll är du baserad i Hofors och arbetar i en grupp på 12 personer som tillsammans stödjer, underhåller och utvecklar IT-infrastrukturen. Vi löser tekniska problem, installerar och konfigurerar hårdvara och mjukvara, samt ser till att användarna har tillgång till de digitala verktyg de behöver för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter.

I rollen som IT-tekniker kommer du att ansvara för specifika teknikområden, beroende på dina erfarenheter och framtida ambitioner. Det ansvaret kan exempelvis vara ett eller flera av dessa områden – Backup/Restore, Windows Server, Active Directory, System Center, Exchange, Office365, Azure, Intune och Certifikathantering. Andra produkter är Citrix, KEMP, ManageEngine samt DNS-hantering hos domänleverantörer.

Vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter kan innefatta:

• Teknisk support
• Nätverkverksunderhåll
• Hårdvaruinstallation
• Mjukvaruinstallation
• Säkerhet i klienter, nätverk och server
• Systemadministration

Utbildning, Erfarenhet och personliga egenskaper:

• Goda erfarenheter av liknande roller inom IT-drift och support
• Goda kunskaper inom AD, Windows Server och nätverk
• God känsla för service
• Obehindrad svenska samt engelska i tal och skrift
• Erfarenhet av ett eller flera av ovan nämnda områden är starkt meriterande

Vi utgör ett samarbetsinriktat team där varje individ spelar en avgörande roll för att uppnå goda resultat och skapa ett positivt arbetsklimat. Vi söker därför en person som ofta beskrivs som positivt, flexibel och prestigelös. Vi tror fortsatt att du är en person som utan tvekan hjälper till där behov finns. Hos oss är det även viktigt med engagemang och att varje person bidra med idéer. Du är en person som är trygg med att ta egna beslut och du kommunicerar väl med dina kollegor. Då arbetstempot kan variera är det viktigt att du uppskattar struktur och arbetar fokuserat, även under perioder av högre arbetstempo.

Övrig information:

Ovako erbjuder Ovako är en arbetsgivare för dig som trivs med den mindre organisationens effektiva beslutsvägar och den större organisationens trygghet. Hos Ovako kan du förvänta dig en fartfylld och framåtsyftande arbetsplats med högt i tak, god kamratanda och stor organisatorisk drivkraft. Som anställd erbjuds du:

• En arbetsplats med fokus på medarbetarnas hälsa, säkerhet och välbefinnande
• Stort eget ansvar och frihet i hur du löser dina arbetsuppgifter
• Möjlighet att utmana Ovakos arbetssätt och komma med idéer som effektiviserar
• Möjlighet att arbeta i en dynamisk miljö med engagerade och erfarna medarbetare
• Marknadsmässig lön, kollektivavtal och förmåner såsom friskvårdsbidrag, arbetstidsförkortning vilket ger extra ledig tid, tillgång till erbjudanden och rabatter via Benify

Den här tjänsten är en direktrekrytering vilket innebär att rekryteringsprocessen sker genom Bravura och du anställs direkt hos Ovako

Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Hofors, möjlighet till hybridlösning
Arbetstider: Arbetstider är generellt 07.30-16.30 samt beredskapstjänst var sjätte vecka. Vi är mån om att du ska kombinera jobb och privatliv på ett hållbart sätt och erbjuder självfallet flexmöjligheter
Övrigt: Inför anställning genomförs bakgrundskontroll samt drogtest.

Vi gör ett löpande urval så skicka in din ansökan redan idag! Har du frågor eller funderingar är du varmt välkommen att höra av dig till rekryteringsansvarig, Elice, på [email protected] Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du TypeScript & React? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från vårt kontor i Stockholm och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tills... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från vårt kontor i Stockholm och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
PS. Är du student så finns motsvarande tjänst även att söka som sommarjobb, extrajobb, exjobb eller på deltid. För rätt person hittar vi en lösning som passar. Hör av dig!
Du ansöker direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se.
Välkommen! Visa mindre

IT Service Manager within Treasury

Ansök    Jun 4    Alleima EMEA AB    IT-samordnare
Alleima Group Treasury ansvarar för att hantera gruppens finansiella flöden och infrasturktur för betalningar, finansiering, hantering av likviditetsrisker, service till dotterbolag avseende lån, finansiella placeringar samt valuta- och råvarusäkringar. Vi agerar som koncernens interna bank och tar ansvar för att utföra gruppens finansiella transaktioner. Vår roll sträcker sig även till att erbjuda support och rådgivning till våra dotterbolag inom områdena... Visa mer
Alleima Group Treasury ansvarar för att hantera gruppens finansiella flöden och infrasturktur för betalningar, finansiering, hantering av likviditetsrisker, service till dotterbolag avseende lån, finansiella placeringar samt valuta- och råvarusäkringar. Vi agerar som koncernens interna bank och tar ansvar för att utföra gruppens finansiella transaktioner. Vår roll sträcker sig även till att erbjuda support och rådgivning till våra dotterbolag inom områdena såsom ”cash management” och ”trade finance solutions”. Utöver detta är vi ansvariga för hantering av finansiella risker relaterade till pensionsavgångar och personalstiftelser.
Vi söker nu en IT Service Manager som vill ta ett helhetsgrepp över Treasurys IT-verktygslåda och kringliggande processer.

Om jobbet
I denna roll säkerställer du Treasurys förmåga att leverera på sina ansvarsområden som finansiella flöden, betalningar, service till dotterbolag, etc. Detta genom att arbeta med verktyg som finansiella system, processer, kvalitetssäkring och externa leverantörer.
Du har ansvar för projekt, upphandling, budget och drift av Treasury-relaterade IT-system. Tillsammans med Alleima Group IT säkerställer du att funktion och intergration med Alleima gruppens övriga system och IT-plattformar fungerar sömlöst. Vidare leder du IT-projekt som drivs av Treasury samt deltar och företräder Treasury i projekt som påverkar Treasuryverksamheten och Alleimagruppens betalningshantering. Du agerar kontaktperson gentemot interna och externa leverantörer för att säkerställa leverans enligt överenskommelse, agerar eskaleringspunkt samt driver kontinuerliga förbättringsåtgärder.
Exempel på arbetsuppgifter i detalj:
· Alleimagruppens betalningshanteringssystem (idag FIS Trax) med relaterade ”cash management” lösningar, kopplingar till banker och integrationer med Alleimagruppens ERP- och lönesystem.
· Alleima-gruppens nettingsystem för interna betalningar (idag CoProcess)
· Treasurys system för hantering av interna och externa finansiella transaktioner (idag Treasury Systems)
· System för avstämning av finansiella transaktioner (idag Finastra)
· Treasurys handels- och informationssystem (idag Bloomberg)
· Att delta i applikationsforum och återkommande möten avsedda för Alleimas samtliga IT Service Managers
· IT-budget, intern och extern IT-revision, IT-relaterade kontroller och behörighetsfrågor, IT relaterade prissättningsmodeller, kostnader och intäkter
Du rapporterar till Head of Group Treasury. Placeringsort för tjänsten är vårt kontor intill Humlegården i Stockholm.

Din Profil
Vi söker dig som inte bara tar hand om uppgifterna utan även strävar efter att göra skillnad och driva förbättringar både för Treasuryverksamheten och inom Alleimas Group IT funktion. Att leverera förstklassig service och arbeta proaktivt är en självklarhet för dig. I en föränderlig och komplex internationell miljö trivs du med att arbeta i nära samspel med dina kollegor och uppmuntrar till ömsesidig kunskapsöverföring för att tillsammans bidra till effektivisering och utveckling.
Vi tror att du har en universitets- eller högskoleexamen med för rollen relevant inriktning, och gärna med arbetslivserfarenhet från Treasury, bank eller finansiell institutions IT-funktion. Möjligen har du liknande erfarenhet från Fintech. Vi ser gärna att du har kunskap och erfarenhet inom betal- och Treasuryrelaterade IT-system och verksamheter. Erfarenhet av ledning och deltagande i IT-projekt som involverar samordning av flera intressenter och leverantörer, samt arbete med specifika system och ramverk, såsom Alleimas betal- och Treasurysystem, applikationsförvaltning, ITIL och ITSM Serviceportal, ser vi som meriterande.
Förenklat är du profilen med nämnda Treasury-kunskap som kan IT-system tillräckligt väl eller mer en IT Service Manager som kan Treasury tillräckligt väl. Främst lägger vi dock stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper. Vi söker någon som kombinerar tjänstens noggrannhets- och strukturkrav med förmåga att fånga verksamhetens helhetsbehov, driva projekt och etablera samarbete med många kontaktytor.
Eftersom Alleima verkar globalt så är du flytande i svenska och engelska - både i tal och skrift
Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss
- En välkomnande arbetsplats som präglas av en lång historia. Genomgående är den stolthet vi bär med oss för det arbete som vi gör och vad det bidrar till.
- Hos oss är hälsa och säkerhet högsta prioritet; vi erbjuder ett konkurrenskraftigt förmånspaket med bland annat friskvård, sjukvårdsförsäkring, tandvårdsförsäkring samt pensionsplan.
På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.
Övrig information
För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
André Söderholm, Alleima HR, +46 76 529 65 77
För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Per Lindqvist, Head of Group Treasury Alleima, mobil +46 70 630 94 09
Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-06-10
På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.
Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.
Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa!

www.alleima.com Visa mindre

1st line servicedeskmedarbetare till vår kund i Sandviken

Ett öppet kontorslandskap fyllt med personer som brinner för problemlösning och IT-support - låter det som din nästa arbetsplats? Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan. OM TJÄNSTEN Som servicedeskmedarbetare är du första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden. Arbetet inom 1st-line support följe... Visa mer
Ett öppet kontorslandskap fyllt med personer som brinner för problemlösning och IT-support - låter det som din nästa arbetsplats? Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan.

Som servicedeskmedarbetare är du första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden.
Arbetet inom 1st-line support följer ofta tydliga rutiner, vilket gör denna roll perfekt för dig som vill bygga på din kunskap och erfarenhet inom IT-support.

Du erbjuds
- En spännande roll i ett kompetent team där du har stora möjligheter till vidareutveckling
- En dedikerad konsultchef som stöttar dig i din utveckling



* Utreda IT-relaterade ärenden via telefon, mail och fjärrsupport
* Logga samtal och mail i ärendehanteringssystemet
* Stötta användare i frågor rörande teknisk utrustning och interna IT-system
* Skicka vidare de mer komplexa ärendena till 2nd eller 3rd line support

- Har erfarenhet av kundbemötande via mail och telefon
- Har ett stort tekniskt intresse och vilja att arbeta med IT
- Är bekväm med att prata i telefon och trivs med att ha många kontaktytor
- Talar och skriver obehindrat på både svenska och engelska då det krävs i dokumentation samt i kontakt med kunder
För den här rollen ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetat med liknande arbetsuppgifter sedan tidigare och/eller har vana av att arbeta med hårdvara.

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Ordningsam
- Hjälpsam
- Stabil

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

Resande Javautvecklare Nivå-3 Sökes för Uppdrag, Förmåntliga Villkor Ebjuds

Nu söker vi 3 konsulter som löpande ska bistå Digg med kvalificerat konsultstöd som javautvecklare. För att passa in på den här rollen krävs erfarenhet av lösningar med stort fokus på säkerhet. Det är i första hand inom Digg:s uppdrag med att ta fram en statlig e-legitimation som konsulterna ska verka. Uppdraget kommer bedrivas i nära dialog med kravställare, UX:are, testare och andra utvecklare som designar och utvecklar programvara. Konsulterna ska säker... Visa mer
Nu söker vi 3 konsulter som löpande ska bistå Digg med kvalificerat konsultstöd som javautvecklare. För att passa in på den här rollen krävs erfarenhet av lösningar med stort fokus på säkerhet. Det är i första hand inom Digg:s uppdrag med att ta fram en statlig e-legitimation som konsulterna ska verka. Uppdraget kommer bedrivas i nära dialog med kravställare, UX:are, testare och andra utvecklare som designar och utvecklar programvara. Konsulterna ska säkerhetsskyddklassas i klass 2. Tjänsten är 90% på distans och en dag veckan på Diggs kontorslokaler i Stockholm/Sundsvall.

Vad erbjuder vi dig?
Månadslön: 65,000+ SEK, beroende på din expertis och erfarenhet.
Tjänstepension och privat sjukvård tillgänglig dygnet runt.
Balans mellan arbete och privatliv: Möjlighet att arbeta med ett dynamiskt team.
Professionell utveckling: Möjlighet att arbeta med moderna tekniker och ständig professionell utveckling i en stödjande miljö samt nya utbildningar som vi erbjuder för uppdatering och förnyelse av nya certyfikat.
Trygga anställningar
Boende och resor erbjuds till resande konsulter

1. Detta uppdrag kräver säkerhetsskyddsavtal nivå tre (3), säkerhetsklass två (2). Digg har med anledning av detta följande krav på konsulten:
- Säkerhetsklass 2 innebär att såväl konsult kontrolleras av SÄPO.
- Leverans av konsulttjänster ska ske inom Sveriges gränser, om inte annat överenskommits.
- Utrustning från Digg ska användas, annan utrustning medges inte, om inte annat överenskommits.
- Konsult ska vara svensk medborgare och anbudsgivare ansvar för att offererad konsult klarar en säkerhetsprövning.
2. Kompetensnivå 3
Kunskap – hög kompetens inom aktuell roll
Erfarenhet – arbetat 4–8 år inom aktuell roll, är förebild för andra Konsulter på lägre nivå Ledning – tar ansvar för delområde, kan leda en mindre grupp
Självständighet – kan arbeta självständigt
3. a) erfarenhet av javautveckling, minst 5 år
4. b) erfarenhet av microservicearkitektur, minst 1 år
5. c) erfarenhet av utveckling av säkerhetsfunktioner
6. d) erfarenhet av kubernetes
7. e) erfarenhet av Quarkus, Springboot eller liknande
8. f) erfarenhet av teambaserad utveckling enligt agila principer
9. g) flytande i svenska i tal och skrift och goda kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift.

Meriterande Kvalifikationer:
1. h) stationeringsort Sundsvall
2. i) erfarenhet av utveckling av identitetsfederationer
3. j) erfarenhet av certifikatshantering
4. k) erfarenhet av testautomatisering för backend
5. l) erfarenhet av automatisering av bygg-, test- och leveransflöden i containerbaserade miljöer

Javautvecklare sökes hos DIGG: Stockholm/Sundsvall Omfattning: Heltid
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare
Anställningsform: Tillsvidare- eller tidsbegränsad anställning

Språk Krav: Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Klar att ansluta dig till vårt team?
Om du drivs av teknik och är motiverad av att ha en central roll i stödet som Javautvecklare, vill vi höra från dig! Ansök redan idag och ta nästa steg i din karriär tillsammans med oss!

E-post: [email protected]
Telefon: 0760143613 Visa mindre

Solution Engineers – Detect & Respond

Ansök    Maj 24    SANDVIK AB    IT-tekniker/Datatekniker
Are you ready to embark on our journey in a truly product-led organization? At Sandvik Group IT we’ve recently switched to a new way of working to enhance our operational efficiency and elevate our service to delivery to new heights. In our cybersecurity area we’re now looking for two Solution Engineers with excellent people skills and a profound knowledge in the area. We offer you the chance to influence our work where it matters. We look forward to achie... Visa mer
Are you ready to embark on our journey in a truly product-led organization? At Sandvik Group IT we’ve recently switched to a new way of working to enhance our operational efficiency and elevate our service to delivery to new heights.
In our cybersecurity area we’re now looking for two Solution Engineers with excellent people skills and a profound knowledge in the area. We offer you the chance to influence our work where it matters. We look forward to achieving great success in this exciting new chapter – and we want you to join us!
Your new team
The product area Detect & Respond Platform (DRP) is an internal capability enabler for Sandvik’s Global Security Operations – who both are key components of our central cybersecurity service. Our focus lays on Microsoft Defender technologies and we’re a trusted internal party enabling, maintaining, supporting and providing expertise for owned tools. We’re a small team where transparency and sharing best practices pervades our culture. Our mission is to be proactive in identifying and addressing needs and gaps!
About your job
In this position, you play a crucial role in enhancing productivity, profitability, and sustainability within the department. You primarily work with MS Defender technologies and are an important part of the people and processes aspects of the delivery – as both an actor and a contributor. Providing your technical expertise, you support customer operations, and drive projects within the field. You’re involved in the entire lifecycle of services and solutions, from development to support and maintenance, ensuring alignment with industry standards and innovation. To support your colleagues and help them grow to increase their capability to deliver is also an important part of your job.
Where’s the office?
The location for this position is flexible within Sweden and we offer a hybrid work solution. Your team is primarily located in Stockholm while stakeholders and other teams are in Sandviken and regular presence in these sites is necessary.
About you
We’re looking for an experienced engineer with a background from a larger global organization. You have deep knowledge in cybersecurity and MS Defender technology stack, of particular interest are Sentinel, MDE, XDR, MDI, MDO and MDC. Experience with common policies, practices and procedures within Cybersecurity is a plus, as is knowledge in MS Defender related deployment projects. Proven stakeholder management skills, both internal and external, is also beneficial. Your knowledge should be backed by a relevant education, or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. Acting in a truly global environment calls for profound communication skills in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus.
Sure, the hard skills are important, but it all comes down to how you are as a person! You have an analytical and problem-solving mindset and can easily work independently with limited supervision. You’re creative and thrive in an ever-changing environment and can switch mindset and tasks in moment’s notice. Being a true team player, you happily support and coach colleagues and challenge when necessary. Your excellent communication skills enable you to build strong relationships based on honesty and trust all over our global organization!
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Petra Englund, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70-616 43 59.
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Therese Rutqvist
How to apply
We have an ongoing recruitment and ask you to send your application as soon as possible and no later than June 9th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0067487.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Solution Architect – Detect & Respond

Are you ready to embark on our journey in a truly product-led organization? At Sandvik Group IT we’ve recently switched to a new way of working to enhance our operational efficiency and elevate our service to delivery to new heights. In our cybersecurity area we’re now looking for a Solution Architect with excellent people skills and the ability to grasp the bigger picture. We offer you the chance to influence our work where it matters. We look forward to ... Visa mer
Are you ready to embark on our journey in a truly product-led organization? At Sandvik Group IT we’ve recently switched to a new way of working to enhance our operational efficiency and elevate our service to delivery to new heights.
In our cybersecurity area we’re now looking for a Solution Architect with excellent people skills and the ability to grasp the bigger picture. We offer you the chance to influence our work where it matters. We look forward to achieving great success in this exciting new chapter – and we want you to join us!
Your new team
The product area Detect & Respond Platform (DRP) is an internal capability enabler for Sandvik’s Global Security Operations – who both are key components of our central cybersecurity service. Our focus lays on Microsoft Defender technologies and we’re a trusted internal party enabling, maintaining, supporting and providing expertise for owned tools. We’re a small team where transparency and sharing best practices pervades our culture. Our mission is to be proactive in identifying and addressing needs and gaps!
About your job
In this position, you’re one of our key experts working mainly with MS Defender technologies. You’re responsible for ensuring translation of business requirements into IT solutions as well as providing technical guidance to the project teams in designing and implementing IT solutions – always in line with business needs and strategies.
Your responsibility includes:
Solve complex problems by taking a broad perspective to identify innovative solutions.
Take ownership and help creating and implementing processes and policies.
Influence and teach others regarding policies, practices and procedures.
Creating, sustaining, improving and leading solution design for your area.

Where’s the office?
The location for this position is flexible within Sweden and we offer a hybrid work solution. Your team is primarily located in Stockholm while stakeholders and other teams are in Sandviken and regular presence in these sites is necessary.
About you
We’re looking for a skilled architect with a solid experience from a larger global organization. You have extensive knowledge in cybersecurity and the MS Defender technology stack, particularly Sentinel, MDE, XDR, MDI, MDO and MDC. Experience with common policies, practices and procedures within Cybersecurity is a plus, as is knowledge in MS Defender related deployment projects. Proven stakeholder management skills, both internal and external, is crucial. Your knowledge should be backed by a relevant education, or equivalent knowledge gained from a working career. Acting in a truly global environment calls for profound communication skills in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus.
Your personality truly makes the difference – and with your exceptional people and communication skills you easily explain your agenda in a way that make sense to all. Your ability to grasp the bigger picture enables you to also spot the important details that makes the difference. You’re creative and thrive in an ever-changing environment and can switch mindset and tasks in moment’s notice. At the end of the day, you’re a true team player who believes that the best outcome emerges from great collaboration and sharing best practices!
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Petra Englund, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70-616 43 59.
We’ve already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Therese Rutqvist
How to apply
We have an ongoing recruitment and ask you to send your application as soon as possible and no later than June 9th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0067514.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Business Process Specialist - M3

Ansök    Maj 13    Alleima Tube AB    Projektledare, IT
Inom Alleima finns Division Strip som utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer precisionsband på den globala marknaden inom bland annat konsument-, fordons- och medicinsk industri. Vi är världsledande där vi verkar och strävar ständigt efter att hitta nya applikationer och segment där vi kan bidra till och lösa våra kunders utmaningar. Din roll I rollen som Business Process Specialist kommer du att fungera som system- och processexpert i företagets ERP/M3-resa... Visa mer
Inom Alleima finns Division Strip som utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer precisionsband på den globala marknaden inom bland annat konsument-, fordons- och medicinsk industri. Vi är världsledande där vi verkar och strävar ständigt efter att hitta nya applikationer och segment där vi kan bidra till och lösa våra kunders utmaningar.

Din roll

I rollen som Business Process Specialist kommer du att fungera som system- och processexpert i företagets ERP/M3-resa där du agerar stöd till befintliga användare. Det övergripande syftet med rollen är att överbrygga gapet mellan verksamhetens processer och affärssystemets funktionalitet och möjligheter. Du är verksamhetens hjälpande hand i både utvecklingsprojekt, initiativ och slutanvändarstöd.

Vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter:
Driva process- och systemförbättringar baserat på affärsbehov och efterlevnadsområde.
Driva globala forum för kontinuerlig dialog med verksamhetens befintliga och nya användare.
Agera stöd till utsedda superusers och slutanvändare.
Agera som Strips representant i M3s projektorganisation
Bidra till att sätta en solid grund för våra processer, instruktioner, roller och befogenheter samt säkerställa efterlevnad av interna och externa krav.

Vidare innebär rollen att samla in behov, prioritera och implementera. Detta görs tillsammans med övriga team & partners och till din hjälp har du ett nära samarbete med Alleima Tube IT och M3 Competence Center.
Placeringsort för tjänsten är Sandviken.

Din Profil

Vi söker dig som har en högskole- eller universitetsutbildning inom relevant område, alternativt har du skaffat dig motsvarande kunskaper genom arbetslivserfarenhet från en liknande roll. Du har goda kunskaper inom tillverkningsindustrin med god förståelse för företagets systemstöd och processer. Erfarenhet från globala organisationer är meriterande då vi arbetar i en internationell miljö.

Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper som präglas av ett lösningsorienterat förhållningssätt, analytisk förmåga och självledarskap. Med hjälp av din goda kommunikationsförmåga interagerar du lätt både med kollegor och intressenter. Du visar grundläggande ledarskapsförmåga och kan driva projekt samtidigt som du är lyhörd och inspirerande för din omgivning.

Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss

På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.

Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar.

Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tankesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: Mer effektiva, lönsamma och hållbara.

Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Fredrik Parneborg, +46 70-386 95 00

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Per Hammas, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 79-098 49 50

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:

Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070-314 24 43
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Stefan Jonsson, Unionen, 070-396 0300

I den här processen kommer vi att applicera kognitiva tester som skickas ut till de kandidater som vi väljer att gå vidare med för en första intervju.
Du är välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-05-29.

På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du TypeScript & React? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från vårt kontor i Stockholm och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tills... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från vårt kontor i Stockholm och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
PS. Är du student så finns motsvarande tjänst även att söka som sommarjobb, extrajobb, exjobb eller på deltid. För rätt person hittar vi en lösning som passar. Hör av dig!
Du ansöker direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se.
Välkommen! Visa mindre

Teknisk Projektledare

Du agerar länk till framtidens produktionsteknik för regionens företag   Anser du att tillverkande företag kan bli mer konkurrenskraftiga med hjälp av ny teknik och produktionsmetoder? Om du vill arbeta i projekt vars syfte är att stötta företag i regionen att utforska och nyttja nya tekniska lösningar, är det här rätt tjänst för dig! Din uppgift blir att leda och arbeta operativt inom projekt som visar vägen och möjliggör en utvecklingsresa för regionen... Visa mer
Du agerar länk till framtidens produktionsteknik för regionens företag
Anser du att tillverkande företag kan bli mer konkurrenskraftiga med hjälp av ny teknik och produktionsmetoder? Om du vill arbeta i projekt vars syfte är att stötta företag i regionen att utforska och nyttja nya tekniska lösningar, är det här rätt tjänst för dig!

Din uppgift blir att leda och arbeta operativt inom projekt som visar vägen och möjliggör en utvecklingsresa för regionens företag. Arbetet sker i nära samarbete med företag och andra aktörer i regionen. Vi tror att du har ett nyfiket intresse för områden såsom AI, automation, additiv tillverkning och cybersäkerhet.

Sandbacka Science Park har sin hemvist organisatoriskt i Sandvikens kommun, men arbetar även på uppdrag av andra finansiärer, via företrädelsevis projektmedel, som Region Gävleborg, Vinnova, Tillväxtverket med flera. Verksamheten värdesätter mångfald och utgör en energifylld och kreativ arbetsplats.

Din bakgrund

Du har:

• Erfarenhet inom projektledning.
• God kommunikativ förmåga såväl i svenska som engelska i tal och skrift och erfarenhet från att samverka med en mångfald av aktörer.
• Utbildningsbakgrund inom exempelvis industriell ekonomi, datateknik/systemvetenskap eller annan relevant akademisk utbildning och/eller några års erfarenhet av teknikutveckling från industrin.

Vidare är det meriterande om du har erfarenhet av förändringsledning inom digitalisering eller produktionsteknik. Du får gärna ha erfarenhet från industrin samt kompetens inom områden såsom additiv tillverkning, automation, AI och/eller cybersäkerhet.

Du är van att effektivt leda projekt från idé till implementering. Du har goda ledaregenskaper, hög integritet och du vågar prioritera och ställa krav. Som person är du leveransfokuserad, strukturerad och har god kunskap och ett nyfiket intresse för utveckling och trender inom det tekniska området.

För att trivas i rollen bör du ha ett genuint intresse för science parkens samhällsuppdrag och vara ständigt nyfiken på nya möjligheter.

Välkommen att vara med och göra avtryck tillsammans med företag och science park i en dynamisk och innovativ miljö!

I 24 år har Sandbacka Science Park stöttat företag och gjort verklighet av nytänkande idéer till hållbara produkter, tjänster och företag. Sandbacka Science Park i Sandviken är en av Sveriges cirka 30 science parks och Gävleborgs enda. Science parken skapar forum för människor som vill göra hållbara affärer och för samarbeten som påverkar. På riktigt. En plats för människor att mötas, samverka och utvecklas. Verksamheten är idag fokuserad på tre spetsområden - grön omställning, digital utveckling och mod att utveckla. Det är i samarbetet och relationerna mellan företag, akademi och samhälle som Sandbacka Science Park driver utveckling för att skapa fler konkurrenskraftiga företag genom hållbara och digitala lösningar. Allt med människan i fokus. Visa mindre

IT Coordinator, Business Support & Applications

Ansök    Apr 29    IPCO Sweden AB    IT-samordnare
General position/description Do you want to be part of our transformation journey, in a truly global environment! Then we have an exciting assignment for you. We are now looking for an IT Coordinator within the function Business Support and Applications. IPCO AB are now looking for an IT Coordinator, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignmen... Visa mer
General position/description
Do you want to be part of our transformation journey, in a truly global environment!
Then we have an exciting assignment for you. We are now looking for an IT Coordinator within the function Business Support and Applications.
IPCO AB are now looking for an IT Coordinator, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignment to provide secure, robust and modern applications, always supporting future business requirements. Your daily work will be conducted in close cooperation with business stakeholders, the core IT-team and suppliers. You have high interest and focus on efficiency and quality, with a mindset that always prioritize an optimized administrative model.
Your Mission
In the role of IT Application Coordinator, you will coordinate and support a team of experienced Application Process Specialist, to ensure that our strategic business systems are implemented to meet future business requirements. In this position you will work in a close cooperation with business stakeholders in a global context. You will have the end-to-end responsibility, from defining and prioritize IT-demands and system updates, to ensure implementation of functionality that enables process optimization and automation. You will cooperate with suppliers, to ensure delivery by agreements, with a high service level and continuously improvements. You will contribute to the overall IT strategy.
Main responsibilities
Managing tactical and operational meetings together with internal stakeholders and suppliers.
Responsible for release management and coordination of work with new business It-demands/system updates, acceptance test and implementation. This also includes handover to suppliers and to ensure a high level of internal communication and training.
Ensure available and relevant documentation e.g. test documentation, users-guides etc.
Ensure that business It-demands are clearly defined, prioritized and executed together with the team and suppliers.
Independently run global meetings, workshops, presentations and create appropriate documentation.
Strong focus on business and act as an escalation point. You troubleshoot end-user issues in cooperation with selected suppliers and the team.
Execute minor assignments, work with administration and projects, if needed.
Work close to selected suppliers to ensure delivery by agreements and a high service level. You have focus on continuously improvements related to the support-/incident process.
Ensure that relevant IT standards, policies and security requirements are followed, or take needed actions.
Focus on master data quality.

Your Profile
A true team player who strives for continuous improvement, development of yourself & the team.
Good collaboration and communication skills, with strong focus on change management.
You can easily interact with you colleagues and stakeholders.
Basic leadership skills and be responsible to drive projects and coordinate activities.
Innovative and solution-oriented thinker, with a structured and analytical ability.
Service minded, positive and open mindset.

Fluent in English and preferable Swedish
Degree in Computer Science or equivalent knowledge.
Experience working with business requirements and release management.
2-5 years of experience in similar position as IT Application Coordinator or a comparable role.

Experience from working with Service management and ITIL.
Working within a global manufacturing industry/organization.
Business process modelling, to capture business requirements etc.
Experience as a Project manager and/or Change manager.
Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment.
Experience from work in similar position and with Infor M3, Microsoft D365 or comparable applications.

Additional information
IPCO works for an equal workplace, and we value differences. We believe that the employees' different backgrounds, experience, skills, and personalities contribute to the development of the business. In a recruitment context, a focus on diversity based on, for example, gender, age, and foreign background is a matter of course.
Location: Sandviken/Hybrid Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact: Marie Landström, Recruiting manager +46 70-2737680, [email protected]
Last day of application June 12th, 2024 Visa mindre

Systems Developer

Do you have a passion for front-end user experience and a track record of delivering intuitive and elegant designs? We’re now looking for a Systems Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT! Some words about us At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collabor... Visa mer
Do you have a passion for front-end user experience and a track record of delivering intuitive and elegant designs? We’re now looking for a Systems Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT!
Some words about us
At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collaborative and supportive work environment where you get to grow and develop – read more about our culture on our career site! We look forward to hearing from you!
Your mission
Working closely with our product technology team, you develop aesthetic and functional application features that meet the end user’s needs and create an amazing experience. You’re responsible for the design and implementation of user-driven interfaces for .net web portals.
Included in your role is to:
Collaborate with peers on design requirements and features and UI interactions.
Design, implement and maintain UI designs.
Instrument, maintain, and analyze tracking metrics within the application to identify pain points and guide improvements.
Optimize designs for maximum scalability and speed.
Harmonize user experience through the consolidation of reusable components.
Participate in the design of UI processes and tools.
Stay up-to-date with industry trends and tools.
Advocate for great usability and best practices.

This position is based in Sandviken or Stockholm, Sweden and allows for a hybrid work schedule.
Your profile
We’re looking for a developer with great UI design skills – including creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows, and site maps. You’re used to working in agile/scrum development processes and good at solving problems creatively and effectively. With your great communication skills, you easily present designs and sell solutions to various stakeholders. As we’re a global organization, you need good skills in English, both written and verbal.
You need skills and experience within:
Web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Application programming languages like C#,.Net, AJAX.
Advantageous: Design software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and Flex.

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Swati Falak, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55
Recruitment Specialist
Gustaf Sjögren
How to apply
Send your application no later than May 5, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0066166.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

BI Developer

Are you ready to dive further into the dynamic world of Business Intelligence (BI)? At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a talented BI Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT, and wield advanced analytics, captivating visualizations, and robust modeling techniques to empower our business. Some words about us At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within ... Visa mer
Are you ready to dive further into the dynamic world of Business Intelligence (BI)? At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a talented BI Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT, and wield advanced analytics, captivating visualizations, and robust modeling techniques to empower our business.
Some words about us
At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collaborative and supportive work environment where you get to grow and develop – read more about our culture on our career site! We look forward to hearing from you!
Your mission
In this position, you take charge of creating, evolving, and maintaining our BI tools. These responsibilities aim to empower our business to make more informed decisions by leveraging advanced data analytics, compelling data visualization, and robust data modeling techniques. You play a key role in transforming data into insights that drive our business strategies and objectives.
Included in your mission is to:
Develop, design, and implement business intelligence solutions using Microsoft Azure stack (Power BI specifically).
Collaborate across teams to solve problems, develop and execute database queries, and conduct analyses.
Conduct unit testing and troubleshooting.
Develop visual reports, KPI scorecards, and dashboards.
Provide quality reports to customers and ensure those reports meet quality assurance standards.
Enhance existing BI systems through evaluation and improvement.

This position is based in Sandviken or Stockholm, Sweden and allows for a hybrid work schedule.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with previous experience as a BI Developer, Data Scientist, or similar role and a degree within a relevant field, such as computer science or data analytics. You know how to design data warehouses (using dimensional modelling) and how to perform data mining effectively. Significant expertise of data analytics and experience of visualizing data using Power BI is needed, as well as experience with workflow management software and data transformation pipelines. As we’re a global organization, you need good skills in English, both written and verbal.
You need skills and experience within:
BI tools such as Power BI and Azure Synapse
, including Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Azure cloud
Python and .net language

We value your personality, and you’re characterized by being a critical thinker with a problem-solving mentality. You have a thirst for knowledge and desire to learn new systems, combined with the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously within your project timeframes. With great communication skills, you easily handle various stakeholders across our organization.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Swati Falak, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55
Recruitment Specialist
Gustaf Sjögren
How to apply
Send your application no later than May 5, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0066167.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Systems Developer

Do you have a passion for front-end user experience and a track record of delivering intuitive and elegant designs? We’re now looking for a Systems Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT! Some words about us At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collabor... Visa mer
Do you have a passion for front-end user experience and a track record of delivering intuitive and elegant designs? We’re now looking for a Systems Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT!
Some words about us
At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collaborative and supportive work environment where you get to grow and develop – read more about our culture on our career site! We look forward to hearing from you!
Your mission
Working closely with our product technology team, you develop aesthetic and functional application features that meet the end user’s needs and create an amazing experience. You’re responsible for the design and implementation of user-driven interfaces for .net web portals.
Included in your role is to:
Collaborate with peers on design requirements and features and UI interactions.
Design, implement and maintain UI designs.
Instrument, maintain, and analyze tracking metrics within the application to identify pain points and guide improvements.
Optimize designs for maximum scalability and speed.
Harmonize user experience through the consolidation of reusable components.
Participate in the design of UI processes and tools.
Stay up-to-date with industry trends and tools.
Advocate for great usability and best practices.

This position is based in Sandviken or Stockholm, Sweden and allows for a hybrid work schedule.
Your profile
We’re looking for a developer with great UI design skills – including creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows, and site maps. You’re used to working in agile/scrum development processes and good at solving problems creatively and effectively. With your great communication skills, you easily present designs and sell solutions to various stakeholders. As we’re a global organization, you need good skills in English, both written and verbal.
You need skills and experience within:
Web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Application programming languages like C#,.Net, AJAX.
Advantageous: Design software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and Flex.

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Swati Falak, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55
Recruitment Specialist
Gustaf Sjögren
How to apply
Send your application no later than May 5, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0066166.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre


Inom Alleima finns Lokal IT som ansvarar för att våra IT-system och infrastruktur fungerar ihop – allt för att möjliggöra en så stabil miljö som möjligt. Vi söker nu efter kommunikativa och initiativtagande IT Supporttekniker för att säkra driften, men även utveckla vår teknik och tjänster. Välkommen till ett nytänkande team med målsättningen att säkra kontorens IT miljö framåt! Din roll I rollen som IT-supporttekniker inom Tube Lokal IT är du en pr... Visa mer
Inom Alleima finns Lokal IT som ansvarar för att våra IT-system och infrastruktur fungerar ihop – allt för att möjliggöra en så stabil miljö som möjligt. Vi söker nu efter kommunikativa och initiativtagande IT Supporttekniker för att säkra driften, men även utveckla vår teknik och tjänster. Välkommen till ett nytänkande team med målsättningen att säkra kontorens IT miljö framåt!

Din roll

I rollen som IT-supporttekniker inom Tube Lokal IT är du en problemlösare och tekniker med varierande arbetsuppgifter och utmaningar. Du har möjlighet att få djupare insyn i olika IT-miljöer och hitta lösningar på kluriga IT relaterade problem.
Inom vårt team arbetar vi med inkommande ärenden samtidigt som vi gör vårt bästa för att lösa så många ärenden som möjligt i supportteamet. Det är viktigt för oss att våra kunder får så bra support som möjligt, så fort som möjligt och vi tror att en viktig del av det är kompetenta medarbetare i hela supportorganisationen.
Hos oss arbetar du bland annat med:
· Ta emot ärenden från våran användare och ge ett bra bemötande.
· Hantering av klientdatorer, skrivare, Teams rumsenheter och mobiltelefoner.
· Följa upp och slutföra våra användares ärenden med fokus på kundnöjdhet.
· Identifiera och rapportera återkommande problem inom Alleima’s supportleverans.

Placeringsort för tjänsten är Sandviken. Då vi är en global organisation med lokal anknytning krävs goda kunskaper i såväl svenska som engelska, i både tal och skrift.

Din Profil

Vi söker dig som har en för tjänsten relevant utbildning samt tidigare erfarenhet av att jobba med teknisk support, samt kunskap inom exempelvis Windows Server och Klient, Apple MacOS, Active Directory, Office 365, nätverk, hårdvara, ärendehanteringssystem. Har du erfarenhet av ServiceNow bedöms det som meriterande. För att du ska trivas i rollen som IT-supporttekniker hos oss ser vi att du är serviceinriktad och noggrann. Du är en lagspelare som gillar att jobba i grupp. Du trivs i en miljö där vi delar kunskap med varandra och ligger i framkant vad beträffar tjänster och teknik.
Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid dina personliga egenskaper som präglas av ett stort intresse och eget driv. Du tar ansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter och besitter en naturlig förmåga att felsöka och tänka utanför boxen för lösa kundens problem.

Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss

På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.
Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar.
Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tankesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: Mer effektiva, lönsamma och hållbara
Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Glenn Rabe, rekryterande chef, +46 76-511 34 04
För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Per Hammas, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 79-098 49 50
Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

Du är välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-05-05.

På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.?

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Software Asset Manager

Ansök    Apr 26    SANDVIK AB    Mjukvaruutvecklare
Are you experienced in working in an agile environment and motivated to take a driving role in developing the SAM (Software Asset Management) capabilities that’s needed to fit an agile and digital shift? Sandvik Group IT is now looking for an entry level Software Asset Manager to join us. We’re on an exciting journey where we’re strengthening our team and ways of working, in order to push further forward. Does this sound interesting? We welcome you to be a... Visa mer
Are you experienced in working in an agile environment and motivated to take a driving role in developing the SAM (Software Asset Management) capabilities that’s needed to fit an agile and digital shift? Sandvik Group IT is now looking for an entry level Software Asset Manager to join us. We’re on an exciting journey where we’re strengthening our team and ways of working, in order to push further forward. Does this sound interesting? We welcome you to be a part of this journey!
About your job
In this position, you work as an operational Software Asset Manager, while at the same time having great opportunities to contribute to the development of our SAM function. You manage and maintain our software licenses and ensure that license terms are in order. Ensuring that software maintenance, support and upgrade protection renewals are managed, handled and ordered before they expire is also part of your job. This also includes:
Identifying opportunities for cost savings by optimizing software licenses.
Working closely with the IT and sourcing teams to ensure software license compliance and cost optimization.
Managing software license renewals, registrations and reporting within our SNOW platform.
Conducting regular internal software audits to ensure compliance with license agreements.
Providing training and guidance to end-users on software license compliance.
Monitoring and reporting on software usage to identify areas for improvement.
Hands on experience within the SNOW Platform products.

The location for this job is either in Sweden, Sandviken or Stockholm, or India, Bangalore. We offer you a hybrid work solution where you can work some days from another location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or information systems, and experience within the SAM area. You have a proven track record of working in complex software asset environments in large, global and decentralized organizations with many stakeholders. You also have experience with software asset management tools, in particular SNOW, and knowledge in license auditing. Furthermore, you have experience of working in an agile environment and you’re motivated to take a driving part in developing our SAM capabilities within our agile and digital shift. Operating both locally and worldwide calls for fluency in verbal and written English.
We truly value your personality! You’re open-minded and have excellent communication skills. To effectively manage our software assets, a combination of technical knowledge, business acumen, and strong stakeholder management skills is key. With your experience, strong drive and can-do attitude you play a vital part in helping us build for the future.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact Hans Trostek, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist: Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than May 12th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065701.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Extrajobb på distans utanför kontorstid: Jour av Linuxsystem (SRE/DevOps)

Ansök    Mar 13    Scalability AB    Systemadministratör
Älskar du Linux? Då kan vi ha det perfekta extrajobbet för dig som önskar ett extrajobb som utförs på distans utanför ordinarie kontorstid. Din uppgift kommer att vara att delta i ett rullande jourschema tillsammans med andra mycket Linuxkunniga kollegor. Jouren avser drift av ett antal Linuxmiljöer med servermjukvara som i princip uteslutande består av öppen mjukvara (open source). Djupgående Linuxkunskap, erfarenhet av uppsäkring av Linuxmiljöer samt gr... Visa mer
Älskar du Linux? Då kan vi ha det perfekta extrajobbet för dig som önskar ett extrajobb som utförs på distans utanför ordinarie kontorstid.
Din uppgift kommer att vara att delta i ett rullande jourschema tillsammans med andra mycket Linuxkunniga kollegor.
Jouren avser drift av ett antal Linuxmiljöer med servermjukvara som i princip uteslutande består av öppen mjukvara (open source).
Djupgående Linuxkunskap, erfarenhet av uppsäkring av Linuxmiljöer samt grundmurat intresse för öppen mjukvara är starkt meriterande för rollen.
Har du erfarenhet av någon eller några av nedanstående mjukvaror är även det meriterande:
Grafana Loki
Grafana Tempo
Kubernetes (K3s)

För att ansöka, skicka ett kort mail till [email protected] och inkludera referensen "jour" i ämnesraden så tar vi det därifrån.
Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Application Process Specialist

Ansök    Mar 18    IPCO Sweden AB    IT-samordnare
IPCO AB are now looking for an Application Process Specialist, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignment to continuously develop and ensure efficient solutions and processes. This means to provide secure, robust and modern applications, always supporting future business requirements. Your daily work will be conducted in tight cooperation wi... Visa mer
IPCO AB are now looking for an Application Process Specialist, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignment to continuously develop and ensure efficient solutions and processes. This means to provide secure, robust and modern applications, always supporting future business requirements. Your daily work will be conducted in tight cooperation with business stakeholders, key-users and selected suppliers.

This is an exciting opportunity for someone who wants to be a part of our transformation journey, in a truly global setting!

Your Mission

In the role of Application Process Specialist, you will act as an advisor and mainly make sure that our strategic CRM platform, Microsoft D365, is configured to meet future business requirements. Strong cooperation with business stakeholders, external partners and global key-users is the key for success. You have high interest and focus on efficiency and quality, with a mindset that always prioritize an optimized administrative model. You cooperate closely to business, to identify business requirements and implement adjustments that enables process optimization and automation. You have focus on master data quality. You support the organization with training and ensure that all relevant documentation is updated.

Your Responsibilities

- Run global forums for continuous dialogue with the business stakeholders.

You will collect business requirements, prioritize, and execute together with the team and partners.

- Participate in projects, including information gathering, analysis, design, implementation, testing and go-live processes.

- Act as advisor towards business stakeholders regarding best practices and making business processes and way of working more efficient.

- Perform testing of software configuration and solutions to ensure that system and process flows meets business requirements.

- Independently run meetings, workshops, trainings, presentations and create appropriate documentation.

- Support and provide-training to appointed key-users.

- You troubleshoot end-user issues in cooperation with selected suppliers.

- You ensure available and relevant documentation, users-guides etc.

- You have focus on master data.


Your Profile

- A true team player who strives for continuous improvement, development of yourself and the team.

- Good communication- /change management skills, you can easily interact with you colleagues and stakeholders.

- Basic leadership skills and be responsible to drive projects and coordinate activities.

- Innovative and solution-oriented thinker, with a structured and analytical ability.

- Service minded, positive and open mindset.


- Fluent in English.

- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent knowledge.

- Good knowledge of Microsoft D365 or comparable CRM systems.

- 2-5 years of experience in similar work as Application Process Specialist or a comparable role.


- Experience from work in similar position with CRM platform solutions such as D365 or comparable.

- Working within a global manufacturing industry/organization or as an external consultant with expert skills within CRM-solutions.

- Valuable if you have good knowledge of business processes within D365 Sales and Customer insights (Marketing & Customer voice).

- Business process modelling, to capture business requirements, facilitate workshops to provide guidance, recommendation for appropriate implementation.

- Experience as a Project manager and/or Change manager.

- Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment. Visa mindre

BI Developer

Are you ready to dive further into the dynamic world of Business Intelligence (BI)? At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a talented BI Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT, and wield advanced analytics, captivating visualizations, and robust modeling techniques to empower our business. Some words about us At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within ... Visa mer
Are you ready to dive further into the dynamic world of Business Intelligence (BI)? At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a talented BI Developer to join our diverse and collaborative team at Sandvik Group IT, and wield advanced analytics, captivating visualizations, and robust modeling techniques to empower our business.
Some words about us
At Sandvik, we're going through a major digital shift with the objective of becoming an industry leader within digital solutions and to enable operational excellence through digitalization. We welcome you to a collaborative and supportive work environment where you get to grow and develop – read more about our culture on our career site! We look forward to hearing from you!
Your mission
In this position, you take charge of creating, evolving, and maintaining our BI tools. These responsibilities aim to empower our business to make more informed decisions by leveraging advanced data analytics, compelling data visualization, and robust data modeling techniques. You play a key role in transforming data into insights that drive our business strategies and objectives.
Included in your mission is to:
Develop, design, and implement business intelligence solutions using Microsoft Azure stack (Power BI specifically).
Collaborate across teams to solve problems, develop and execute database queries, and conduct analyses.
Conduct unit testing and troubleshooting.
Develop visual reports, KPI scorecards, and dashboards.
Provide quality reports to customers and ensure those reports meet quality assurance standards.
Enhance existing BI systems through evaluation and improvement.

This position is based in Sandviken or Stockholm, Sweden and allows for a hybrid work schedule.
Your profile
We’re looking for someone with previous experience as a BI Developer, Data Scientist, or similar role and a degree within a relevant field, such as computer science or data analytics. You know how to design data warehouses (using dimensional modelling) and how to perform data mining effectively. Significant expertise of data analytics and experience of visualizing data using Power BI is needed, as well as experience with workflow management software and data transformation pipelines. As we’re a global organization, you need good skills in English, both written and verbal.
You need skills and experience within:
BI tools such as Power BI and Azure Synapse
, including Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Azure cloud
Python and .net language

We value your personality, and you’re characterized by being a critical thinker with a problem-solving mentality. You have a thirst for knowledge and desire to learn new systems, combined with the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously within your project timeframes. With great communication skills, you easily handle various stakeholders across our organization.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Swati Falak, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55
Recruitment Specialist
Gustaf Sjögren
How to apply
Send your application no later than May 5, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0066167.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

IT Product Owner – Web & Azure Operations

Ansök    Mar 13    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Affärskonsult, IT
Do you have an interest in IT process management and think IT security is very important? Combine this with a passion for improvement, creation and reaching new levels and you’re a perfect fit for us! At Sandvik Coromant and our Web & Azure Operations department, we’re looking to strengthen our team with a new IT Product Owner to help us manage the development and operations of our global web solution, with extra focus on IT security topics. This is a per... Visa mer
Do you have an interest in IT process management and think IT security is very important? Combine this with a passion for improvement, creation and reaching new levels and you’re a perfect fit for us!
At Sandvik Coromant and our Web & Azure Operations department, we’re looking to strengthen our team with a new IT Product Owner to help us manage the development and operations of our global web solution, with extra focus on IT security topics. This is a perfect place for development and a great chance to build a broad network and get daily interaction with brilliant people all over the world. Are you up for the challenge?
About your job
In this position, you’re responsible for our processes, IT security and business continuity, and you manage the backlog for the common area of solutions. Gathering, detailing, and prioritizing demands is your top priority – always making sure that IT security is on top of mind with all stakeholders. You take responsibility for the application security roadmap, while ensuring a cost-efficient implementation of new functionalities – making sure to communicate around releases as well as new or changed functions in a way that make sense to everyone. Acting as owner, you coordinate and secure that the platform, systems, and data-sources are aligned and support business processes and customer needs.
Your job also includes driving the collaboration of shared areas with one of our sister divisions where you facilitate and motivate change and implement the chosen development of new features. At the end of the day, you act as a kind of project lead with knowledge and focus on performance, availability and IT security, handling changes by both driving and implementing them to drive a secure and user-friendly platform!
The location for this position is ideally at our headquarters in Sandviken, where the team and most stakeholders are based.
About you
For this job, we need someone with an overall business understanding and experience from IT process management – ideally from Sandvik processes – and perhaps you have a background in IT Application Management or project management. You have knowledge of infrastructure and a genuine interest and curiosity in IT security. To be successful in your job, it’s good to know, and be comfortable working with, agile methods, Azure, Azure DevOps, and GitHub Advanced Security. Acting in a global environment calls for excellent English skills.
Your personality makes the difference and by being open minded, interested in people and enjoying communication, you don´t mind being the central connection point. With great people skills you easily create contacts and build strong network based on transparency and open interaction. You’re a curious person who thrives in environments where you get the ability to constantly learn and develop!
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact:
Ann-Sofie Wiström, recruiting manager, [email protected]
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 04 82
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than April 1, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0064773.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

ServiceNow Developer

Ansök    Feb 22    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Do you want to be part of a team where we explore new ways of working, focus on customers, and embrace our strong values? At Group IT, we’re currently looking for an experienced ServiceNow Developer to join our team. Shortly about us We release the power of people to innovate and develop relevant products that set the stage for modern experiences in all parts of Sandvik. Our product team develops and operates tool capabilities supporting Sandvik business u... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of a team where we explore new ways of working, focus on customers, and embrace our strong values? At Group IT, we’re currently looking for an experienced ServiceNow Developer to join our team.
Shortly about us
We release the power of people to innovate and develop relevant products that set the stage for modern experiences in all parts of Sandvik. Our product team develops and operates tool capabilities supporting Sandvik business units in reducing risk and driving efficiency. We welcome you to an exhilarating environment where you have the possibility of influencing our organization!
Your mission
In this position, you build and enhance functions on the ServiceNow platform – focusing on creating a smooth and automated process for all our colleagues globally. You have a variety of tasks, working closely together with your team and stakeholders to create the best experience possible and at the same time, expand the vision of future functions in the ServiceNow platform. By addressing both user and business needs, you create effective solutions that meet functional, compliance, and quality requirements. This involves translating business needs into working services, defining requirements, designing, developing, testing, releasing, and maintaining the solutions. Additionally, you always explore options for evolving these solutions to provide even more value over time.
You work in a team that has the scope of Incident, Problem, Change, Request, Service Catalog and Knowledge management. Joining us, you’ll have the chance to work with the latest and greatest ServiceNow capabilities such as Employee Center, Predictive Intelligence/Machine Learning, UI Builder, AI Search and all the new capabilities to come.
The location is in either Stockholm or Sandviken and we offer a hybrid work setup with a mix of office and remote work. Some travel between Stockholm and Sandviken is a natural part of the job.
Your character
Within our team, we pride ourselves on a collaborative team spirit, and we hope you do too! To be a perfect fit for this position, you have a strong sense of responsibility while also being self-aware and driven. You like to take the initiative and show a clear problem-solving mentality, accompanied with clear and concise communication skills.
To succeed in this role, you also need:
A relevant degree.
Knowledge and understanding of ITSM, CSDM and configuration management.
Certification as Certified System Administrator.
Good skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Excellent skills in English, verbally and in writing.
It’s advantageous with experience in agile ways of working, Integration hub and Service Portfolio Management.

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Anna Hall, recruiting manager, +46 (0)72 233 69 80
We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter.
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
How to apply
Send your application no later than March 7, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0064339.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected].
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2023 the Group had approximately 41?,000 employees and revenues of about 127 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Application process specialist

Om företaget IPCO AB are now looking for an Application Process Specialist, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignment to continuously develop and ensure efficient solutions and processes. This means to provide secure, robust and modern applications, always supporting future business requirements. Your daily work will be conducted in tight c... Visa mer
Om företaget
IPCO AB are now looking for an Application Process Specialist, to manage our strategic business system platforms. You are an essential part of IPCO Group IT and the team Business Support & Applications, with the assignment to continuously develop and ensure efficient solutions and processes. This means to provide secure, robust and modern applications, always supporting future business requirements. Your daily work will be conducted in tight cooperation with business stakeholders, key-users and selected suppliers.

This is an exciting opportunity for someone who wants to be a part of our transformation journey, in a truly global setting!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
In the role of Application Process Specialist, you will act as an advisor and mainly make sure that our strategic CRM platform, Microsoft D365, is configured to meet future business requirements. Strong cooperation with business stakeholders, external partners and global key-users is the key for success. You have high interest and focus on efficiency and quality, with a mindset that always prioritize an optimized administrative model. You cooperate closely to business, to identify business requirements and implement adjustments that enables process optimization and automation. You have focus on master data quality. You support the organization with training and ensure that all relevant documentation is updated.

Your Responsibilities

• Run global forums for continuous dialogue with the business stakeholders.
You will collect business requirements, prioritize, and execute together with the team and partners.
• Participate in projects, including information gathering, analysis, design, implementation, testing and go-live processes.
• Act as advisor towards business stakeholders regarding best practices and making business processes and way of working
more efficient.
• Perform testing of software configuration and solutions to ensure that system and process flows meets business
• Independently run meetings, workshops, trainings, presentations and create appropriate documentation.
• Support and provide-training to appointed key-users.
• You troubleshoot end-user issues in cooperation with selected suppliers.
• You ensure available and relevant documentation, users-guides etc.
• You have focus on master data.

Din profil
• A true team player who strives for continuous improvement, development of yourself and the team.
• Good communication- /change management skills, you can easily interact with you colleagues and stakeholders.
• Basic leadership skills and be responsible to drive projects and coordinate activities.
• Innovative and solution-oriented thinker, with a structured and analytical ability.
• Service minded, positive and open mindset.


• Fluent in English.
• Degree in Computer Science or equivalent knowledge.
• Good knowledge of Microsoft D365 or comparable CRM systems.
• 2-5 years of experience in similar work as Application Process Specialist or a comparable role.


• Experience from work in similar position with CRM platform solutions such as D365 or comparable.
• Working within a global manufacturing industry/organization or as an external consultant with expert skills within CRM-
• Valuable if you have good knowledge of business processes within D365 Sales and Customer insights (Marketing & Customer
• Business process modelling, to capture business requirements, facilitate workshops to provide guidance, recommendation for
appropriate implementation.
• Experience as a Project manager and/or Change manager.
• Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment.

In this recruitment process, we are collaborating with Clockwork. If you have any questions regarding the position, please feel free to contact recruiter Pernilla Antonsson at 073-351 27 31. The deadline for applications is april 7, 2024. Visa mindre

BI Solution Architect

Do you want to be part of a journey where you get to make a true difference and develop our organization? At Sandvik Group IT, we're currently looking for an experienced BI Solution Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance to develop yourself – both personally and professionally! About your job In this position, you're responsible for designing and overseeing the implementation of BI solut... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of a journey where you get to make a true difference and develop our organization? At Sandvik Group IT, we're currently looking for an experienced BI Solution Architect to join us. Welcome to an exciting role in a global organization where we offer you a great chance to develop yourself – both personally and professionally!
About your job
In this position, you're responsible for designing and overseeing the implementation of BI solutions to improve business decision-making processes, including data warehousing, reporting, and analytics systems. You analyze business requirements and translate them into technical specifications, as well as ensure the integration of BI solutions with existing data systems and infrastructure.
Included in your job is also to:
Maintain knowledge of industry trends and developments in BI technology.
Lead and mentor a team of developers and analysts in BI tool selection, development, and deployment.
Ensure data accuracy and integrity in the reporting and analytics outputs.
Work closely with stakeholders to identify opportunities for leveraging company data to drive business solutions.
Provide technical expertise and support to end-users, helping them understand and effectively use BI tools.
Collaborate with IT and data management teams to ensure security, compliance, and an efficient data flow.
Continuously evaluate and improve the performance of BI solutions to meet evolving business needs.

The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
Your profile
We're looking for someone with several years' experience as a solution architect – preferably within a large organization. You have a background in data analysis and are well acquainted with Power BI and Data lakes. As we're a global organization, fluency in English, both written and verbal, is required.
In this role, you manage lots of details and information, which calls for structured ways of working and excellent problem-solving skills. You’re technically interested, and you can work independently as well as in a team – communicating and cooperating effectively with others.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than February 1, 2024. Job ID: R0063110.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Christian Graseman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70 829 80 65
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

ServiceNow Solution Architect to Alleima

At Alleima, ServiceNow is a key platform, and the strategy ahead is to utilize the platform on a wide basis within the entire company. During the last years many core modules have been implemented and we see the coming years as a way of automating and integrating even further. There is a rapid speed of innovation and implementation due to high demands from IT/business and Alleima intends to utilize the automation and AI capabilities within ServiceNow to ma... Visa mer
At Alleima, ServiceNow is a key platform, and the strategy ahead is to utilize the platform on a wide basis within the entire company. During the last years many core modules have been implemented and we see the coming years as a way of automating and integrating even further. There is a rapid speed of innovation and implementation due to high demands from IT/business and Alleima intends to utilize the automation and AI capabilities within ServiceNow to maximize efficiency.
The ServiceNow platform at Alleima utilizes an out-of-the-box architecture with minimal legacy dependencies making it possible to work proactive with stakeholders and product owners to implement new features and apply a forward-looking mindset.
As a ServiceNow Solution Architect you will work in a team devoted to ServiceNow supporting the company with efficient processes, technologies, and governance structures. Now is the time to further strengthen the internal team to fulfill the vision of an efficient, unified and automated ServiceNow platform.

Your role
We are searching for a practical ServiceNow Solution Architect to identify, design and deliver complex architectures, strategies, and specific solutions. You will be involved in creating the overall solution architecture and documentation, ensuring that solutions are technologically sound and adhere to current best practice guidelines for ServiceNow. You will identify the right technology solution for Alleima and be the trusted advisor to other teams within the IT community. By other words you are the focal point when it comes to questions and architectural decisions regarding the ServiceNow platform.
As an architect you keep up to date with ServiceNow platform and distribute your knowledge to the team and surrounding stakeholders. You will work in close collaboration with the ServiceNow Platform Owner to present the platform capabilities to the IT-community and specific business units.
Key responsibilities:
• Design and plan ServiceNow solutions, like custom apps and integrations, that meet client needs and industry standards.
• Work closely with stakeholders to understand business requirements and turn them into technical design.
• Help and guide developers to make sure ServiceNow projects are successful.
• Stay updated on ServiceNow changes and trends to bring in new ideas.
• Perform assessments and evaluations of existing ServiceNow implementations and offer recommendations for improvements.
• Make sure ServiceNow solutions are secure, scalable, and easy to maintain.
The team is situated in Sandviken and the location for this position is somewhat flexible with conditions to take in account.

About you
We believe that you have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related field, or a similar experience through practical work. You have in-depth knowledge of the ServiceNow platform through several years work experience. Your experience includes acting in a context where you have a proven track record of working in a holistic manner, finding technical solutions within the platform either as an architect, system administrator or a platform developer.
You have certifications and/or several years of experience in one or more of the following areas: ITSM, ITOM and HRSD. Furthermore, you have knowledge in the CSDM framework, software asset management, application portfolio management and integrations.
You have excellent communication skills and the experience to get everyone onboard in decisions and discussions. You enjoy networking with different parts of our business and IT stakeholders at all levels on a global scale. By utilizing your expertise and experience you know how to steer discussions, finding the balance between short term wins and long-term strategic objectives.
You are a strong team player that values team performance as highly as your personal achievements. You have excellent skills in English, both speaking and written. Swedish and additional languages is merit.

What you can expect from us
Be a part of a strong structured team devoted to ServiceNow in a creative and fast paced environment
Deepen your knowledge of ServiceNow through continuous training and certifications
Grow professionally and individually through interactions with stakeholders and solving their needs and requirements, as well as celebrating the success of these achievements in the team

Additional Information
Send your application no later than 2024-02-16.
Are you interested in learning more about this exciting position? Please contact:
Tobias Lundberg Head of Governance & Enterprise Architecture, recruiting manager,
+46 (0)76 110 19 33

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact
Elin Olsson, recruitment specialist +46 (0)76 720 16 99

Union contacts – Sweden
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 26 26 31 66
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 26 26 39 93
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 26 26 30 44

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.
With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.
Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Extrajobb på distans utanför kontorstid: Jour av Linuxsystem (SRE/DevOps)

Ansök    Feb 21    Scalability AB    Systemadministratör
Älskar du Linux? Då kan vi ha det perfekta extrajobbet för dig som önskar ett extrajobb som utförs på distans utanför ordinarie kontorstid. Din uppgift kommer att vara att delta i ett rullande jourschema tillsammans med andra mycket Linuxkunniga kollegor. Jouren avser drift av ett antal Linuxmiljöer med servermjukvara som i princip uteslutande består av öppen mjukvara (open source). Djupgående Linuxkunskap, erfarenhet av uppsäkring av Linuxmiljöer samt gr... Visa mer
Älskar du Linux? Då kan vi ha det perfekta extrajobbet för dig som önskar ett extrajobb som utförs på distans utanför ordinarie kontorstid.
Din uppgift kommer att vara att delta i ett rullande jourschema tillsammans med andra mycket Linuxkunniga kollegor.
Jouren avser drift av ett antal Linuxmiljöer med servermjukvara som i princip uteslutande består av öppen mjukvara (open source).
Djupgående Linuxkunskap, erfarenhet av uppsäkring av Linuxmiljöer samt grundmurat intresse för öppen mjukvara är starkt meriterande för rollen.
Har du erfarenhet av någon eller några av nedanstående mjukvaror är även det meriterande:
Grafana Loki
Grafana Tempo
Kubernetes (K3s)

För att ansöka, skicka ett kort mail till [email protected] och inkludera referensen "jour" i ämnesraden så tar vi det därifrån.
Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Product Area Architect – Identity Access

Ansök    Jan 12    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Within Group IT and the Cybersecurity area,? we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities. We’re now looking for a Product Area Architect for Identity Access to join us. Welcome to be part of our team! What’s in it for you? We’re thrilled to offer you a feedback-friendly environment, where peo... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Within Group IT and the Cybersecurity area,? we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities.
We’re now looking for a Product Area Architect for Identity Access to join us. Welcome to be part of our team!
What’s in it for you?
We’re thrilled to offer you a feedback-friendly environment, where people support each other, learn together, and celebrate differences. You get a lot of freedom to shape your own work and it’s truly developing – both for your own career path and for the balance between work and family life. There are great possibilities to grow within the team. Simply put, a great place to work!
About the job
In this position, you have a close collaboration with both the Lead Cybersecurity Architect, Domain and Product Owners, and the key stakeholders of the products and services. Your core responsibility involves identifying requirements and resourcefully transforming them into a scalable, cost-efficient, reliable, and modern Identity Access Management architecture – which is then seamlessly translated into technology solutions by Product Solution Architects.
Your strategic expertise in Identity Access Management combined with your strong leadership will play an instrumental role in strengthening our security posture and aligning it seamlessly with our overarching business strategies and needs. Not only will you be tasked with establishing rigorous Identity Access management procedures, standards, and guidelines, but you will also play a key role in enhancing the organization's awareness in the domain. The strategic significance of your role within this expanding area of our business will be mirrored in the high-impact contributions you make.
Further responsibility is:
Leading the design of our Identity Access Management Strategy, Architecture, and Roadmap with business value at the center, driving a Group-wide enhancement in security posture and operational efficiency.
Establishing, monitoring, and enforcing Group-wide Identity Access Management targets, processes, procedures, standards, and guidelines to ensure compliance and security.
Engaging with business stakeholders, Product Owners, and Solution Architects to ensure the successful implementation of the Identity Access Management Strategy and Architecture through processes, procedures, and technology.
Shaping the organization's security posture by evaluating and aligning it with business strategies and requirements, while promoting alignment and collaboration between business areas, product teams, and other stakeholders to foster a culture of trust, innovation, and efficiency.

The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.??????
About you
We’re looking for an experienced architect with a track record of developing and implementing Identity Access Management procedures, standards, and guidelines. You have several years of experience implementing enterprise-level IAM capabilities and you demonstrate leadership and collaboration skills. Holding certifications such as CITA-F, CISSP, CISM, ITIL is a significant advantage. As we act on a global scene, fluency in verbal and written English is a requirement, while Swedish skills are advantageous.
Your personality contributes to our success! You’re strategic, have clear analytical skills and an execution mindset of seeing things through, from idea to end product. You have excellent skills in stakeholder management, are business driven, and you communicate and network efficiently when making decisions in complex questions – having the capability to clearly articulate complex concepts to diverse audiences. Add to this a passion for problem-solving and you have a great opportunity to succeed in this role.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 31, 2024. Job ID: R0062665.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Anders Carlsson, recruiting manager, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Julia Söderberg
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

System Engineer - Production IT

Inom Alleima finns Production IT som ansvarar för att våra produktionskritiska IT-system och infrastruktur fungerar – allt för att möjliggöra en så stabil produktionsmiljö som möjligt. Vi söker nu efter en kommunikativ och initiativtagande systemingenjör för att säkra driften, men även utveckla våra tjänster och teknik. Välkommen till ett nytänkande team med målsättningen att driva industritekniken framåt! Din roll I rollen som systemingenjör får du ch... Visa mer
Inom Alleima finns Production IT som ansvarar för att våra produktionskritiska IT-system och infrastruktur fungerar – allt för att möjliggöra en så stabil produktionsmiljö som möjligt. Vi söker nu efter en kommunikativ och initiativtagande systemingenjör för att säkra driften, men även utveckla våra tjänster och teknik. Välkommen till ett nytänkande team med målsättningen att driva industritekniken framåt!

Din roll

I rollen som systemingenjör får du chansen att varva spännande förbättringsarbete med avgörande daglig drift. Med din breda IT-kompetens stöttar du produktionen vid implementering av nya tillverkningsmetoder och du utför systemintegration mellan produktionsceller, plattformar, operativsystem, nätverk, applikationer och säkerhet. I detta ingår livscykelhantering och att utveckla driftsrutiner och kontrollera att de efterlevs.

Vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter:
Jobba med ständiga förbättringar av våra tjänsten
Utvärdera ny teknik och nya metoder för produktionsrelaterade uppdrag
Agera samordnare för IT-aktiviteter och projektuppdrag

Då detta är en produktionskritisk tjänst kan även beredskapsarbete blir aktuellt.

Din Profil

Vi söker efter dig som har en djup teknisk kompetens inom IT, universitetsutbildning gärna som dataingenjör, alternativt erhållit motsvarande kunskap genom arbetslivserfarenhet. Du talar och skriver flytande svenska, samt har goda kunskaper i engelska. Har du erfarenhet av IT-supportmiljö, Microsofts operativsystem och klientplattformar och nätverkstopologi kopplat till en producerande miljö ses det som meriterande.

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid dina personliga egenskaper, som karakteriseras av en stor portion driv – du är initiativtagande och är bra på att jobba självständigt. Ditt stora tekniska kunnande gör dig till en självgående och proaktiv problemlösare och tillsammans med ditt strukturerade och analytiska sätt så håller du ordning i vårt IT-landskap. Goda kommunikativa egenskaper är också viktiga, eftersom jobbet innebär dagligt samarbete både inom och utanför teamet.

Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss

På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.

Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar.

Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tankesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: Mer effektiva, lönsamma och hållbara

Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Micael Svedvall, rekryterande chef, +46 70-202 48 08

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Per Hammas, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 79-098 49 50

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-01-28

På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Product Area Architect – Security Operations

Ansök    Jan 12    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Within Group IT and the Cybersecurity area,? we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities. We’re now looking for a Product Area Architect for Security Operations to join us. Welcome to be part of our team! What’s in it for you? We’re thrilled to offer you a feedback-friendly environment, where ... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Within Group IT and the Cybersecurity area,? we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities.
We’re now looking for a Product Area Architect for Security Operations to join us. Welcome to be part of our team!
What’s in it for you?
We’re thrilled to offer you a feedback-friendly environment, where people support each other, learn together, and celebrate differences. You get a lot of freedom to shape your own work and it’s truly developing – both for your own career path and for the balance between work and family life. There are great possibilities to grow within the team. Simply put, a great place to work!
About the job
In this position, you have a close collaboration with both the Lead Cybersecurity Architect, Domain and Product Owners, and the key stakeholders of the products and services. Your core responsibility involves identifying requirements and resourcefully transforming them into a scalable, cost-efficient, reliable, and modern Security Operations architecture – which is then seamlessly translated into technology solutions by Product Solution Architects.
Your strategic expertise in Security Operations combined with your strong leadership will play an instrumental role in strengthening our security posture and aligning it seamlessly with our overarching business strategies and needs. Not only will you be tasked with establishing rigorous Security Operations procedures, standards, and guidelines, but you will also play a key role in enhancing the organization's awareness in the domain. The strategic significance of your role within this expanding area of our business will be mirrored in the high-impact contributions you make.
Further responsibility is:
Leading the design of our Security Operations Strategy, Architecture, and Roadmap with business value at the center, driving a Group-wide enhancement in security posture and operational efficiency.
Establishing, monitoring, and enforcing Group-wide Security Operations targets, processes, procedures, standards, and guidelines to ensure compliance and security.
Engaging with business stakeholders, Product Owners, and Solution Architects to ensure the successful implementation of the Security Operations Strategy and Architecture through processes, procedures, and technology.
Shaping the organization's security posture by evaluating and aligning it with business strategies and requirements, while promoting alignment and collaboration between business areas, product teams, and other stakeholders to foster a culture of trust, innovation, and efficiency.

The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.?
About you
We’re looking for an experienced architect with a track record of developing and implementing Security Operations procedures, standards, and guidelines. You have several years of experience implementing enterprise-level Security Operations capabilities and you demonstrate leadership and collaboration skills. Holding certifications such as CITA-F, CISSP, CISM, ITIL is a significant advantage. As we act on a global scene, fluency in verbal and written English is a requirement, while Swedish skills are advantageous.
Your personality contributes to our success! You’re strategic, have clear analytical skills and an execution mindset of seeing things through, from idea to end product. You have excellent skills in stakeholder management, are business driven, and you communicate and network efficiently when making decisions in complex questions – having the capability to clearly articulate complex concepts to diverse audiences. Add to this a passion for problem-solving and you have a great opportunity to succeed in this role.
Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 31, 2024. Job ID: R0062666.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Anders Carlsson, recruiting manager, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)70 616 41 21
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70 616 43 78
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70 222 48 55

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du TypeScript & React? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling ... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
Du ansöker direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se. Välkommen! Visa mindre

Product Owner – Prevent & Protect

Ansök    Dec 27    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Prevent & Protect! What is the job about? In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in shaping ... Visa mer
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Prevent & Protect!
What is the job about?
In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in shaping and operating a key central cybersecurity product focused on prevent and protect capabilities. You enable Sandvik Group end users, business and technology teams, and security and risk professionals to identify and prevent risky behavior and protect information through intelligent data classification and protection, data loss prevention, and awareness solutions.
Important parts of your mission include:
Being accountable for all aspects of products delivered, including setting the strategic direction and operationalizing the strategy to meet business needs.
Leveraging technological insight to inspire and drive innovation for products and platforms, managing third-party relationships aligned with business objectives.
Leading product teams to achieve strategy and meet OKRs, ensuring efficient resource allocation and collaboration with other product managers for collective effectiveness.
Performing financial planning, forecasting, budget requests and actuals for the product.

You’re a member of the Cybersecurity Product leadership team. The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up.
Who you are
You’re an empathic customer-focused leader, who drives cybersecurity forward in line with our business needs – understanding the value and importance of great cybersecurity products and how they create business opportunities. You impact and form commitment across our organization, as well as effectively engaging with both stakeholders and teams.
We also believe you require the following knowledge and experience:
Leadership skills and experience as a leader within the area and in large multi-national organizations.
Experience of information security/cybersecurity and information classification and data loss prevention capabilities and technologies.
Experience of development and operations of relevant technologies and understanding of industry standards.
Knowledge and experience of digital product development and operation.
Practical experience of agile practices and mindsets.
Relevant IT-degree and/or certifications.
Fluency in English, knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.?

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 14, 2024. Job ID: R0062175.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Mikael Lindroth, Product Area Manager Cybersecurity, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26 26 30 10
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Therese Rutqvist Visa mindre

Product Owner – Directory Product

Ansök    Dec 27    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Directory Products! What is the job about? In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity and IT specialists in ... Visa mer
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Directory Products!
What is the job about?
In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity and IT specialists in shaping, operating, and protecting a key central cybersecurity product – providing directory and Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities in Active Directory and Entra ID. We deliver modern and intelligent services and capabilities to support our users and the business with provisioning of identities and accesses, and the processes to control and audit.
Important parts of your mission include:
Being accountable for all aspects of products delivered, including setting the strategic direction and operationalizing the strategy to meet business needs.
Leveraging technological insight to inspire and drive innovation for products and platforms, managing third-party relationships aligned with business objectives.
Managing the Active Directory capabilities and the technical management and operations of AD domains and Entra ID – ensuring proper and sustained hygiene, privilege auditing and reviews, as well as assurance of the environment’s security, integrity, and compliance to procedures.
Leading product teams to achieve strategy and meet OKRs, ensuring efficient resource allocation and collaboration with other product managers for collective effectiveness.
Enhance user experience in identity management products through continuous improvement.
Performing financial planning, forecasting, budget requests and actuals for the product.

You’re a member of Cybersecurity Product and Identity Fabric leadership teams. The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up.
Who you are
You’re an empathic customer-focused leader, who drives cybersecurity forward in line with our business needs – understanding the value and importance of great cybersecurity products and how they create business opportunities. You impact and form commitment across our organization, as well as effectively engaging with both stakeholders and teams.
We also believe you require the following knowledge and experience:
Leadership skills and experience as a leader of IAM, directory services delivery and operations, as well as in large multi-national organizations.
Experience of Active Directory and Entra ID, SSO, MFA, CA and environment operations and service delivery, administration, and protocols.
Understanding of industry standards and best practice such as NIST and ISO 27001.
Knowledge and experience of digital product development and operation.
Practical experience of agile practices and mindsets.
Relevant IT-degree and/or certifications.
Fluency in English, knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.?

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 14, 2024. Job ID: R0062174.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Mikael Lindroth, Product Area Manager Cybersecurity, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26 26 30 10
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist Visa mindre

Product Owner – Detect & Respond Platforms

Ansök    Dec 27    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Detect & Respond Platforms! What is the job about? In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in... Visa mer
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Detect & Respond Platforms!
What is the job about?
In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in shaping and operating a key central cybersecurity product focused on detect and respond capabilities.
Important parts of your mission include:
Being accountable for all aspects of products delivered, including setting the strategic direction and operationalizing the strategy to meet business needs.
Leveraging technological insight to inspire and drive innovation for products and platforms, managing third-party relationships aligned with business objectives.
Leading product teams to achieve strategy and meet OKRs, ensuring efficient resource allocation and collaboration with other product managers for collective effectiveness.
Performing financial planning, forecasting, budget requests and actuals for the product.

You’re a member of Cybersecurity Product leadership team. The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up.
Who you are
You’re an empathic customer-focused leader, who drives cybersecurity forward in line with our business needs – understanding the value and importance of great cybersecurity products and how they create business opportunities. You impact and form commitment across our organization, as well as effectively engaging with both stakeholders and teams.
We also believe you require the following knowledge and experience:
Leadership skills and experience as a leader within the area and in large multi-national organizations.
Expertise in the Cyber/Information security space and specifically detect and respond capabilities and associated technologies (EDR/EPP, xDR, SIEM, SOAR).
Experience of development and operations of relevant technologies and understanding of industry standards.
Knowledge and experience of digital product development and operation.
Practical experience of agile practices and mindsets.
Relevant IT-degree and/or certifications.
Fluency in English, knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.?

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 14, 2024. Job ID: R0062178.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Mikael Lindroth, Product Area Manager Cybersecurity, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26 26 30 10
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Therese Rutqvist Visa mindre

Product Owner – Attack Surface Management

Ansök    Dec 27    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Attack Surface Management! What is the job about? In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in... Visa mer
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Attack Surface Management!
What is the job about?
In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of cybersecurity specialists in shaping and operating a key central cybersecurity product focused on attack surface management capabilities. We ensure continuous monitoring of internal and external attack surface, and provide guidance, process, and tooling to enable fast remediation of identified vulnerabilities – driving the reduction of risk across the attack surface.
Important parts of your mission include:
Being accountable for all aspects of products delivered, including setting the strategic direction and operationalizing the strategy to meet business needs.
Leveraging technological insight to inspire and drive innovation for products and platforms, managing third-party relationships aligned with business objectives.
Leading product teams to achieve strategy and meet OKRs, ensuring efficient resource allocation and collaboration with other product managers for collective effectiveness.
Performing financial planning, forecasting, budget requests and actuals for the product.

You’re a member of the Cybersecurity Product leadership team. The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up.
Your character
You’re an empathic customer-focused leader, who drives cybersecurity forward in line with our business needs – understanding the value and importance of great cybersecurity products and how they create business opportunities. You impact and form commitment across our organization, as well as effectively engaging with both stakeholders and teams.
We also believe you require the following knowledge and experience:
Leadership skills and experience as a leader within the area and in large multi-national organizations.
Expertise in vulnerability management, threat exposure management and external attack surface management
Experience of development and operations of relevant technologies (vulnerability mgmt., ITSM/ServiceNow, BAS, penetration testing, threat intelligence).
Knowledge and experience of digital product development and operation.
Understanding of industry standards and best practice.
Practical experience of agile practices and mindsets.
Relevant IT-degree and/or certifications.
Fluency in English, knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.?

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 14, 2024. Job ID: R0062176.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Mikael Lindroth, Product Area Manager Cybersecurity, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26 26 30 10
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Julia Söderberg Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du Python/Django? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med Python och Django? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största Python/Django-baserade digitala tjänster. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycke... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med Python och Django? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största Python/Django-baserade digitala tjänster. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
Du ansöker enklast direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se. Välkommen! Visa mindre

Solution Architect Cyber Defense to Alleima

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Do you want to be part of a team that is shaping the future of digital security at Alleima? If yes, then this is the opportunity for you! Come and join our team based in Sandviken. Your Role As an architectural leader for the enablement and development of a modern and future-proof digital security architecture, you will have a key role in creating and maintaining a cyberdefense landscape that supports... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Do you want to be part of a team that is shaping the future of digital security at Alleima? If yes, then this is the opportunity for you! Come and join our team based in Sandviken.

Your Role
As an architectural leader for the enablement and development of a modern and future-proof digital security architecture, you will have a key role in creating and maintaining a cyberdefense landscape that supports both the existing and the emerging business processes of Alleima. You will work with cutting-edge technologies, both on-prem and in the cloud, and ensure compliance with the internal and external regulatory requirements that our business faces. You will also collaborate with the business stakeholders to drive the digital transformation of Alleima.

Your Profile
To be successful in this role you need to have a Bachelor of Science in IT or equivalent experience, including cybersecurity architecture. Additionally, a background in architectural and operational work in the digital security or cybersecurity area is essential. Deep understanding and experience in the security stack of Azure, AWS and its adjacent areas are crucial, as we are running a cloud-first environment.
To further enhance effectiveness in this position, it would be advantageous to possess prior experience in architectural and operational work in the OT or Scada security area. Similarly, experience in architectural and operational work within the network security area would be beneficial.
You are a responsible and result-oriented person who strives for excellence in everything you do. You are motivated by creating valuable solutions and building strong relationships with different parts of our business. You are a team player who values the team performance as much as your personal achievements.
You must be fluent in US English, as it is our corporate language and essential for communicating with global business stakeholders. Fluent Swedish and other languages are a plus.

What we offer you:
· A chance to grow and develop in a team with solid experience and competence in cybersecurity.
· A supportive and collaborative environment where you will be expected to contribute to the personal development of your team members and receive the same in return.

Additional Information
Send your application no later than 2024-01-10.
For further information about this position, please contact:
Robert Wennberg, recruiting manager, +46 (0)73?589 70 02

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact
Elin Olsson, recruitment specialist +46 (0)76 720 16 99

Union Contacts:
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0)70-307 30 48?
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-314 24 43?

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.
With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.
Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Product Owner – Identity Product

Ansök    Dec 27    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Identity Products! What is the job about? In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of Identity and Access Management (IAM),... Visa mer
Within Sandvik Group IT and the Cybersecurity area, we’re in an ongoing journey to transform our organization and the way we steer, architect, and manage our security capabilities – now seeking several Product Owners to our team. Come join us as Product Owner for Identity Products!
What is the job about?
In this position, you manage the entire product lifecycle – from strategy to ongoing operations –leading a team of Identity and Access Management (IAM), cybersecurity and IT specialists in shaping and operating a key central cybersecurity product focused on identity and access management, identity governance and privileged access management capabilities. We deliver modern and intelligent services and capabilities to support Sandvik users and the business with provisioning of identities and accesses, and the processes to control and audit.
Important parts of your mission include:
Being accountable for all aspects of products delivered, including setting the strategic direction and operationalizing the strategy to meet business needs.
Leveraging technological insight to inspire and drive innovation for products and platforms, managing third-party relationships aligned with business objectives.
Leading product teams to achieve strategy and meet OKRs, ensuring efficient resource allocation and collaboration with other product managers for collective effectiveness.
Enhance user experience in identity management products through continuous improvement.
Performing financial planning, forecasting, budget requests and actuals for the product.

You’re a member of Cybersecurity Product and Identity Fabric leadership teams. The location is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up.
Who you are
You’re an empathic customer-focused leader, who drives cybersecurity forward in line with our business needs – understanding the value and importance of great cybersecurity products and how they create business opportunities. You impact and form commitment across our organization, as well as effectively engaging with both stakeholders and teams.
We also believe you require the following knowledge and experience:
Leadership skills and experience as a leader within the area and in large multi-national organizations.
Experience in identity and access management, IGA, PAM and understanding of industry standards.
Experience of development and operations of relevant technologies.
Knowledge and experience of digital product development and operation.
Practical experience of agile practices and mindsets.
Relevant IT-degree and/or certifications.
Fluency in English, knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.?

Our culture
At Sandvik, we’re tech driven, innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe that success is a team effort so we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive culture where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. So, we invest in supporting each other, learning together and celebrating our differences. Visit our stories hub, LinkedIn or Facebook to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than January 14, 2024. Job ID: R0062172.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Mikael Lindroth, Product Area Manager Cybersecurity, [email protected]
Union contacts – Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26 26 30 10
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Julia Söderberg Visa mindre

IT Service Delivery Manager, Digital Workplace

Ansök    Dec 18    IPCO Sweden AB    Processansvarig, ITIL
General position/description Do you want to be part of our transformation journey and contribute to developing our digital future? Are you ready for new and exciting challenges? Then we have an exciting assignment for you. We are now looking for an IT Service Delivery Manager - Digital Workplace, with enterprise responsibility for our Microsoft Office Cloud Environment and Digital Workplace. We are looking for you with previous experience from a more pra... Visa mer
General position/description

Do you want to be part of our transformation journey and contribute to developing our digital future? Are you ready for new and exciting challenges? Then we have an exciting assignment for you.
We are now looking for an IT Service Delivery Manager - Digital Workplace, with enterprise responsibility for our Microsoft Office Cloud Environment and Digital Workplace.

We are looking for you with previous experience from a more practical role, but now feeling ready for the next step forward, with an overall responsibility for a service delivery.

You will work in close cooperation with external partners to develop and implement innovative solutions and services.

Our philosophy and strong vision are based upon a cloud first strategy delivered via external partners, which means that supplier and service management is a daily task in your role.

Main responsibilities

- Microsoft 365 incl SharePoint/Teams.

- Workplace Automation (ServiceNow)

- Identity and Device lifecycle management incl Secutity.

- Managing support and troubleshoot end-user issues together with our sourcing partner.

Your profile
We value your passion for technology and your problem-solving mindset. Your innovative and driven personality keeps you one step ahead of the technological advances of our business. You also have the ability to present alternative solutions and challenge “old reality’s”. You are true team player with an outgoing personality and excellent communication skills to build trustworthy and long-lasting relationships. Your structured and analytical side is key in order to effectively shift between tasks and prioritize the most critical issues.


- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent knowledge

- Experience from the Microsoft 365 Platform

- Experience from working with Service management and ITIL

- Fluent in English


- M365 capabilities and Management in Azure

- Experience from working with outsourced deliveries and service partners

- Experience from working in a global environment

- Knowledge in various application integration tools, security technologies and concepts

Additional information
IPCO works for an equal workplace, and we value differences. We believe that the employees' different backgrounds, experience, skills, and personalities contribute to the development of the business. In a recruitment context, a focus on diversity based on, for example, gender, age, and foreign background is a matter of course.

Start date: ASAP

Location: Sandviken/Hybrid

Contact information

For further information about this position, please contact:

Mattias Lorvi-Ericson, Recruiting manager +46 70-3142515

[email protected]

Last day of application 2nd January, 2024 Visa mindre

IT-specialist med inriktning inom infrastruktur

Ansök    Dec 8    Sandvikens kommun    Drifttekniker, data
Nu söker vi dig som vill bidra till att bygga framtidens digitala offentliga sektor. Det kommer att kräva ditt engagemang och passion att utveckla dig själv och våra verksamheter i intressanta uppdrag med digitalisering i fokus. Hos oss blandas lång erfarenhet med nya tankar och idéer. Vi rör oss ständigt framåt och bidrar med långsiktigt värde i Sandvikens kommuns digitaliserings resa. Verkar det spännande och intressant så kommer du att trivas hos oss so... Visa mer
Nu söker vi dig som vill bidra till att bygga framtidens digitala offentliga sektor. Det kommer att kräva ditt engagemang och passion att utveckla dig själv och våra verksamheter i intressanta uppdrag med digitalisering i fokus. Hos oss blandas lång erfarenhet med nya tankar och idéer. Vi rör oss ständigt framåt och bidrar med långsiktigt värde i Sandvikens kommuns digitaliserings resa. Verkar det spännande och intressant så kommer du att trivas hos oss som IT-specialist inom vår enhet teknisk drift. Så missa inte denna chans till att vara med och bidra i Sandvikens kommuns utveckling framåt! Teknisk drift är en central enhet och en del av IT-kontoret inom kommunstyrelse förvaltningen. Vi samordnar och stöttar den kommungemensamma IT-driften i Sandvikens kommun.
IT-kontoret är idag 35 engagerade medarbetare som ansvarar för Sandvikens Kommuns IT-leverans som bygger på kvalitet, kostnadseffektivitet och säkerhet.
Vi eftersträvar ett tätt samarbete mellan IT och våra verksamheter för att uppnå det bästa för Sandvikens kommuns utveckling framåt.

Vi erbjuder dig bland annat dessa förmåner
- semester växling
- årsarbetstid
- friskvårds bidrag
- hälsofrämjande aktiviteter
- extra semesterdagar när du fyller 40 och 50 år
- personal- och fritidsföreningen Pulsen

Tjänsten som IT-specialist är placerad i gruppen teknisk drift. Gruppen består i dagsläget av 9 personer. I rollen som IT-specialist hos oss får du vara med och utveckla Sandvikens Kommuns IT-infrastruktur och kommunikationsmiljö. Du är en god kravställare och vid behov tar du fram beslutsunderlag för teknikval, investeringar och deltar kring upphandlingar inom berörda områden. Du tillsammans med ditt team ansvarar för vidareutvecklingen av vår infrastruktur och de plattformar som direkt stödjer verksamheternas behov. Du arbetar i nära samverkan med IT-säkerhetsansvarig, övriga specialister, tekniker och team ledare inom IT-avdelningen.
Arbetsuppgifterna är växelvis operativa och strategiska inom ditt område.
Du medverkar i olika utvecklingsprojekt inom ditt område.

För att lyckas i rollen hos oss ser vi att du har en bred bakgrund inom IT området samt har fokus intresse inom IT-infrastruktur och kommunikation. Kompetensen har du förvärvat genom arbetslivserfarenhet eller kombination av utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet.

Vi förutsätter att du uppfyller fler av nedanstående kvalifikationer:
- Flera års erfarenhet och kunskap inom infrastruktur för storskaliga och driftsäkra miljöer.
- Flera års erfarenhet av VMware vSphere.
- Flera års erfarenhet av Veeam Backup&Replication;.
- Flera års erfarenheter inom Microsoft och Infrastruktur.
- Flera års erfarenheter inom datacenter nätverk och säkerhetsprodukter.
- Du har erfarenhet av att analysera verksamhetsbehov och omforma dessa till lösningsförslag.
- Du har ett stort intresse för att lära dig att utvecklas vidare på flera områden för framtida behov.
- Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska, i såväl tal som skrift.

Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet av arbete i offentlig sektor och har kännedom om storskalig driftsmiljö. Det är även meriterande om du har kompetens inom Linux.
Då vi arbetar i team är det viktigt att du bidrar till ett gott samarbete med servicevilja, flexibilitet och ett öppet sinne till att dela och ta emot kunskap och erfarenheter. Du tycker om att omvärlds bevaka och hålla dig uppdaterad om vad som händer inom området med nya tekniker och produkter. Dessutom har du även god kommunikationsförmåga och lätt för att skapa och upprätthålla goda kontakter, såväl internt som externt. Vi söker dig som är lyhörd, kan tänka nytt vid behov och har ett starkt driv att vilja dra en idé från ritbord till verklig nytta. Vi kommer lägga stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper.

Tjänsten är säkerhetsklassad vilket innebär att säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll kan komma att genomföras i samband med anställningens påbörjan.

I ditt arbete hos oss får du möta människor och uppleva glädjen i att göra skillnad. Tillsammans gör vi varandra bättre varje dag och gör Sandviken till en attraktiv plats att arbeta, leva och växa i. En plats där vi känner oss hemma och där det är enkelt att trivas mitt ibland natur, kultur, idrott och upplevelser.

Är du nyfiken på att läsa mer om Sandvikens kommun som arbetsgivare och hur det är att arbeta hos oss? Besök gärna vår webbplats https://sandviken.se/arbete-och-karriar

Information till rekryteringskonsulter och annonssäljare:
Sandvikens kommun gör aktiva val när det gäller var vi vill exponera våra platsannonser och vilket stöd vi vill ha i rekryteringen. Vi kommer inte att köpa tjänster eller annonsplats för en pågående rekrytering och ber er därför att inte kontakta oss med sådana erbjudanden. Visa mindre

Systemtekniker med uppdrag att bidra i Sandvikens kommuns utveckling framåt

Nu söker vi dig som vill bidra till att bygga framtidens digitala offentliga sektor. Det kommer att kräva ditt engagemang och passion att utveckla dig själv och våra verksamheter i intressanta uppdrag med digitalisering i fokus. Hos oss blandas lång erfarenhet med nya tankar och idéer. Vi rör oss ständigt framåt och bidrar med långsiktigt värde i Sandvikens kommuns digitaliserings resa. Verkar det spännande och intressant så kommer du att trivas hos oss so... Visa mer
Nu söker vi dig som vill bidra till att bygga framtidens digitala offentliga sektor. Det kommer att kräva ditt engagemang och passion att utveckla dig själv och våra verksamheter i intressanta uppdrag med digitalisering i fokus. Hos oss blandas lång erfarenhet med nya tankar och idéer. Vi rör oss ständigt framåt och bidrar med långsiktigt värde i Sandvikens kommuns digitaliserings resa. Verkar det spännande och intressant så kommer du att trivas hos oss som systemtekniker inom enheten teknisk drift. Så missa inte denna chans till att vara med och bidra i Sandvikens kommuns utveckling framåt! Teknisk drift är en central enhet och en del av IT-kontoret inom kommunstyrelse förvaltningen. Vi samordnar och stöttar den kommungemensamma IT-driften i Sandvikens kommun.
IT-kontoret är idag 35 engagerade medarbetare som ansvarar för Sandvikens Kommuns IT-leverans som bygger på kvalitet, kostnadseffektivitet och säkerhet.
Vi eftersträvar ett tätt samarbete mellan IT och våra verksamheter för att uppnå det bästa för Sandvikens kommuns utveckling framåt.

Vi erbjuder dig bland annat dessa förmåner
- semesterväxling
- årsarbetstid
- friskvårdsbidrag
- hälsofrämjande aktiviteter
- extra semesterdagar när du fyller 40 och 50 år
- personal- och fritidsföreningen Pulsen

Tjänsten som systemtekniker är placerad i gruppen Teknisk drift. Gruppen består i dagsläget av 9 personer. Som systemtekniker hos har du i uppdrag att säkerställa att vår driftmiljö är stabil och pålitlig och att våra verksamhetssystem implementeras och driftas på ett effektivt och ändamålsenligt sätt.

Vilket innebär att:
-Du ansvarar för kontakten mot våra kunders systemförvaltare i drift relaterade frågor.
-Du har den djupa tekniska kontakten på en operativ nivå med verksamhetens systemleverantör.
-Du ansvarar för utveckling och förvaltning så att tjänsten tillhandahålls så effektivt som möjligt till rätt kostnad med hög kvalitet.
-Du ansvarar för uppföljning samt kvalitetssäkring av drift dokumentation och rutiner för tjänsten.

Övriga uppgifter som ingår i tjänsten är bland annat:
-Arbete och ansvar för införanden, ändringar och borttag av system.
-Arbete med felsökning och problemlösning vid eventuella driftstörningar samt föreslå och genomföra ständiga förbättringar inom området.
-Arbete med att implementera och underhålla integrationer mellan olika IT-system.
-Arbete med återkommande omvärldsbevakning inom området.
-Arbeta och delta i olika tekniska projekt.
-Arbete med kunskapsspridning inom enheten löpande.

För att lyckas i rollen hos oss ser vi att du har bakgrund inom några av nedanstående områden samt har fokus intresse inom system och integration. Kompetensen har du förvärvat genom arbetslivserfarenhet eller kombination av utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet.

Vi förutsätter att du uppfyller fler av nedanstående kvalifikationer:
-Erfarenhet av att arbeta med IT-system.
-Starka tekniska färdigheter och förmåga att snabbt lära sig nya teknologier.
-God problemlösningsförmåga.
-Erfarenhet av applikationsserverdrift i Microsoft miljö.
-Erfarenhet av att arbeta med systemintegration.
-Erfarenhet av att arbeta med övervakning.
-Starka kommunikationsfärdigheter och förmåga att arbeta i team.
-Ett stort intresse för att lära dig att utvecklas vidare på flera områden för framtida behov.

Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska, i såväl tal som skrift är ett krav.

Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet av arbete i en större IT-organisation och har kännedom om storskalig IT-miljö. Extra meriterande om du har kompetens inom automation så som AI, RPA och integration .

Då vi arbetar i team är det viktigt att du bidrar till ett gott samarbete med servicevilja, flexibilitet och ett öppet sinne till att dela och ta emot kunskap och erfarenheter. Du tycker om att omvärlds bevaka och hålla dig uppdaterad om vad som händer inom området med nya tekniker och produkter. Dessutom har du även god kommunikationsförmåga och lätt för att skapa och upprätthålla goda kontakter, såväl internt som externt. Vi söker dig som är lyhörd, kan tänka nytt vid behov och har ett starkt driv att vilja dra en idé från ritbord till verklig nytta. Vi kommer lägga stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper.

Tjänsten är säkerhetsklassad vilket innebär att säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll kan komma att genomföras i samband med anställningens påbörjan.

I ditt arbete hos oss får du möta människor och uppleva glädjen i att göra skillnad. Tillsammans gör vi varandra bättre varje dag och gör Sandviken till en attraktiv plats att arbeta, leva och växa i. En plats där vi känner oss hemma och där det är enkelt att trivas mitt ibland natur, kultur, idrott och upplevelser.

Är du nyfiken på att läsa mer om Sandvikens kommun som arbetsgivare och hur det är att arbeta hos oss? Besök gärna vår webbplats https://sandviken.se/arbete-och-karriar

Information till rekryteringskonsulter och annonssäljare:
Sandvikens kommun gör aktiva val när det gäller var vi vill exponera våra platsannonser och vilket stöd vi vill ha i rekryteringen. Vi kommer inte att köpa tjänster eller annonsplats för en pågående rekrytering och ber er därför att inte kontakta oss med sådana erbjudanden. Visa mindre

IT Service Delivery Manager, Core Technology

Ansök    Dec 18    IPCO Sweden AB    Processansvarig, ITIL
General position/description We are now looking for an IT Service delivery Manager - Core Technology with enterprise responsibility for our Data Analytics Platform, Infrastructure, Network, Integration Platform, Application Hosting to join our IT-team. You will work in close cooperation with external partners across the globe to develop and implement innovative solutions and services. As a member of the IPCO IT team, you will contribute significantly to ... Visa mer
General position/description

We are now looking for an IT Service delivery Manager - Core Technology with enterprise responsibility for our Data Analytics Platform, Infrastructure, Network, Integration Platform, Application Hosting to join our IT-team.

You will work in close cooperation with external partners across the globe to develop and implement innovative solutions and services. As a member of the IPCO IT team, you will contribute significantly to the overall IT strategy and polices and act as an advisor to IT Management.

Our philosophy and strong vision are based upon a cloud first strategy delivered via external partners, which means that supplier and service management is a daily task in your role.

Main responsibilities

- System Ownership of IPCO’s Data Analytics Platform, core information hub for common reports and future enterprise Big Data.

- Develop and safeguard the vision for future infrastructure, hosting and cloud management strategy

- Select and implement suitable technologies to streamline internal operations and help to optimize their strategic benefits.

- Managing and maintaining enterprise core technology stack and network.

- IT demand management of external partners and supplier performance evaluation.

- Managing application integration and architecture layers to safeguard interconnected processes and data exchanges.

- Undertake analyses and assess associated risks ensuring that our infrastructure balances functionality, quality, security and cost requirements.

- Safeguard company data by supporting the company’s security program, ensuring digital business platforms are designed with best security practices in mind.

Your profile
We value your passion for technology and your problem-solving mindset. Your innovative and driven personality keeps you one step ahead of the technological advances of our business. You also have the ability to present alternative solutions and challenge “old reality’s”. You are true team player with an outgoing personality and excellent communication skills to build trustworthy and long-lasting relationships. Your structured and analytical side is key in order to effectively shift between tasks and prioritize the most critical issues.


- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent knowledge.

- Experience from Microsoft Azure stack and Network topologies.

- Skilled in demand management, development and service organization.

- Experience from working with Service management and ITIL.

- Fluent in English


- Experience from working with outsourced deliveries and service partners

- Knowledge in services, platforms, products such as Microsoft Power Platform, CISCO (Meraki) and Big Data technologies

- Experience from working in an international manufacturing organization

- Knowledge in various application integration tools, security technologies and concepts

Additional information
IPCO works for an equal workplace, and we value differences. We believe that the employees' different backgrounds, experience, skills, and personalities contribute to the development of the business. In a recruitment context, a focus on diversity based on, for example, gender, age, and foreign background is a matter of course.

Start date: ASAP

Location: Sandviken/Hybrid

Contact information

For further information about this position, please contact:

Mattias Lorvi-Ericson, Recruiting manager +46 70-3142515

[email protected]

Last day of application 2nd Jan, 2024 Visa mindre

Rålis AB söker Service och Supportkonsult IT

Sedan 2016 har Rålis AB agerat mellanhand mellan verksamheten och IT och tagit ägandeskap av kundernas problem och önskemål för att de skall kunna koncentrera sig på verksamheten. Genom trevligt bemötande samt snabb och effektiv support på plats skapar vi en trygg arbetsmiljö där du som kund kan känna att vi hanterar dina önskemål och möjligheter. Huvudkontoret finns i Borlänge och våra konsulter finns i huvudsak i Stockholm, Mälardalen, Gävleborg och Dala... Visa mer
Sedan 2016 har Rålis AB agerat mellanhand mellan verksamheten och IT och tagit ägandeskap av kundernas problem och önskemål för att de skall kunna koncentrera sig på verksamheten. Genom trevligt bemötande samt snabb och effektiv support på plats skapar vi en trygg arbetsmiljö där du som kund kan känna att vi hanterar dina önskemål och möjligheter. Huvudkontoret finns i Borlänge och våra konsulter finns i huvudsak i Stockholm, Mälardalen, Gävleborg och Dalarna

Välkommen till Rålis AB ett lite annorlunda konsultbolag!

Är du serviceinriktad, ansvarstagande och trivs i en roll där du får använda din kreativitet och förmåga att lösa både enkla som komplexa problem? Vill du bli en del av ett härligt supportteam som alltid strävar efter att leverera service av högsta kvalitet? Då kan detta vara tjänsten för dig.

Som Service & Supportkonsult IT på Rålis AB kommer du att arbeta med en av våra kunder i Sandviken där du blir kundens ”go to” person när det gäller problemlösning inom diverse IT relaterade frågor. Arbetsuppgifter kan var allt från nyinstallation av applikationer i en till flera datorer till uppgraderingar eller flytt av IT/Audio/video i konferensrum. Det rör sig alltså om allt från enklare basic support till lite mer avancerade frågeställningar samt i vissa fall även projektledning.

Vem är du?

Vi lägger stor vikt vid dig som person och din personlighet bör vara utpräglat serviceinriktad. Du tar dina uppdrag på ett mycket seriöst sätt och andra skulle beskriva dig som social, pålitlig, kundorienterad samt konsultativ. Du har ett brinnande intresse för teknik och IT-relaterade frågor samt en vilja att uppfylla kundens ibland högt ställda förväntningar.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

I denna rekrytering samarbetar Rålis AB med Lundin&Bostr;öm. Du söker tjänsten på lundinbostrom.se. Frågor om tjänsten besvaras av Peter Boström 0243-22 66 51 Sista ansökningsdag är 2023-11-20. Visa mindre

Solution Architect

Ansök    Nov 20    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Affärskonsult, IT
Are you an engaging and creative person with a curious mind and do you enjoy working hands-on with development? At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for a Solution Architect to join us, and we’re eager to meet you! About your job In this position, you work in our product team, which has the overall responsibility for the development of software products – helping businesses to automate decisions when planning their manufacturing process. We operate in clo... Visa mer
Are you an engaging and creative person with a curious mind and do you enjoy working hands-on with development? At Sandvik Coromant we’re now looking for a Solution Architect to join us, and we’re eager to meet you!
About your job
In this position, you work in our product team, which has the overall responsibility for the development of software products – helping businesses to automate decisions when planning their manufacturing process. We operate in close collaboration with our customers and solve problems through modern cloud software and digital expertise.
Together with us, you lead the development of best practices for implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance of our systems, based on customer feedback and our manufacturing know-how. In order to discover needs, capture underlying needs and understand which technical requirements are needed, you interact closely with the customers in the early stages of the processes. By using your skills and collaborating with your team, you deliver architecture and processes that meet the needs and goals set by the business.
Our team is located at our offices in central Stockholm and Sandviken.
About you
We’re looking for someone with in-depth knowledge of system architecture in cloud environment and a good understanding of systems development, such as Angular, TypeScript, C# and .NET core – while also being proficient in C++. Advantageous is experience of Azure or GitHub, as well as experience from SaaS (Software as a Service) development, CAD/CAM programs or 3D related operations. You have a degree in science, preferably within computer or mechanical engineering, or have gained equivalent experience from a working career. Additionally, we need you to have strong organizational and collaboration skills. Since we work in a global organization, you have great communication skills in English – both written and verbal. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus.
As well as your background is essential, we’re equally interested in your personality. You have a business mindset – always with our customers and users in focus – and with a doer’s attitude, you’re motivated by solving problems and love to learn new things. You’re also a collaborative team player that gladly asks for help if needed, in addition to supporting colleagues in all areas of business.
Work at Sandvik Coromant
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal, and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Sandvik offers a competitive total compensation package including comprehensive benefits and we believe in a sustainable work-life balance. We provide opportunities for professional competence development and training, as well as opportunities for career advancement. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
How to apply
This recruitment has an ongoing selection process, please send your application no later than December 10, 2023. Job ID: R0060529.
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Contact your future manager:
Marko Stugbäck, recruiting manager, +46 (0)70-626 60 95
Union contacts
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)26-26 66 59
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26-26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26-26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Therese Rutqvist
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre


Vill du specialisera dig i teknisk produkt- och applikationslösningar och arbeta ute på fältet i nära samarbete med våra kunder? Då kan det här vara för en roll för dig! På Sandvik Coromant söker vi nu en Applikationsspecialist till en spännande och utmanande roll där du säkerställer tekniska lösningar och försäljnings stöd till slutkunder och distributörer. Om jobbet I den här rollen bidrar du med din expertis inom metoder, verktyg, produktion- och applik... Visa mer
Vill du specialisera dig i teknisk produkt- och applikationslösningar och arbeta ute på fältet i nära samarbete med våra kunder? Då kan det här vara för en roll för dig! På Sandvik Coromant söker vi nu en Applikationsspecialist till en spännande och utmanande roll där du säkerställer tekniska lösningar och försäljnings stöd till slutkunder och distributörer.
Om jobbet
I den här rollen bidrar du med din expertis inom metoder, verktyg, produktion- och applikationsteknik för skärande bearbetning så som svarvning, fräsning, borrning, gängning och CAM/Digital. Med din breda tekniska kompetens är du alltid redo att svara på komplexa, tekniska frågor och du delar med dig av din kunskap genom att utbilda interna resurser, partners och kunder om funktionerna i våra leveranser. Du rekommenderar även produkter och tjänster som passar våra kunders behov.
Andra arbetsuppgifter som ingår:
Samordna vår totala leverans av tekniska lösningar och säljsupport.
Förbereda integrerade lösningar till våra kunder genom att skapa ett samspel mellan tekniska och kommersiella avdelningar samt med relevanta distributörstjänster.
Stötta våra Account Managers i skapandet av tekniska presentationer och i kundkontakter för att hitta och driva igenom lämpliga affärsmöjligheter.
Felsöka, utvärdera och lösa tekniska problem som uppstår under eller efter en implementation.
Utveckla testapplikationer som används för testmoduler, inklusive kundspecifika komponenter.

Rollen innebär ett nära samarbete med våra kunder och du spenderar därmed en stor del av din tid ute på fält, vilket betyder att du har möjlighet att utgå från valfri ort inom Sandviken området.
Din profil
Vi söker dig med gedigen erfarenhet från teknisk service eller som tidigare arbetat som teknisk säljledare. Du har kunskaper inom skärande bearbetning och en universitetsexamen eller motsvarande arbetserfarenhet inom mekanik, tillverkningsteknik eller annat närliggande område. Vi ser gärna att du också har tidigare erfarenhet från projektledning och av interna och externa kundkontakter, samt erfarenhet av att leverera i en Account Management- eller Sales Managementstruktur. Du har kunskap om relevanta applikationer och programvara – så som CAD, CAM och CNC. Eftersom vi är ett internationellt företag med lokal förankring behöver goda kunskaper i både svenska och engelska.
Du är driven och med hjälp av din problemlösningsförmåga och strukturerade arbetssätt uppskattar du variation i både arbetstider och uppgifter. Med ett genuint intresse för teknik och viljan att lära dig nya saker tar du gärna egna initiativ och du har en tydlig vision om hur du kan motivera förbättringar. I den här rollen får du användning av din goda kommunikations- och presentationsförmåga och du trivs när du får interagera, skapa nätverk och bygga goda relationer med alla typer av människor.
Vår kultur
Innovation och utveckling finns i vårt DNA och vi är stolta över att forma framtidens tillverkning i nära samarbete med våra kunder och partners. Vi tror på en inkluderande, jämlik och öppensinnad kultur och vi värnar om vår mångfald eftersom den hjälper oss att nå fantastiska resultat. Som ett extra plus erbjuder vi även många karriärvägar och fina förmåner för våra anställda. Nu ser vi fram emot att träffa dig! Vill du veta mer om oss och våra produkter? Kika in på vår hemsida, Facebook eller LinkedIn.
Hur du ansöker
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 7 december. Jobb-id: R0061101.
Vi eftersträvar en öppen och rättvis rekrytering och använder olika verktyg för att möjliggöra en objektiv process. När du söker denna tjänst kommer du därför få en inbjudan till att genomföra ett personlighets- och logiktest. Inbjudan kommer via email direkt efter att du ansökt och återkoppling på testet får du direkt efter sista ansökningsdatum.
Är du nyfiken och vill veta mer om den här tjänsten? Kontakta din framtida chef:
Krister Hellman, rekryterande chef, 070-216 48 38
Fackliga kontaktpersoner
Roger P Jansson, Unionen, 0173-844 31
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, 026-26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, 070-222 48 55

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HR Services på [email protected].
Ansvarig rekryterare
Magnus Pålsson
Sandvik Coromant är en del av Sandvik-koncernen och världsledande leverantör av verktyg, verktygssystem, service och know-how till metallbearbetningsindustrin. Genom nära samarbete med universitet och högskolor, omfattande investeringar i forskning och utveckling och starka partnerskap med våra kunder skapar vi unika innovationer och sätter nya produktivitetsstandarder. Sandvik Coromant äger över 1700 patent världen över, sysselsätter över 7700 anställda och finns representerat i 150 länder. Visa mindre

Manager for Core IT Services Order & Invoice

Ansök    Okt 6    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. Are you interested in enhancing customer experience through streamlined Order-to-Invoice Management? We’re currently looking for an experienced leader to take on the mission as Manager for our Order & Invoice team. Welcome to this e... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team.
Are you interested in enhancing customer experience through streamlined Order-to-Invoice Management? We’re currently looking for an experienced leader to take on the mission as Manager for our Order & Invoice team. Welcome to this exciting role – we really looking forward to hearing from you!
The team’s mission and what you’ll do
Our mission is to deliver a seamless order-to-invoice process for Core IT Services, while driving an exceptional customer experience, and we prioritize the efficient setup and structure of the Service portal's catalog – ensuring clarity and accessibility for our customers.
In this position, your leadership is essential in ensuring process excellence and customer-centricity and your strategic direction guide the team in handling both standard and non-standard requests with care and precision – providing exceptional service. Additionally, you oversee invoice management and provide financial support to ensure accurate, efficient, and timely billing.
Also included in your job is to:
Ensure that the team has the capacity and skillset fit for purpose through coaching, development and following-up of personnel.
Drive recruitments in collaboration with the team(s) and HR.
Work closely with the Operations Manager, solution engineers, IT Coordinator, and Service Architect to streamline request handling, service development, administration, and financial coordination.
Collaborate with Solution Engineers on M&A and Site Management projects, as well as Notes migration initiatives.

The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with experience in managing complex processes, including non-standard service requests, invoicing, and financial governance. You have leadership experience, financial management skills and a track record of proactive cost reduction and pricing initiatives. As we’re a global organization, fluency in English is required, both written and verbal.
You have effective leadership and cross-functional collaboration capabilities – fostering a culture of teamwork and continuous improvement. With excellent customer engagement skills and the ability to gather requirements, addressing concerns and tailor services to meet customer needs, you go a long way in this role. Additionally, strong analytical and problem-solving skills with a focus on driving continuous improvements are also important.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than October 20, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/careers (Job ID: R0058849).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Krister Fredriksson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)73 046 37 07??
Union contacts - Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26?26 30 10????????
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26?26 65 74?????
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26?26 19 84?

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre


Ansök    Okt 12    Jobbusters AB    IT-tekniker/Datatekniker
Job Description We are looking for a Network Operation Specialist to our client in Sandviken! As a Network Operation Specialist you will handle network connectivity operation (WAN/LAN) infrastructure. You will handle tickets in Serviceportal for Network services. Company Description Our customer is a global industrial group that offers both tools and services for technical solutions. Here you work to always find smarter and better solutions. The headquar... Visa mer
Job Description
We are looking for a Network Operation Specialist to our client in Sandviken! As a Network Operation Specialist you will handle network connectivity operation (WAN/LAN) infrastructure. You will handle tickets in Serviceportal for Network services.

Company Description
Our customer is a global industrial group that offers both tools and services for technical solutions. Here you work to always find smarter and better solutions. The headquarters is in Stockholm.

About JobBusters
JobBusters is an authorized staffing and recruitment company targeting white-collar workers and was started in 2011. We at JobBusters care about our consultants and our goal is always to build long-term relationships with both consultants and clients. Our goal is always to match our clients' dream candidates with our candidates' dream jobs!

- You have experience of handeling complex tasks within current role of a Network Operation Specialist.
- You have experience of handeling support regarding routing, switching and wifi.
- You have a CCNP certification.
- You are fluent in English, both written and spoken.

When you join JobBusters
As a consultant at JobBusters, you can feel secure with a collective agreement, available consultant managers and committed recruiters. As a consultant, you also get access to our network of exciting companies and clients! For us, it is important that you as a consultant feel comfortable, feel a sense of security and community with us as an employer. We offer an occupational pension, salary change and the option of flexpension. You also get access to our benefits portal, where in addition to wellness allowance you have access to lots of discounts and offers in wellnes, home and leisure, transport, healthcare and much more! Your well-being is of the highest priority for us and we offer, among other things, a digital solution that helps our employees find tools to deal with all the challenges of everyday life, both at work and in private life.

Personal qualities
To succeed in the role of Network Operation Specialist you give high quality service, you can work independetly and take responsibility for your and your teams work.

Salary, as agreed.

Admission and Application
Full time, office hours with the possibility to work remote 2 days per week. Our client wishes to start as soon as possible and the assignment is expected to run until the end of 2023 with the possibility of extension. You will be employed by JobBusters as a consultant with our exciting client in Sandviken. Please submit your application in English (preferably in Word format) as soon as possible, as interviews are ongoing. Visa mindre

Project Coordinator for a client in Sandviken

Dina arbetsuppgifter Our customer is looking for a Project Coordinator. In this role your primary responsibility will be to efficiently organize, plan, execute, and monitor various activities aimed at delivering specific initiatives and tasks. Personal qualifications and skills required to be successfull in this role: - Technical experience and a strong interest in IT. - Understanding of IT concepts and principles. - Experience in planning, coordinating, ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Our customer is looking for a Project Coordinator.
In this role your primary responsibility will be to efficiently organize, plan, execute, and monitor various activities aimed at delivering specific initiatives and tasks.

Personal qualifications and skills required to be successfull in this role:
- Technical experience and a strong interest in IT.
- Understanding of IT concepts and principles.
- Experience in planning, coordinating, and supporting project work.
- Previous experience in products and/or production.
- Familiarity with Office 365 and SAP EPLM.
- Ability to manage multiple tasks and work independently.
- Strong attention to detail and a track record of maintaining accurate documentation.

- University egree in Engineering
- Experience and understanding in master data set up connected to production
- Experience and understanding of packaging and packaging logistics
- General knowledge of demand and incident management
- Ability to collect, analyze, and summarize data and prepare clear and concise reports
- Ability to work independently with limited guidance
- Previous experience working in an office environment and culture
- Excellent communication and networking skills in both Swedish and English

Additionally, we are specifically looking for someone with more experience in projects related to production rather than IT. This role requires expertise in products and production. The position is local, and the commitment is for three days per week.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start date: As soon as possible
End date: 2024-06-30
Deadline: 2023-10-20
Remote work: 50%
Location: Sandviken
Contact person: +46795855599
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Product Owner for Core Automation Platform

Ansök    Okt 5    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Core Automation Platform, you and your team enable Zero Touch Operations through Advanced Automation Solutions. Does this sound like the perfect opportunity for you? Come join our team! Our team’s mission and wh... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Core Automation Platform, you and your team enable Zero Touch Operations through Advanced Automation Solutions. Does this sound like the perfect opportunity for you? Come join our team!
Our team’s mission and what you’ll do
Our mission is centered on enabling and implementing a Zero Touch approach for Core operations by adapting the power of automation and we’re dedicated to streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency, and minimizing human intervention across the board. Our team's focus is on developing cutting-edge solutions that empower product teams to achieve a seamless Zero Touch operation, thereby eliminating manual errors, reducing downtime, and delivering an exceptional customer experience. The efforts revolve around providing a robust automation platform and expertise to support Core products in their journey towards Zero Touch operations. As this product is new to Core IT Services, the team needs to be defined and developed, and part of this mission is to initially identify the necessary roles and build a product team to fulfil the product mission.
Ecxept being a Product Owner, you also act as Service owner with a main responsibility to ensure that the services are developed, delivered, and continuously improved according to the stakeholders’ needs and expectations. You ensure that the service offerings are properly set up, described, and managed, and that they can be easily ordered and invoiced.
About the job
In this position, you work to enable Zero Touch Operations through Advanced Automation Solutions and your leadership is critical in fostering a culture of continuous improvements. You lead the development and implementation of cutting-edge automation solutions, champion the Zero Touch approach and oversee the design and implementation of streamlined processes aligned with the Zero Touch philosophy – reducing manual errors and downtime. Your role also includes providing expert guidance and support to product teams – enabling them to identify and implement Zero Touch solutions.
The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with deep understanding of automation solutions and their role in streamlining processes – enhancing efficiency and reduce manual errors and downtime. You have relevant leadership experience within technology-focused environments and demonstrated ability to develop and implement advanced automation solutions that empower teams and an expertise in guiding teams towards a Zero Touch approach and culture. Financial insight is also required containing budgeting, cost management and financial impact evaluation. Proficient understanding of agile methodologies, frameworks and practices is needed, as well as demonstrated people and change management skills – adhering to servant leadership principles. As we’re a global organization, you need to be fluent in English, both written and verbal.
Apart from considering your background, we also place great importance on your personality. You’re structured in your work, know how to prioritize and you have proven experience in strategic leadership – translating vision into actionable plans and objectives. To facilitate open communication and productive collaboration, you need excellent skills in stakeholder management.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than October 20, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/careers (Job ID: R0058842).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Krister Fredriksson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)73 046 37 07??
Union contacts - Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26?263 010????????
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26?266 574?????
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26?261?984?
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Product Owner for Compute Operations

Ansök    Okt 5    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Compute Operations, you play an essential part in delivering reliable, stable, and cost-efficient operations across multiple platforms. Does this sound interesting? Come join our team! Our team’s mission and wha... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Compute Operations, you play an essential part in delivering reliable, stable, and cost-efficient operations across multiple platforms. Does this sound interesting? Come join our team!
Our team’s mission and what you’ll do
We’re committed to minimizing our carbon footprint and gradually phasing out Notes, Mainframe, and iSeries platforms while prioritizing the use of public and private cloud infrastructure. Our key objectives include optimizing performance, reducing downtime, enhancing security, and continuously refining our operations through collaboration with the Core products Modern Monitoring and Automation Platform.
Except being a Product Owner, you also act as Service owner with a main responsibility to ensure that the services are developed, delivered, and continuously improved according to the stakeholders' needs and expectations. You work in the technical areas such as X86/Wintel on-premises servers, Mainframe platform, iSeries platform and Notes Domino – ensuring that the service offerings are properly set up, described, and managed, and that they can be easily ordered and invoiced. There’s also an expectation that you drive initiatives to increase utilization of resources in our TechHub, successfully transitioning to new service provider contracts, and to focus on cost efficiency while maintaining flexibility to meet stakeholder expectations.
About the job
In this position, you work actively together with stakeholders – collecting and comprehending their needs and displaying proactive problem-solving abilities to meet them effectively. You work in a structured way and prioritize the team backlog based on business needs. To maintain reliable and efficient compute operations and ensure the success of our efforts, your leadership and guidance for the product team is crucial. You collaborate with cross-functional teams, stakeholders, and service providers to ensure the successful execution of our mission.
The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with technical knowledge and interest in Compute Operations and Cloud infrastructure. You have relevant leadership experience in a technology-focused environment and financial insight containing budgeting, cost management and financial impact evaluation. Proficient understanding of agile methodologies, frameworks and practices is needed, as well as demonstrated people and change management skills – adhering to servant leadership principles. As we’re a global organization, excellent English skills, both written and verbal, is required.
Apart from considering your background, we also place great importance on your personality. You’re structured in your work, and you know how to prioritize. Essential for this role is excellent skills in stakeholder management, as well as effective people and team management skills. Furthermore, you have a strong ability to cultivate a positive work environment that enhances the team well-being, and you know what it takes to lead a team toward success.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than October 20, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/careers (Job ID: R0058845).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Krister Fredriksson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)73 046 37 07??
Union contacts - Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26?263 010????????
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26?266 574?????
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26?261?984?

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Product Owner for Application & Platform Operations

Ansök    Okt 6    SANDVIK AB    Affärskonsult, IT
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Application & Platform Operations, you play an important part in executing our mission and your leadership is instrumental in ensuring seamless, efficient, and secure operations across diverse applications and p... Visa mer
At Sandvik, we talk about setting the industry standard – and we really mean it. Group IT is right now undergoing an organizational change, and we’re looking for Product Owners and IT Managers to join our Core IT Services team. As Product Owner for Application & Platform Operations, you play an important part in executing our mission and your leadership is instrumental in ensuring seamless, efficient, and secure operations across diverse applications and platforms. Are you ready to join us?
Our team’s mission and what you’ll do
The scope of this role is application and operation as well as certificate management for the Business Areas that have ordered the service. An expectation is that you execute on the plan to transfer the Solution Specialists to a managed service from our TechHub. Another important area is together with Order & Invoice team to enhance and simplify the on-boarding of new applications.
Except being a Product Owner, you also act as Service owner with a main responsibility to ensure that the services are developed, delivered, and continuously improved according to the stakeholders' needs and expectations. The scope for this role is application and operations and certificate management for the Business Areas that have ordered the service. You make sure that the service offerings are properly set up, described, and managed, and that they can be easily ordered and invoiced.
About the job
In this position, you enable holistic and efficient Application and Platform operations – ensuring end-to-end reliability and uptime assurance, regardless of architecture or delivery model. As a team, we focus on maintaining an integrated application landscape and delivering required security services. Through collaboration with our Modern Monitoring and Automation Platform, we maximize automation of corrective actions – ensuring consistent, reliable, and secure operations.
The location for this job is Sandviken or Stockholm and we apply a hybrid work set-up where you can combine office work with work from home or any other location.
About you
We’re looking for someone with strong operational insight and a track record of maintaining reliable and efficient application and platform performance. You have relevant leadership experience within technology-focused environments and a deep understanding of Application and Platform operations – with a focus on holistic and standardized middleware usage. Financial insight is also required containing budgeting, cost management and financial impact evaluation. Proficient understanding of agile methodologies, frameworks and practices is needed, as well as demonstrated people and change management skills – adhering to servant leadership principles. As we’re a global organization, excellent English skills, both written and verbal, is required.
Apart from considering your background, we also place great importance on your personality. You’re structured and you know how to prioritize. Key in this role is the ability to maximize automation for corrective actions and operational enhancements. The new setup requires excellent collaboration, communication, and stakeholder skills as well as effective people and team management skills. Furthermore, you have the ability to translate vision into actionable plans and objectives and you know what it takes to lead a team toward success.
Our culture
Our role is clear – through every action, every day, we make the shift and advance the world through engineering. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
Send your application no later than October 20, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/careers (Job ID: R0058840).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Krister Fredriksson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)73 046 37 07??
Union contacts - Sweden
Anders Rönnqvist, Unionen, +46 (0)26?263 010????????
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26?266 574?????
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26?261?984?

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
Sandvik is a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries. We are at the forefront of digitalization and focus on optimizing our customers’ processes. Our world-leading offering includes equipment, tools, services and digital solutions for machining, mining, rock excavation and rock processing. In 2022 the Group had approximately 40,000 employees and revenues of about 112 billion SEK in about 150 countries within continuing operations. Visa mindre

Business Process Specialist - Production

Ansök    Sep 26    Alleima Tube AB    Projektledare, IT
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Center are responsible for the ERP system M3 that are providing vital functionality for the company's business processes. The department consists of a technical/operational team and a support- and project team. The team are in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions, support- and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for a driven person who wants to join our journey. With us... Visa mer
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Center are responsible for the ERP system M3 that are providing vital functionality for the company's business processes. The department consists of a technical/operational team and a support- and project team. The team are in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions, support- and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for a driven person who wants to join our journey. With us, you will take part in exciting challenges with great opportunities and personal development.
Your role

As a Global Business Process Specialist for production, you will act as process- and system expert. You will be part of a passionate and driven team where a mix of internal knowledge and external eyes comes together to deliver on business needs. Together with the business stakeholders and system professionals you will have a lead role in the company's ongoing implementation of a new IT business system, often called ERP (Enterprise and resource planning). The chosen ERP system is M3, which consists of all main business processes from order-to-delivery, procurement, production/planning, quality, and finance.

You will:
Act as project leader when it comes to implementing the production capabilities at the production sites globally.
Run global forums for continuous dialogue with the business to collect needs, prioritize, and execute on demand together with internal stakeholders and external experts.
Drive process and system improvements and developments based on outcome of business needs.
Secure a good application management.

The overall aim of the role is to bridge the gap between business processes, functionality, and possibilities of the ERP system. You are the business helping hand when it comes to utilizing the best of a modern ERP system. This is truly a chance to take ownership of an area and be a part of building something new.

Your Profile

We put great importance in your personal qualities, which are characterized by a solution-oriented attitude and willingness to learn. You are ambitious and gain your knowledge improvements by a curious mind and close cooperation with system users as well as system experts.

With the help of your good communication skills, you easily interact both with colleagues and other stakeholders. You show basic leadership skills and can drive projects, while being responsive and inspiring to those around you.
You have knowledge of the supply chain and the manufacturing process to be able to connect the business way of working with the system designed way of working. Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment. You need to have knowledge in English, both spoken and written.

Preferable you also have a university degree in a relevant field OR acquired equivalent knowledge through work experience or other education.

What you can expect from us

At Alleima we are convinced that diversity and inclusion lead to a better workplace for our employees, our company, and our customers.

We care: We take pride in what we do. We care about our customers, our people, the environment, the communities in which we operate and the future we share
We deliver: We deliver on our commitments, with a solution-oriented mindset, we enable our customers to be their very best: more efficient, profitable and sustainable
We evolve: We constantly evolve. Together we take the lead to advanced materials, ambitions, industries, ourselves – and societies for the better.

Additional Information

For more information about the position contact:
Viktoria Norwald, Recruiting Manager, +46 (0) 70-693 44 00
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact:
Per Hammas, Recruitment Specialist, +46 (0) 79-098 49 50

You are welcome with your application no later than 2023-10-15

Union contacts – Sweden
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.

With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.

Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre


Enheten för OFP & Mätteknik tillhör Alleima Tube Testing Technology och ansvarar för utveckling, installation, underhåll och support av OFP-utrustning i huvudsak i Sandviken. Det finns en mängd egenutvecklad mjukvara för att dels agera mellanhand mellan instrument och produktionsutrustning, men även för att spåra kvalitetsdata och lagra data från OFP (Oförstörande Provning). Din roll I rollen som systemutvecklare kommer du att jobba främst med klientap... Visa mer
Enheten för OFP & Mätteknik tillhör Alleima Tube Testing Technology och ansvarar för utveckling, installation, underhåll och support av OFP-utrustning i huvudsak i Sandviken. Det finns en mängd egenutvecklad mjukvara för att dels agera mellanhand mellan instrument och produktionsutrustning, men även för att spåra kvalitetsdata och lagra data från OFP (Oförstörande Provning).

Din roll

I rollen som systemutvecklare kommer du att jobba främst med klientapplikationer på Windows-datorer som används i en produktionsmiljö. En stor del av arbetet består av att tillsammans med produktionspersonal och kollegor bygga och förbättra tekniska lösningar för att stödja provning i produktionen, du får således möjlighet att jobba med både mjukvara och hårdvara. Support av mjukvara förekommer i form av telefon eller mail samt på plats i produktionen i Sandviken. Nyutveckling görs i huvudsak mot vår datalagringsplattform i form av kommunikationsgränssnitt och rapporter, men även som mindre fristående mellanapplikationer.

Det finns höga krav på kvalitet och driftsäkerhet för den mjukvara som utvecklas. För att möta detta behov används Azure Dev-Ops för ärendehantering, med TFVC som källkodshantering. Dokumentation i form av verifieringsrapporter, användarmanualer och liknande görs regelbundet.

Då viss del utav arbetet går ut på att ge support till vår produktion är placeringsorten för tjänsten i Sandviken.

Din Profil

Vi ser att du har en högskole- / universitetsexamen, gärna inom datavetenskap, systemutveckling eller motsvarande samt tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet från en liknande roll, gärna inom tillverkningsindustrin. Har du kännedom om IT för industriella applikationer samt kunskap inom LabVIEW och VBA (Microsoft Office) ses det som meriterande.

Vidare har du goda kunskaper inom C# och .Net Framework där exempel på tekniker som används är WCF, WPF, WebAPI, Windows Forms och Linq to . Vi ser också att du har erfarenhet av , där exempel på tekniker är Transact- ( Server), Access samt Postgre.

Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper som präglas av en nyfikenhet och vilja att leverera god service. Du drivs av att hitta lösningar på problem och dela med dig av din kunskap till övriga i teamet där du trivs med att arbeta individuellt så väl som en del av ett team.

Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss

På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.

Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar.

Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tänkesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: effektivare, lönsammare och hållbarare

Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
Jaan Kokk, rekryterande chef, +46 70-234 58 00

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Per Hammas, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 79-098 49 50

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2023-10-08

På Alleima (tidigare Sandvik Materials Technology) är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Alleima noterades som fristående bolag på Nasdaq Stockholm den 31 augusti, 2022. Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Seniora systemutvecklare till välbetalda och samhällsviktiga uppdrag!

Hjärtligt välkommen att arbeta som systemutvecklare med oss på PersonalExpressen! Hej och hjärtligt välkommen till oss på PersonalExpressen - Sveriges snabbast växande företag specialiserat på bemanning mot statliga myndigheter och offentlig sektor! Nu söker vi dig som har gedigen erfarenhet av systemutveckling och som trivs med att ha en ledande roll i digitala utvecklingsprojekt samtidigt som du motiveras av att driva samhällsutvecklingen framåt! Välbeta... Visa mer
Hjärtligt välkommen att arbeta som systemutvecklare med oss på PersonalExpressen!
Hej och hjärtligt välkommen till oss på PersonalExpressen - Sveriges snabbast växande företag specialiserat på bemanning mot statliga myndigheter och offentlig sektor! Nu söker vi dig som har gedigen erfarenhet av systemutveckling och som trivs med att ha en ledande roll i digitala utvecklingsprojekt samtidigt som du motiveras av att driva samhällsutvecklingen framåt!
Välbetalda och spännande uppdrag i hela landet!
På PersonalExpressen såväl upphandlar vi som säljer vi löpande gentemot ett brett spektrum av kunder inom offentlig sektor. Vi har ramavtal med många av landets största myndigheter vilket ger dig som söker ett konsultuppdrag tillsammans med oss en stor frihet att själv få vara med och välja din framtida arbetsplats. Detta samtidigt som vi tillgodoser att du får en högre lön och bättre arbetsvillkor än om du t.ex. hade varit anställd direkt på en myndighet. Vi är framtidens arbetsgivare och förstår att du värdesätter en arbetsgivare högt som också värdesätter dig högt tillbaka. Med oss vid din sida kan du som vår konsult känna dig trygg med att våra upphandlare och säljare alltid kommer att tillgodose att du blir mer än nöjd med den lön och de villkor vi förhandlar fram åt dig. Vi tror på en effektiv arbetsfördelning där du som vår konsult leder samhällets digitala utveckling framåt samtidigt som vi leder utvecklingen framåt avseende den lön och de villkor som det offentliga är berett att erbjuda för att få tillgång till den bästa kompetensen. Tillsammans med dig möjliggör vi för de mest ambitiösa myndigheterna i Sverige att uppnå de digitaliserings- och datasäkerhetsmål som kommit att bli en allt viktigare faktor inte bara för en välfungerande offentlig sektor specifikt utan för ett välfungerande samhälle i stort. Vår målsättning på PersonalExpressen är kort och gott att fler av landets bästa systemutvecklare ska vilja välja att dela med sig av sin spetskompetens just gentemot det offentliga. Vi hoppas att det är en målsättning vi får glädjen att dela med dig framöver - skillnad gör vi bäst tillsammans!
Sök in för att bli en del av PersonalExpressen redan idag!
Sök in till oss som systemutvecklare redan idag och var med oss på vår resa att kompetensförsörja Sverige med de bästa systemutvecklarna där de behövs som mest!
Stort tack och återigen hjärtligt välkommen till oss på PersonalExpressen! Visa mindre

Business Process Specialist

Ansök    Sep 14    Alleima Tube AB    Projektledare, IT
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Center are responsible for our ERP system M3 that are providing vital functionality for the company's business processes. The department consists of a technical operational management organization and a project organization which is in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions, support and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for a driven person who wants to join our journey.... Visa mer
Alleima Tube IT and the M3 Competence Center are responsible for our ERP system M3 that are providing vital functionality for the company's business processes. The department consists of a technical operational management organization and a project organization which is in an expansive roll-out phase on several productions, support and sales units. We are currently 20 people in the team and are now looking for a driven person who wants to join our journey. With us, you will take part in exciting challenges with great opportunities and personal development.

Your role

As a Global Business Process Specialist – Quality you will act as process- and system expert. You will be part of a passionate and driven team where a mix of internal knowledge and external eyes comes together to deliver on business needs. Together with the business stakeholders and system professionals you will have a lead role in the company's ongoing implementation of a new IT business system, often called ERP (Enterprise and resource planning). The chosen ERP system is M3, which consists of all main business processes from order-to-delivery, procurement, manufacturing, and finance. M3 also contains a quality module which is used for testing and certificates throughout the sales and manufacturing process.
You will:
? Act as project leader when it comes to implementing the quality module at the production sites globally.
? Run global forums for continuous dialogue with the business to collect needs, prioritize, and execute on demand together with internal stakeholders and external experts.
? Drive process and system improvements and developments based on outcome of business needs.
? Secure a good application management around the quality module.
The overall aim of the role is to bridge the gap between business processes, functionality and possibilities of the ERP system. You are the business helping hand when it comes to utilizing the best of a modern ERP system. This is truly a chance to take ownership of an area and be a part of building something new.

Your Profile

We put great importance in your personal qualities, which are characterized by a solution-oriented attitude and willingness to learn. You are ambitious and gain your knowledge improvements by a curious mind and close cooperation with system users as well as system experts.
With the help of your good communication skills, you easily interact both with colleagues and other stakeholders. You show basic leadership skills and can drive projects, while being responsive and inspiring to those around you.
You have knowledge of the quality and/or the manufacturing processes to be able to connect the business way of working with the system designed way of working. Experience from global organizations is an advantage as we work in an international environment. You need to have knowledge in English, both spoken and written.
We are looking for you who have a university degree in a relevant field OR have acquired equivalent knowledge through work experience or other education.
What you can expect from us

At Alleima we are convinced that diversity and inclusion lead to a better workplace for our employees, our company, and our customers.
We care: We take pride in what we do. We care about our customers, our people, the environment, the communities in which we operate and the future we share
We deliver: We deliver on our commitments, with a solution-oriented mindset, we enable our customers to be their very best: more efficient, profitable and sustainable
We evolve: We constantly evolve. Together we take the lead to advanced materials, ambitions, industries, ourselves – and societies for the better.

Additional Information

For more information about the position contact:
Viktoria Norwald, Recruiting Manager, +46 (0) 70-693 44 00
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact:
Per Hammas, Recruitment Specialist, +46 (0) 79-098 49 50
You are welcome with your application no later than 2023-09-24

Union contacts – Sweden
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.

With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.

Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre


Systemutvecklare 100 Procent media är en webbyrå som levererar tjänster inom marknadsföring med fokus på webb, e-handel, systemutveckling och content, men vi erbjuder även tjänster inom foto, film och IT-drift. Vi har både stora och små kunder som vi jobbar med i varierande projekt och uppdrag. Hos oss är ödmjukhet, öppen dialog och långsiktiga relationer viktigt. Givetvis står alltid kunden i centrum! Nu vill vi förstärka vårt team, som idag består av 8 p... Visa mer
100 Procent media är en webbyrå som levererar tjänster inom marknadsföring med fokus på webb, e-handel, systemutveckling och content, men vi erbjuder även tjänster inom foto, film och IT-drift.
Vi har både stora och små kunder som vi jobbar med i varierande projekt och uppdrag. Hos oss är ödmjukhet, öppen dialog och långsiktiga relationer viktigt. Givetvis står alltid kunden i centrum!
Nu vill vi förstärka vårt team, som idag består av 8 personer, med en Systemutvecklare.

Vad 100 procent media kan erbjuda dig
På 100 procent media erbjuder vi dig möjlighet till utveckling. Du kommer att ges utrymme och frihet att utveckla din roll inom ramarna för företagets övergripande mål och strategier.
Du kommer tillhöra ett drivet team med bred kompetens som spänner över Webb, E-handel, SEO/SEM, marknadsföring, film, webb och teknik.
Vi jobbar i en fräsch och välkomnande miljö med nyrenoverade lokaler. Vi tror på samarbete och prioriterar att träffas ”på riktigt” över en god kopp kaffe (och te förstås).
Vi som företag bryr oss om hållbarhet och miljö (vi har solceller på taket, kör vätgasbil och erbjuder laddning utanför vårt kontor). Vi erbjuder även friskvårdsbidrag och är kollektivanslutna.
Möjlighet till distansarbete erbjuds en till två dagar i veckan.

Du kommer att jobba nära våra kunder i olika projekt och uppdrag. Ofta som en del i ett team i projektet men även där du är själv är ansvarig utvecklare med direktkontakt mot kund. Som systemutvecklare på 100 procent media är variationen stor. Det kan handla om allt från att implementera en Sitevisonlösning till en kommun, bygga en app till Sitevision Marketplace, en kundunik webbapp för PLAYipp i React och Firebase, implementera e-handelsslösning i Magento till att förvalta och utveckla våra befintliga Wordpress, Sitevision och Magentokunder.
Vi ser att du har erfarenhet inom nedan områden:
Vi söker dig som
· Har en eftergymnasial utbildning med inriktning inom IT, eller arbetslivserfarenhet inom relevanta IT-område för tjänsten
· Minst två års erfarenhet av systemutveckling
· Har obehindrade kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
Samt erfarenhet av:
· Backendprogramering och utveckling i C#/.NET
· Lättare databashantering
· Frontendprogrammering i Javascript, typescript och React
· Plattformarna, Sitevision, Wordpress och Magento 2
· Kunskaper inom PHP, React Native
· Erfarenhet av Firebase
· Kunskaper inom WCAG
· Certifierad utvecklare i Sitevision (CSWD/CSSD)
· Arbetslivserfarenhet från en liknande roll inom systemutveckling
· Erfarenhet av agila metoder och arbetssätt

Ansökan skickas via mail till [email protected]. CV och personligt brev ska finnas med i ansökan för att den ska tas i beaktande.
Sista ansökningsdag 22/9 - 2022
Kontaktperson: Per-Henrik Lind, [email protected] Visa mindre

IT-tekniker till stort datacenter!

Ansök    Sep 13    Gigstep AB    IT-tekniker/Datatekniker
Nu har vi på Gigstep fått in ett fantastiskt uppdrag till dig som har intresse för servrar och vill utvecklas i en fartfylld miljö på ett stort datacenter. Tjänsten är en kombination av teori och praktik där du får jobba både med hård och mjukvara! Om gigget Kunden ska bygga ett nytt team om ett flertal personer som ska drifta en stor del av ett datacenter i Sandviken. Datacentret är en del av ett globalt IT-företag. Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på 6 må... Visa mer
Nu har vi på Gigstep fått in ett fantastiskt uppdrag till dig som har intresse för servrar och vill utvecklas i en fartfylld miljö på ett stort datacenter. Tjänsten är en kombination av teori och praktik där du får jobba både med hård och mjukvara!

Om gigget
Kunden ska bygga ett nytt team om ett flertal personer som ska drifta en stor del av ett datacenter i Sandviken. Datacentret är en del av ett globalt IT-företag.

Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på 6 månader, där du kommer gigga via oss på Gigstep och därefter är målet är att du ska bli direktanställd av kunden. I tjänsten förekommer även kväll och helg-jobb, så om du är flexibel är det ett stort plus i kanten!

Som Server-tekniker kommer du att arbeta med drift och support kopplat till datacentret. Du kommer jobba med allt från nätverksutrustning, servrar, rack, incidenthantering, patch-management samt utföra power-cycles och mycket annat.

Du kommer att arbeta i en teknisk miljö som till största del består av Windows och Linux. Har du jobbat med servrar innan är det här platsen för dig!

Vi söker dig som

- Har jobbat som IT-tekniker eller IT-konsult tidigare gärna i 3 år eller fler

- Har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

- Vill utvecklas inom en global organisation

- Har erfarenhet av server och nätverkshantering

Urval sker löpande och tillsättning kan komma att ske innan sista dag för annonsen! Visa mindre

Solution Architect

Ansök    Sep 7    Alleima Tube AB    Systemförvaltare
Alleima Tube IT söker nu dig som vill hjälpa oss driva IT utvecklingen framåt. Hos oss får du ta del av spännande utmaningar i en växande verksamhet med stora möjligheter till egen utveckling.?Inom IT området har vi ett uppdrag som sträcker sig längre än att bara hantera produkter, teknik och processer – vi arbetar tillsammans för att utveckla lösningar baserade på våra kunders behov för att därigenom nå våra affärsmål. Alleima är dedikerade till att lever... Visa mer
Alleima Tube IT söker nu dig som vill hjälpa oss driva IT utvecklingen framåt. Hos oss får du ta del av spännande utmaningar i en växande verksamhet med stora möjligheter till egen utveckling.?Inom IT området har vi ett uppdrag som sträcker sig längre än att bara hantera produkter, teknik och processer – vi arbetar tillsammans för att utveckla lösningar baserade på våra kunders behov för att därigenom nå våra affärsmål. Alleima är dedikerade till att leverera exceptionella affärslösningar till våra kunder.

Din roll
Som Solution Architect inom M3 området kommer du vara med och förbättra våra kunders verksamheter genom att maximera användarvänlighet och funktionalitet i våra M3 lösningar. Du tar även ett helhetsansvar för INFOR OS och relaterade lösningar.
· Design och implementering av lösningar inom M3 och INFOR OS med fokus på användarvänlighet.
· Samarbete med kunder och internt team för att säkerställa en sömlös implementering.
· Utvärdera och optimera befintliga M3 och INFOR OS lösningar för att maximera användarvänlighet.
· Ge teknisk rådgivning och stöd till kunder och kollegor.
· Förvalta lösningar kopplade till INFOR OS likt som applikationer, script, och homepages.

Rollens position är flexibel med en del resor till Sandviken där majoriteten av teamet sitter.

Din Profil
Vi söker dig som har en relevant utbildning för rollen alternativt har en arbetslivserfarenhet som anses vara likvärdig. Du har ett genuint intresse av att driva frågan om användarvänlighet framåt och har tidigare erfarenhet av M3/INFOR OS eller liknande system. Du har förmågan att förstå och översätta affärsbehov till tekniska lösningar. Utmärkta kommunikationsfärdigheter och förmåga att samarbeta i team samt en vilja av att arbeta med kunder och förstå deras behov och utmaningar. Då vi arbetar i en global miljö är de viktigt att du kan kommunicera obehindrat på engelska.
Dina personliga egenskaper är viktiga för oss som utmärks av att du är en driven person som vill hjälpa användaren och förstå deras problematik. Du som person är strukturerad och gillar utmaningar i att läras upp inom M3.

Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss
På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder.
Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar.
Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tänkesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: effektivare, lönsammare och hållbarare
Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre.

Övrig information
För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta:
David Nanayakkara, rekryterande chef, +46 76 768 16 26

För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta:
Sara Kühner, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 76 495 02 40

Fackliga kontaktpersoner:
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2023-10-015
På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete.

Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri.

Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

IT-infrastrukturtekniker till vår kund i Sandviken

Söker du ett arbete där du får vara en del av ett engagerat team och samtidigt bidra till att stödja verksamhetens plattform? Då kan vi ha tjänsten för dig! Till vår kund i Sandviken söker vi nu en IT-infrastrukturtekniker för ett heltidsuppdrag. Uppdraget beräknas starta i början av oktober och kommer att pågå till 31 maj. Under uppdraget kommer du bli anställd som en av Poolias uppskattade konsulter. Urval och intervjuer sker löpande. Varmt välkommen ... Visa mer
Söker du ett arbete där du får vara en del av ett engagerat team och samtidigt bidra till att stödja verksamhetens plattform? Då kan vi ha tjänsten för dig!

Till vår kund i Sandviken söker vi nu en IT-infrastrukturtekniker för ett heltidsuppdrag. Uppdraget beräknas starta i början av oktober och kommer att pågå till 31 maj. Under uppdraget kommer du bli anställd som en av Poolias uppskattade konsulter.

Urval och intervjuer sker löpande. Varmt välkommen in med din ansökan!

Om tjänsten
Du kommer att tillsammans med övriga i teamet ansvara för infrastrukturkomponenter och virtuella servrar utifrån en hybrid molnmiljö. Du kommer dagligen arbeta med verktyg som Microsoft Windows Server, Linux, VMware ESX/NSX/ALB, Veeam och Azure. För att säkerställa en framgångsrik leverans både nu och i framtiden, kommer jobbet innebära att arbeta med ständiga förbättringar.

Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som har en eftergymnasial utbildning inom relevant område och har några års erfarenhet av att arbeta brett inom IT. Du besitter kompetens inom verktyg som Microsoft Windows Server, Linux, VMware ESX/NSX/ALB, Veeam och Azure. Du har mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.

Vi tror att du som söker har ett tekniskt intresse, en vilja att utvecklas och få vara med och driva verksamheten framåt. Du har en god kommunikativ förmåga och trivs som bäst när du får arbeta tillsammans med andra i ett team. Du har en god förmåga att se möjligheter istället för hinder och är självgående.

Om verksamheten
IT-branschen är dynamisk och föränderlig, det vet vi på Poolia IT. Därför värderar vi din kompetens och personliga egenskaper högt när vi anställer dig som konsult. Att få rätt person på rätt plats är vår grej, och vi vet vikten av nytänkande inom IT-branschen för att kunna erbjuda lösningar som passar våra konsulter lika bra som våra kunder.

Att vara konsult hos oss ger dig många möjligheter att prova på olika branscher, företag och roller. Läs gärna mer om hur det är att vara konsult hos oss: https://www.poolia.se/karriar/tips/konsult/. Det passar dig som vill få mycket erfarenhet under en kortare period. Om du letar efter en värld fylld av spännande möjligheter och nya kontakter kommer du gilla att vara konsult hos oss.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan. Urval sker löpande, ansök därför redan idag genom att klicka på ansök på https://www.poolia.se.

Poolia är ett registrerat rekryterings och bemanningsföretag, vi är auktoriserade av Kompetensföretagen och har kvalitetssäkrade processer och rutiner. Visa mindre

1st line servicedeskmedarbetare till vår kund i Sandviken

Drivs du av problemlösning och att ge service av bästa kvalitet? Vill du dessutom arbeta på ett internationellt företag där du får dela dina kunskaper och erfarenheter med kollegor över hela världen? Då är detta tjänsten för dig! Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag, då vi kommer att gå igenom ansökningarna löpande. OM ... Visa mer
Drivs du av problemlösning och att ge service av bästa kvalitet? Vill du dessutom arbeta på ett internationellt företag där du får dela dina kunskaper och erfarenheter med kollegor över hela världen? Då är detta tjänsten för dig! Som servicedeskmedarbetare kommer du stötta användare med IT-support via telefon, mail och ärendehanteringssystem. Är du den vi söker? Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag, då vi kommer att gå igenom ansökningarna löpande.

Som servicedeskmedarbetare är du första kontakten för företagets medarbetare kopplat till IT-relaterade ärenden. Rollen innebär kontakt med användare både i och utanför Sverige och arbetet sker i tvåskift med arbetstider mellan 07.00-23.00.
Arbetet inom 1st-line support följer ofta tydliga rutiner, vilket gör denna roll perfekt för dig som vill bygga på din kunskap och erfarenhet inom IT-support.

Du erbjuds
- En spännande roll på ett globalt företag där du har erfarna kollegor att ta inspiration av
- En utvecklande roll för dig som vill bygga på din erfarenhet inom IT

Som konsult för Academic Work erbjuder vi stora möjligheter för dig att växa professionellt, bygga ditt nätverk och skapa värdefulla kontakter för framtiden. Läs mer om vårt konsulterbjudande.



* Utreda IT-relaterade ärenden via telefon, mail och fjärrsupport
* Logga samtal och mail i ärendehanteringssystemet
* Stötta användare i frågor rörande teknisk utrustning och interna IT-system
* Skicka vidare de mer komplexa ärendena till 2nd eller 3rd line support

- Har erfarenhet av kundbemötande via mail och telefon
- Har ett stort tekniskt intresse och vilja att arbeta med IT
- Är bekväm med att prata i telefon och trivs med att ha många kontaktytor
- Talar och skriver obehindrat på både svenska och engelska då det krävs i dokumentation samt i kontakt med kunder

För den här rollen ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetat med liknande arbetsuppgifter sedan tidigare och/eller har vana av att arbeta med hårdvara.

Kunskap kan erhållas genom utbildning, erfarenhet eller att vara självlärd.

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Serviceinriktad
- Problemlösande
- Nyfiken

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och annonsen kan därmed komma att tas ned innan sista ansökningsdag om det är så att vi har gått vidare till urvals- och intervjufas. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

Systems Engineer

Ansök    Aug 18    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Affärskonsult, IT
Sandvik Coromant is the world’s leading supplier of tools, tooling solutions and know-how for the metalworking industry. Within our IT organization, we’re proud to support the business with solutions to become more digitally advanced, and we constantly strive towards ensuring value throughout the entire business. As we have a continuous need for further growth in the SAP area, we’re now looking for a Systems Engineer to join us in Sandviken. This is a grea... Visa mer
Sandvik Coromant is the world’s leading supplier of tools, tooling solutions and know-how for the metalworking industry. Within our IT organization, we’re proud to support the business with solutions to become more digitally advanced, and we constantly strive towards ensuring value throughout the entire business.
As we have a continuous need for further growth in the SAP area, we’re now looking for a Systems Engineer to join us in Sandviken. This is a great opportunity to develop, refine and progress in an international environment and with a world-leading manufacturing company. We also welcome you to a team with supportive colleagues who see possibilities and solutions and where you get a great chance to grow and learn!
About the job
You’re taking part in a dedicated infrastructure team that supports our SAP platform by ensuring high availability, stability and excellent performance. We’re responsible for infrastructure components and virtual servers running in a hybrid cloud environment. Using products and tools such as Microsoft Windows Server, Linux, VMware ESX/NSX/ALB, Veeam, and Azure are part of your daily work. To ensure successful delivery now and in the future, we make sure that our technology is up to date – both through conducting studies and implementing new procedures and techniques, but also in selecting hardware, software and suppliers.
About you
You possess a handful of diversified skills within the area of IT, and we see it as highly valuable if you have a few years of experience from operating enterprise environments. You might have a degree in a relevant field or are in your final year of education. In this position you have a great opportunity to shape your future and gain competence in new areas of infrastructure operations and products. As we’re located in Sweden and act in a global environment, your skills in both Swedish and English must be advanced, both verbally and in writing.
We’re looking for a team player with a positive attitude who sees possibilities instead of obstacles. You’re a self-starter and you use this as an asset across the organization, constantly striving towards our common goals. You plan, implement and act in a structured manner – always keeping the business in mind – and you have a genuine passion for technology. A driven personality, the ability to communicate and the courage to stand by our processes and guidelines are other keys to success in this role. You have a genuine interest in all different areas within IT and technology and are eager to learn and dig deep into new areas.
Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA, and we are proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career options. Are you intrigued? Visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
How to apply
We have an ongoing selection process in this recruitment. Please send us your application as soon as possible, and no later than August 17, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/career (Job ID: R0056862).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Contact your future manager:
Anna Lind, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26-26 18 68
Union contacts
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)26-26 66 59
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26-26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26-26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Jessica Hill Holm
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 7700 staff, and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

IT-tekniker till stort datacenter!

Ansök    Aug 18    Gigstep AB    IT-tekniker/Datatekniker
Nu har vi på Gigstep fått in ett fantastiskt uppdrag till dig som har intresse för serverar och vill utvecklas i en fartfylld miljö på ett stort datacenter. Tjänsten är en kombination av teori och praktik där du får jobba både med hård och mjukvara! Om gigget Kunden ska bygga ett nytt team om ett flertal personer som ska drifta en stor del av ett datacenter i Sandviken. Datacentret är en del av ett globalt IT-företag. Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på 6 m... Visa mer
Nu har vi på Gigstep fått in ett fantastiskt uppdrag till dig som har intresse för serverar och vill utvecklas i en fartfylld miljö på ett stort datacenter. Tjänsten är en kombination av teori och praktik där du får jobba både med hård och mjukvara!

Om gigget
Kunden ska bygga ett nytt team om ett flertal personer som ska drifta en stor del av ett datacenter i Sandviken. Datacentret är en del av ett globalt IT-företag.

Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på 6 månader, där du kommer gigga via oss på Gigstep och därefter är målet är att du ska bli direktanställd av kunden. I tjänsten förekommer även kväll och helg-jobb, så om du är flexibel är det ett stort plus i kanten!

Som Server-tekniker kommer du att arbeta med drift och support kopplat till datacentret. Du kommer jobba med allt från nätverksutrustning, servrar, rack, incidenthantering, patch-management samt utföra power-cycles och mycket annat.

Du kommer att arbeta i en teknisk miljö som till största del består av Windows och Linux. Har du jobbat med serverar innan är det här platsen för dig!

Vi söker dig som

- Har jobbat som IT-tekniker eller IT-konsult tidigare gärna i 3 år eller fler

- Har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

- Vill utvecklas inom en global organisation

- Har erfarenhet av server och nätverkshantering

Urval sker löpande och tillsättning kan komma att ske innan sista dag för annonsen! Visa mindre

Project Manager| IT | Sandviken

Ansök    Aug 21    Manpower AB    Verksamhetskonsult, IT
Are you at the beginning of your career as a Project Manager and want to take your next career step in a global environment? Are you a doer and not afraid and make things happen? We are now looking for a Junior Project Manager for a part time assignment to one of our customers operating in a Global environment. The project is ongoing and will continue until the end of the year. We see that you as an applicant are available immediately for this position. ... Visa mer
Are you at the beginning of your career as a Project Manager and want to take your next career step in a global environment? Are you a doer and not afraid and make things happen?

We are now looking for a Junior Project Manager for a part time assignment to one of our customers operating in a Global environment. The project is ongoing and will continue until the end of the year. We see that you as an applicant are available immediately for this position.

As a Junior Project Manager you will play an essential part in driving smaller and recurring projects according to our working method.

You will drive projects to plan and develop an enterprise strategy. As a Project Manager you will set the pace and ensure we deliver our projects according to specification in terms of cost, time and scope.

Further you will be in charge of the planning, arranging of workshops and documentation.

At the same time it is important to make sure that your team members stay motivated and are able to meet key deliverables during all phases of an ongoing project.

This position is the ideal starting point for someone who in time sees themselves growing into a role as project manager.

Your profile and background
You have an academic degree, preferably within IT or Business Administration or similar. It is an advantage if you have a couple of years' experience of project management or other leading roles.

You are a pro-active person with an entrepreneurial mindset who thrive in a high speed and team oriented environment. To be successful in this position you have the ability to build credibility and trust with both team members and management. Furthermore you can balance between multiple tasks/priorities and still consistently meet deadlines. We believe that you are curious and open-minded and that you have a structured approach together with good communicational skills.

As we are a global company, good skills in English (Spoken and Written) are required as well as Skills in Swedish (Spoken and Written).

To apply for the position, click the "Apply now" button. For other questions about the position, please contact Tobias Troije at [email protected].
We work with ongoing selection and may fill the assignment as soon as we find the right person. Therefore, submit your application as soon as possible!

About Jefferson Wells
Jefferson Wells is a value-driven company with the consultants` career goals in focus. We have a long-term commitment in our consultants to create a balance between private life and work life. As a consultant at Jefferson Wells, you develop a specific career plan together with your consultant manager based on your wishes and your skills. Through us, you get the opportunity to work at large international groups and smaller companies in many different industries. Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du Python/Django? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med Python och Django? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största Python/Django-baserade digitala tjänster. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycke... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med Python och Django? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största Python/Django-baserade digitala tjänster. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
Du ansöker enklast direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se. Välkommen! Visa mindre

Lead the way to a connected future as Project Manager at Onnec Group!

Onnec Group aims to be the heart of cONNECtions and is now looking for an experienced and skilled Project Manager to lead their projects within data networks, fiber optics, and copper infrastructure. As a Project Manager at Onnec, you will be involved in providing state-of-the-art data centers while being part of a close-knit company where everyone cares for and supports each other. If you are a coordinating problem-solver and want to be part of an organ... Visa mer
Onnec Group aims to be the heart of cONNECtions and is now looking for an experienced and skilled Project Manager to lead their projects within data networks, fiber optics, and copper infrastructure.

As a Project Manager at Onnec, you will be involved in providing state-of-the-art data centers while being part of a close-knit company where everyone cares for and supports each other.

If you are a coordinating problem-solver and want to be part of an organization that constantly strives to create a challenging and supportive work environment for its employees, we welcome your application!

Onnec Group is a leading network solutions provider and global technology partner. With over 30 years of experience Onnec is offering data center services and computer management solutions and is currently on an exciting growth journey. While operating in a rapidly growing data center market, Onnec is providing services and installations to various data center operators in the Nordic region.

The company has established a strong presence in the market and expanded rapidly. They are a trusted partner of Microsoft and currently have an ongoing project with a team of 30 professionals in Gävle/Sandviken. There are many opportunities for development and the company has a streamlined decision-making process. Despite having over 30 years of industry experience, the business in Sweden is still young, with the ambition to grow even further.

As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing data network, fiber optics, and copper projects. We are seeking someone with a proven track record in managing large-scale construction projects, coordinating with other trades, and managing a team. You will have overall responsibility for project finances, working closely with different contractors.

You are offered
- A dedicated consultant manager and career partner
- An expanding market and opportunities for global growth.

As a Project Manager you will take the lead in exciting projects and there is potential for international assignments, including work in the United States or Italy.

Onnec offers a young and dynamic work environment with a flat hierarchy, providing an opportunity to contribute to the company's development.


Work tasks

* Financial responsibility and budget reporting
* Resource coordination and driving project progress
* Ensuring successful project delivery and acting as the main point of contact for the client and Onnec Group
* Cost reporting, monitoring deviations, and coordinating on-site resources and subcontractors Overseeing the project from start to finish, resolving any issues that may arise
* Responsibility for health and safety inspections, which can be delegated to the Site Manager
* Responsibility for health and safety inspections, which can be delegated to the Site Manager

- Previous experience as a Project Manager / Construction Manager managing large-scale construction projects.
- Previous experience as a Project Manager within telecommunications, data networks, fiber optics, copper infrastructure, or related fields.

It is meritorious if you have a project management certification in Prince 2.
If you are a structured and experienced Project Manager with a background in telecom or data networks and want to be part of our growth journey, we look forward to hearing from you.

Our recruitment process

This recruitment process is handled by Academic Work and it is our client’s wish that all questions regarding the position is directed to Academic Work.

Our selection process is continuous and the advert may close before the recruitment process is completed if we have moved forward to the next phase. The process includes two tests: one personality test and one cognitive test. The tests are tools to find the right talent for the right position, to enable equality, diversity, and a fair process. Visa mindre

Software Asset Manager till Alleima

Ansök    Aug 15    Alleima EMEA AB    IT-strateg
At Alleima, we're more than a leading steel company – we're a global community of innovators, tirelessly working together to transform industries and redefine the future of materials technology. Every step we take towards a more sustainable future is fuelled by our shared ambition and a deep-seated commitment to progress. Are you experienced in and have a passion for working with SAM (Software Asset Management), and motivated to take a driving role in deve... Visa mer
At Alleima, we're more than a leading steel company – we're a global community of innovators, tirelessly working together to transform industries and redefine the future of materials technology. Every step we take towards a more sustainable future is fuelled by our shared ambition and a deep-seated commitment to progress.
Are you experienced in and have a passion for working with SAM (Software Asset Management), and motivated to take a driving role in developing the SAM function at Alleima? We are looking for a candidate with strong communication skills and the ability to build successful business relationships with internal stakeholders and external vendors/resellers.
We’re on an exciting journey where we’re strengthening our team and ways of working, in order to push further forward. Does this sound interesting? We welcome you to be a part of this journey!?

Your role
We are looking for a Software Asst Manager to join our team, for this position you can either work from Stockholm or Sandviken. We offer flexible work between the office and the comfort of your home. In this role you will have a central position with contacts in the entire IT organization at Alleima. The role offers many opportunities to collaborate with both the IT function and our business both in Sweden and internationally.
Some of the tasks you will be responsible for is:
- Collect and load software entitlements into the central SAM tool (Servicenow) for the Group
- Maintain and update an accurate software entitlement repository inte the central SAM tool.
- Regularly provide compliance position reports to stakeholders for analytics purposes.
- Identify potential cost savings through software license optimization.
- Work closely with IT and sourcing teams to ensure compliance and cost efficiency.
- Handle software license renewals, upgrades, and downgrades.
- Conduct routine software audits for license agreement adherence and offer end-user training on compliance.
- Continuously monitor software usage, report findings, and contribute to ongoing functional improvement by sharing best practice.

Your Profile
We’re looking for someone with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or information systems, and extensive experience within the SAM area. You have a proven track record of working in complex software asset environments in large, global and decentralized organizations with many stakeholders.
You also have experience with software asset management tools, in particular Servicenow, and knowledge in license auditing. Furthermore, you have experience of working in an environment where you’re motivated to take a driving part in developing our SAM capabilities.
With Alleima being a global organization, you will have stakeholders in multiple countries, it is important you are good communicator and that you feel comfortable communicating in English on a daily basis. If you speak and write Swedish this will be considered a strong advantage.
We truly value your personality! You’re open-minded and have excellent communication skills. To effectively manage our software assets, a combination of technical knowledge, business acumen, and strong stakeholder management skills is key. With your experience, strong drive and can-do attitude you play a vital part in helping us build for the future.

What you can expect from us
When you join us, you become part of our legacy. We are not just on a journey to transform industries; we are committed to creating a future where every idea, every innovation, and every individual counts. We are proud of where we've come from but are even more excited about where we are heading. At Alleima, every role matters, every voice is valued, and every team member plays a vital part in the story we are writing together.

Additional information
If you are interested in the position and wish to know more, please don`t hesitate to reach out.
Helena Beatty, Head of IT Procurement, Recruiting Manager, +46 70 973 52 95

Questions about the recruitment process? Please reach out to:
Elin Olsson, Recruitment Professional, +46 76 720 19 66

Last day of application will be 4th of September. We reserve the right to fill the position before last day to apply, so please do not hesitate to submit your application.

Union representatives
Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, +46 70 651 73 81
Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, +46 70 314 24 43
Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 70 307 30 48

At Alleima, our mission is much more than delivering high-quality products, technology, and processes - working together to develop solutions based on our customer’s needs and thus achieve our business goals, is a better way to describe our daily work. With curious employees and safety as our priority, we create a work environment where you can develop both personally and professionally.
With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as a technology leader, progressive customer partner, and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger company in our industry.
Are you ready to take on this challenge together with us? Join us on our journey! www.alleima.com Visa mindre

Product Owner – Commercial Contact Master

Ansök    Aug 11    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Affärskonsult, IT
Are you up for enabling excellent customer experiences and operational efficiency, while inspiring and challenging existing ways of working? At Web Technology and Development we’re now looking for a Product Owner to manage our Commercial Contact Master platform. A perfect role for a skilled team player who’s excited about the idea of working with new, emerging technologies in a dynamic environment. Our team supports our business by managing and developing ... Visa mer
Are you up for enabling excellent customer experiences and operational efficiency, while inspiring and challenging existing ways of working? At Web Technology and Development we’re now looking for a Product Owner to manage our Commercial Contact Master platform. A perfect role for a skilled team player who’s excited about the idea of working with new, emerging technologies in a dynamic environment.
Our team supports our business by managing and developing several IT platforms – allowing them to work as a channel for communication, engagement, and sales. Does it sound interesting? We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
What this job is about
In this position, you’re our Commercial Contact Master expert – taking the global product and demand ownership for the platform. You manage the development and operations, supporting web, CRM and Marketing Automation with contact data – covering the whole scope from gathering and prioritizing demands for development to implementation and communication around new releases and changed functionality. Furthermore, you ensure good data quality, bring together transactional and behavioral data and with the help of AI create actionable insights to support our sales and our ambition to create a more personalized and relevant customer experience.
This position is based in Sandviken or Stockholm, Sweden and we would like you to frequently be present at one of our sites. We value our time together as a team and we believe it’s important to maintain solid personal networks and smooth collaboration. However, we also offer you the possibility to work remotely a couple of days per week when your tasks allow you to.
Who you are
We’re looking for someone with a few years’ experience of working with application management, marketing technology or data solutions. While a university degree is nice to have, the equivalent knowledge gained from work is just as appreciated. Skills in Master data solutions, Customer data platforms or similar systems is an advantage, and you have a genuine interest in IT, data and new technology. An overall understanding of Sandvik Coromant’s sales and marketing processes is beneficial. As we act globally, you need to communicate effortlessly in both written and verbal English, while knowledge of Swedish is a plus.
Your personality truly matters to us. You’re a networking team player and at the same time a self-driven doer – knowing that timely deliveries and successful launches takes team force. With a holistic view of both our business and your own work, you easily prioritize and keep a high focus on deliverables. In addition to this, you establish a broad internal network, and you understand the importance of stakeholder management and clear communication.
A glimpse of our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further.
How to apply
Send your application no later than September 3, 2023. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik/career (Job ID: R0057093).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Max Wikman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 26 62 43
Union contacts
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)26-26 66 59
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26-26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26-26 19 84

For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].
Recruitment Specialist
Therese Rutqvist
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du TypeScript & React? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling ... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
Du ansöker direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se. Välkommen! Visa mindre

Remote: Älskar du TypeScript & React? Ansök via SSH!

Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig. Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se! Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder. Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling ... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med TypeScript och React? Älskar du open source? Då vill vi gärna jobba med dig.
Ansök direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se!
Från våra kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och från våra distanskontor (remote!) tar vi fram storskaliga digitala tjänster åt våra kunder.
Vi har utvecklat några av Sveriges allra största digitala tjänster med Python/Django-baserad backend och TypeScript/React-baserad frontend. Genom att all utveckling sker tillsammans i team kan vi upprätthålla en mycket hög gemensam kunskaps- och kvalitetsnivå där vi lär oss av varandra.
Vi gillar modern testdriven utveckling med byggstenar såsom Docker, CI-verktyg och hög coverage.
Vi bidrar aktivt till flera open source-projekt. Du hittar några av våra projekt på GitHub: https://github.com/5monkeys
Du ansöker direkt i terminalen genom att SSH:a till join.5monkeys.se. Välkommen! Visa mindre

Experienced Data Center Technicians Needed at TYTEC AB

Ansök    Jul 18    TYTEC AB    IT-tekniker/Datatekniker
TYTEC AB is currently seeking experienced Data Center Technicians for an intensive installation project in Sandviken and Gävle, Sweden. This is an excellent opportunity for professionals with a background in fiber optics, structured cabling, and general data center operations. Job Details: The role involves participating in an intensive installation project, which includes installing, moving, and decommissioning hardware, such as cabinets, shelves, power s... Visa mer
TYTEC AB is currently seeking experienced Data Center Technicians for an intensive installation project in Sandviken and Gävle, Sweden. This is an excellent opportunity for professionals with a background in fiber optics, structured cabling, and general data center operations.
Job Details:
The role involves participating in an intensive installation project, which includes installing, moving, and decommissioning hardware, such as cabinets, shelves, power strips, rails, fiber/copper/other cables and cable management, servers, storage, and other devices in the Data Center.
Technicians will be expected to confirm and label devices, racks, and cables, and work within a standard ticketing system, providing clear, timely, and appropriate customer communications.
The role requires adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Program Policies, Safety Policies, and Security Policies, while meeting requirements for quality and quantity of work.
This position is a short-term contract role due to the project-based nature of the work. However, for the right candidates, there is potential for a permanent position as we are looking to establish a long-term presence in the Gävle/Sandviken area.

Proven experience in fiber optics and structured cabling.
General knowledge of data center operations.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
Ability to respond to On-Call requests promptly.
Familiarity with CAT5e and CAT6 copper cable and multi-mode and single-mode fiber.
Strong organizational skills and the ability to adapt to changing priorities, conditions, and circumstances.
Knowledge of copper and fiber testers, and excellent troubleshooting skills.
Understanding of Data Center best practices (i.e., basic fault tolerance, cable routing, calculating power usage).
Ability to operate material handling equipment – server lifts, pallet jacks, and forklifts (if certified).

What TYTEC AB Offers:
Competitive compensation and benefits package.
Opportunities for professional development and upskilling.
A supportive work environment with a focus on internal promotion and mobility.
The chance to work with some of the biggest firms in the world as part of the TYTEC AB delivery network.
Potential for a permanent position for the right candidates.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. For further information, please contact the TYTEC AB team.
Best regards,
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Data Architect

Ansök    Jul 17    AB SANDVIK Coromant    Systemarkitekt
To this key position at Sandvik Coromant Data Office, we’re now looking for a Data Architect who wants to be the data platform champion, taking the lead by inspiring the organization and having a strong interest in technology. We’re proud to support our business with more digitally advanced solutions – constantly striving towards?ensuring business value throughout the entire organization.?Our Data Office has an?end-to-end responsibility for how Sandvik C... Visa mer
To this key position at Sandvik Coromant Data Office, we’re now looking for a Data Architect who wants to be the data platform champion, taking the lead by inspiring the organization and having a strong interest in technology.
We’re proud to support our business with more digitally advanced solutions – constantly striving towards?ensuring business value throughout the entire organization.?Our Data Office has an?end-to-end responsibility for how Sandvik Coromant manage and utilize data as a true asset and basis for data-driven and fact-based decision-making within all levels of our organization. Are you interested in joining us? Let’s talk!

About the job
Our new business data platform is the primary repository for business reporting and analytics targeting the entire Sandvik Coromant organization. The platform also supports the ongoing digital shift by securing a foundation for AI and Machine Learning – enabling us to continue expanding our sustainable business.
In this position, your focus area is to ensure that our Azure platform is fit for use and fit for purpose. You do this by continuing the work of exploring new use-cases that are aligned with business objectives and future needs in collaboration with our Product Owner. You’re the technical expert and work in an agile product application team, with a mix of both Sandvik employees and external consultants. In your daily tasks you’re involved in development of requested features, testing and coordination with other teams and business stakeholders. You provide advice, assistance and leadership associated with the planning, design and continued improvement of our platform – also regarding component availability and performance. Through prototypes and tech-watch, you contribute to the development of our platform as well as keeping a continued dialogue with data analysts, data engineers, data scientists and business stakeholders to ensure a constant high-quality delivery.
We have offices in Sandviken and Stockholm, although most of the team is based in or around Sandviken where the head office is located. We have flexible working hours and offer the opportunity to work from home or from another location a couple of days a week.

About you
To be a great fit for this position, Data Architecture has been?your?world?for several years and you’re an expert in Data Architecture design. Writing and data modelling also comes naturally to you. You have a degree in a relevant field of studies – for example Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Information Technology. In order to build relationships and network with various stakeholders across the organization, you need to have excellent communication skills in English, and preferably also in Swedish. Developing your own skills as well as contributing to a collaborative working environment where interactions with others and sharing of new learnings, will make you a great member of our team.

To succeed even more, you also need the following key capabilities:?
Strong knowledge in areas such as:
Azure Advanced Analytics technologies and frameworks
Databricks with Delta Lake
Advanced Analytics related programming language, for example Python
(Microsoft) cloud-based delivery model
Data Management, Data Governance and Data Quality

Experience of:
Real time/streaming data
Data vault modelling
Working in a DevOps team
Working in a global environment

Our culture
Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Meet some of your future colleagues at our career page or visit our website, LinkedIn or Facebook page to get to know us further. ?

How to apply
Send your application no later than August 18, 2023. The selection process followed by interviews will be initiated by August 25. Read more about Sandvik Group and apply at home.sandvik.com/career (Job ID: R0057183).
As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline.

Contact information
Are you curious to know more about this position? Contact your future manager:
Jenny Lindroth, Sandvik Coromant Data Engineering Team, +46 (0)70-293 41 26

Union contacts
Thomas Lilja, Unionen, +46 (0)26-26 66 59
Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26-26 65 74
Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26-26 19 84
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected].

Recruitment Specialist
Therese Rutqvist
Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries. Visa mindre